Chapter 10: So wrong

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Orson's POV

I kissed her.

How could I do that? I was in the Empire. She was a Rebel. Why did I even think this would be a good idea? I couldn't stop thinking about her before that kiss... what was it going to be like now? Why did I do it? What was I thinking? Well, I obviously wasn't thinking or I wouldn't have done it. This was fucked up... really fucked up, I shouldn't have done that and I shouldn't have felt this way when I was kissing her, and I certainly shouldn't have been thinking about her for the previous month or so, I was aware that I needed profesional help before, but after that kiss I believed I should've been locked up or something.

I headed to the Death Star and prayed to the Force that I didn't have to see Tarkin now, I didn't want to deal with him, I just wanted to... yeah... that. Either way, I tried my best to avoid Tarkin, but he was there, just as if he'd been waiting for me...

"Well, Director Krennic, it seems you've failed once again in your task, I'm not really surprised, may I add" someone please kill him, I was pleading in my head by now "you will never get your promotion if-" I took out my blaster and aimed, he was dead if I wanted him to be... and killing him was one of my life goals, but I couldn't do it with that many people in the room, fuck, I wanted to pull that trigger more than anything, why did everyone have to be in there "I wouldn't do that if I appreciated my life, Director Krennic"

"Well, you're in it so I can't appreciate it, Governor Tarkin" I spat in a mix of sass and anger "you should shut up if you appreciated your life, and you don't so what makes you think I will obey, especially you? I hate you enough to kill you and bring you back to life just to kill you again over and over"

"At least now we know this feeling isn't onesided" I lowered the blaster.

"Fuck off" I said before turning to leave.

"What are you going to do about the other rebels?" Tarkin asked as a couple of troopers took Bodhi and Jyn inside the room, I glanced at Jyn, why was she so familiar? I felt like I'd seen her before Yavin, but where?

I didn't turn, I didn't want to think about this war at that moment, but the Force and I had different priorities "sir, about the girl who escaped... what are we going to do?" A Deathtrooper questioned as I was walking out of the room,  I sighed and turned to him, who was standing nest to Tarkin, I glared at the Grand Moff and focused back on the trooper.

"Find that girl, make it your highest priority, don't stop until you can bring her..." I thought about  her "to me" way to go, Orson, I had to keep it together, why did I say that? And judging by the way Tarkin was looking at me, I fucked up bad. I didn't know what could actually happen and I was beyond scared, but I couldn't let him know that... What was I supposed to do? Was I going insane? I couldn't be feeling this way about someone I should feel nothing but hatred... right?

That's when it happened, that's when Tarkin said the one thing he shouldn't have said "awe, is our little Krennic in love?" I had turned to successfully leave that room but what he had just said made me stop in my tracks, I didn't turn... I didn't dare to turn, I didn't dare because not even I was sure of how I felt about her, was it that I hated her so much that I couldn't stand being away from her? Does that feeling even exist? Or was it fondness? Or more? It couldn't be... it just wasn't possible.

"Carrie escaped?" Jyn asked in a strange mix of concern and relief... how was that mix possible? I turned to her and nodded, I didn't want to talk about Carrie to her nor anyone, especially with Tarkin there "if you dare to touch her, I will kill you" it's a little late for that, isn't it? I thought, which didn't really help, but oh well... "listen up you little shit, if you get anywhere near her, you better run" what was it with this girl?

"What is it with you? What can I possibly have done for you to hate me this much?" I was beyond surprised by the amount of hatred Jyn seemed to be feeling towards me at that moment "I don't recall seeing you before"

"You don't recall seeing me before?!" Wow, if she hadn't been handcuffed I would've been scared that she'd actually killed me, luckily she couldn't free herself, two troopers were with her, so if she tried something, they would stop her.

A Deathtrooper walked to me "sir,  we can't find the girl" he said, I glared at him "we're going to look in nearby systems now" I nodded, something beyond hatred crossed Jyn's features as she pushed the two troopers before hitting me on the face within two seconds, I felt blood coming out of the cut she made with the cuffs, the two troopers restrained her and she glared at me.

"What the fuck is wrong with everyone in this goddamned galaxy?" I wiped out the blood on my face and turned to Rook.

"I am going to take a wild guess and say that you are what's wrong in the galaxy, Director Krennic" did he just get sassy on me? Did he really fucking just get sassy on me?

I didn't respond to his comment, I just gestured to a couple of Stormtroopers to take him away, Tarkin was still there, enjoying that moment more that anything else... fucking asshole... I turned back to the Jyn kid and the troopers who were taking her away... I remembered what had happened before with Carrie, it looked the same, just the surroundings and the prisoner changed, Carrie would protect her, she wouldn't  want her to get hurt, even if she was younger, she wanted to protect Jyn from the Empire "leave her, I'll take it from here"

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