Chapter 2: The Death Star

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I want to dedicate this to derp_eyes because I love their stories so much and all that cheesy crap 


Orson's POV

The destruction of Jedha had been a success, and I couldn't feel more proud of my creation. I looked at the planet, admiring the beauty "oh, it's... beautiful" I said trying to find a more appropiate word to describe it, but there was no better description for it, it was beautiful, nothing else, but having Governor Tarkin there to judge and tell the Emperor whatever he wanted was making me feel extremely uneasy  and anxious

Once the whole city was destroyed, I turned and walked out of the room, but I heard Tarkin say something I never thought I'd hear "I believe I owe you an apology, Director Krennic" I stopped and turned, I couldn't see him properly until all the officers stepped back "your work exceeds all expectations" he said, I was shocked, he had to be up to something, all he ever did was get me to want to kill him, he wouldn't say that 'just to be nice'

"Will you tell the emperor that?" I asked waiting for him to say whatever he wanted to say and get this over and done with

"I will tell him that his patience with your misventures has rewarded us with a weapon that will bring a swift end to the Rebellion" I nodded, just waiting for it "I will tell him that i'll be taking control over the weapon I first spoke of years ago effective immediatly" there it was... I looked at him, all I felt at that moment was hatred

"We stand here amidst my achievement! Not yours!" I shouted furiously "Jedha has been silenced, Governor Tarkin, we didn't come here today to have you taking what's mine" I said angrily "the Death Star is mine, if it were because of you, I wouldn't have a problem congratulating you on your success"

"That's bullshit, you're jealous that I have a higher position than you here, you have always been" I frowned "you would have a worse reaction than mine"

"Why would I be? I couldn't care less about you and your stupid position, Governor-"

"Director, a ship has escaped the explosion" an officer said, I turned and saw a ship flying past the Death Star "do we follow them? They're probably going to the Rebel Base" I thought about it for a second, they could tell everyone in the Rebellion about the Death Star, but if that pilot was with them, they would get too much information just by asking

"Follow them" I demanded as I took three Deathtroopers to my shuttle "Governor Tarkin..." I said turning to him "this is my life... don't fuck it up" I threatened referring to the space station, then I turned to a couple of officers "you two, keep an eye on him" and I left

(I'm changing the order of things bc I have most of the story written already and I'm too lazy to rewrite the whole thing again)

We followed the ship and, after a while, we arrived to Yavin IV, where the Rebel Base was located, we waited in the shuttle, hoping no one would see us, and I spotted six people and a droid getting out of the ship we had followed from Jedha. Wait. That was the droid they had reprogrammed... and the pilot... this couldn't end well, I had to do something, I couldn't let the Rebellion know everything about the Death Star or they would have a tiny chance against us, they wouldn't win, that was an obvious fact, but they would make it hard for us to keep peace and security in the galaxy

I had to come up with something before everyone in the damn Rebellion knew too much, then it hit me, there was only one person in that group who could indirectly get me what I wanted, she would be the one to help me get to my goal. The end of the Rebellion was near, and it would be a Rebel the one to finish everything

We waited for everyone to run out of the base and to their ships and I went to the group's ship "What the-?!" The youngest, the one I was looking for, said

"Shut up, you're coming with me" I demanded taking her by the wrist

"No, I'm not, let go!" She retorded, I glared at her "why would I?"

"Well, I have a few troopers waiting in my shuttle, all I have to do is give them the order and the Rebellion is over" I said, she was a feisty one, if she were in the Empire I'd probably like her

"Then do it, I'm not going" the others just watched "Kay, kick him out and take off" she said, the droid looked at a guy and back at us

"I don't think I should, it'd only hurt the Rebellion, and I'm sure Cassian thinks the same" the droid said, the young girl looked at the guy and sighed, walking out with me

"I better be rescued or I'm kicking your asses when I come back" she told the group of Rebels and they all nodded, I glared at the redeemed pilot and took the girl to my shuttle, not really caring that people saw me now, I had a hostage and these people weren't like the imperial troops, they all cared about each other, and I really didn't get that, why would they care about someone if they're going to die or betray you at some point?

The voyage to the Death Star was silent, neither of us said anything, but when we got to the space station, her feisty self was back


Aye!! I hope you liked this part, I don't think it's the best I've written but I'm still getting used to writing a het. fanfic x

Comment your thoughts and please vote if you liked it :)

I love y'all

Mire x

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