Chapter 1 : Director Who?

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"Your father is a member of the Empire, Jyn! Face it!" Cassian shouted angrily, he and Jyn had been yelling at each other since we got on the ship in Yavin IV, and I was already extremely annoyed

"That's not true! Director Krennic took him against his will! Why won't you believe me?!" She shouted back, I closed my eyes and waited for them to get tired of this and shut the fuck up, but, of course, that didn't happen

"Oh, and he wasn't capable of leaving?! He could build a planet killer but he couldn't leave?" He retorded, I sighed and sat down, knowing this would take a while, I had known Cassian since I was a kid, he had always been like an older brother to me, so I knew he wouldn't let the Galen Erso thing go

But... who was that Krennic guy?

"Wait" I cut Jyn before she could say anything "who's this Director Krennic?" I asked, he sounded like a douchebag, to be honest, and he was part of the Empire so he definitely was one

"He's a big deal in the Empire, he came by when I was around 8 and took my father with him, I haven't seen them since then... he wanted my father to build an 'ultimate weapon' for the Emperor... I prefer to believe that my father is dead rather than thinking what he must be going through" she explained, Cassian groaned in frustration and I glared at him, wanting to know more

"A weapon? Why would the Emperor want a weapon now? Everyone in the galaxy is terrified of him, we're the only ones brave enough to face the Empire" I said, I didn't understand why they needed a weapon now, but either way this wasn't good, something was going to end up pretty badly for all of us, but we may as well take someone from the Empire with us... maybe that Krennic was the perfect target

"Cassian doesn't believe you, Jyn, and neither do I" K-2SO said, Jyn glared at them and I shook my head

"Well, I do, we need hope, without hope we can't win this battle" I said, quoting what Cassian used to tell me when I felt like we weren't getting nowhere, he glanced at me and smiled

"She's right, we can win this thing, we are going to see the Empire fall as quick as it rose" Cassian said, I didn't care about what we did, even if we died, I was glad that they had stopped yelling at each other because they were giving me a headache "the only thing you care about is that we shut up, right?" He chuckled as I nodded "where are we heading to now? Jedha, right?" He asked

"Oh my Force, Cassian, how could you forget? You are the worst Rebel ever" I joked, knowing that the Rebellion had been his life since he was a child, he smiled and I looked at Kay "how far is Jedha from here?" I asked him

"About a parasec away" he answered, Jyn and Cassian went back to arguing like a married couple and I went back to wishing I was part of the Empire so I could kill them for being annoying... okay, not that much, I hate everything about the Empire, but they still annoyed me


"Here we are, Jedha" Kay said as we landed

Cassian, Jyn and I walked out of the ship and Cassian turned to the droid "stay here, we'll be back in a bit" he ordered, the droid nodded and we left, Jyn was a few feet ahead when Cassian walked to me "remember the plan, you see Saw Gerrera and you kill him, no hesitation, okay?" I nodded and he walked further "Carrie, go look for Saw with Jyn, I'll go on my own"

"No way! You two go together, remember I always work alone" he rolled his eyes "Captain Andor" I said mockingly, Jyn chuckled and I turned to the other side. we parted ways and I kept thinking about that whole Galen Erso thing, was he really taken away from Jyn? Or was he always loyal to the Empire? If he wasn't, why did he go with Krennic? I realized I was overthinking when I had heard some explosions and had ignored them, but now... there was something in the sky, it was like a giant ball, I rushed back to the ship and found Jyn, Cassian, K-2SO and three more people I didn't know, one of them was blind, that was all I could figure out by seeing them "what the-" I started

"I don't know" Cassian answered before letting me finish

"It's the Death Star" Jyn said, I looked at her questioningly "it's the weapon Krennic wanted my father to build"

"Hey, I appreciate what you're trying to do, it's really cute, but I will not trust your father's word" Cassian said

"I am pretty sure no one asked for your opinion" Jyn said, she turned back to me "by the way, these are Bodhi, Baze and Chîrrut" she said, the three guys smiled and I sat with everyone as Cassian and Kay took us out of the blowing up city

Hii! New fanfic and this one is a het one, I've never written a het fic before so idk how this'll turn out but I have hope (I don't care that Jyn says, I am not a Rebel most of the times... I'd be fucked up in SW)

Btw I don't know if i really like the cover but it's me and Krennic so i probably do

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