Chapter 11: Answers

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Carrie's POV

"We're here" Cassian announced, walking to us with K2, "what's the plan?" My eyes widened, "what?"

"Please, tell me you're kidding" I said, "we are at the Death Star! Surrounded by imperial troopers and officers! Oh my Force, we're going to get killed before we can get out of the ship" I didn't know what was going to happen and I hated it, I didn't want to be killed by troopers, the least important person who would kill me would be Krennic... that sounded rude but he's part of the Empire so he deserved it... right?

"Okay, K2 and I will go find Bodhi and Jyn, they will be together, you three stay here" Cassian turned to leave the ship and I closed the door before he could leave "what are you doing?"

I frowned "if you think they are together now you obviously can't go out there on your own, they took them here on different ships, that means Krennic doesn't want them together, therefore you will go find Bodhi, I will find Jyn" I told him, then I turned to Chirrut and Baze "can you two clear the way out?" They nodded and I opened the door so they could start shooting down every imperial forces around our ship "let's go Cass-" I saw Jyn, she was being dragged by Director Krennic to a corridor.

"Carrie!" Cassian called, without realizing, I was rushing after them, I couldn't let him hurt Jyn, she was like a sister to me already, "Carrie, wait!" I didn't, I knew he would do what I had told him to, so the only thing that worried me was Krennic, why was he dragging Jyn like that? Was he going to hurt her?

I got my blaster and approached the corridor -not that I was actually going to shoot him but I had to look like a Rebel- but when I got close enough to see them properly, Krennic grabbed my wrist and pulled me to them, I was probably fucked, but not because he was going to hurt us, but because I was internally dying just by looking at him, he glared at me and dragged us both somewhere, I didn't know where, but Jyn looked like she didn't want to be there with him... I couldn't blame her, after everything she had told me, it felt like the Krennic she knew and the one I did were completely different people.

"Krennic! Let go of her, I'm the one who escaped, whatever it is you want to do to her, you can do it to me" I 'pleaded' he knew I just wanted to be alone with him, and I hated that he knew, I wished I could hide my feelings from him, but I didn't seem to be able to do so. He glanced at me, not saying a word, and continued dragging us, I stopped in my tracks and he turned to me "let her go, Krennic" he looked at me in the eyes, he knew what I wanted, he glanced at Jyn and back at me.

"Okay then, if you move from here, you're dead" he threatened, I nodded and he let go of me, dragging Jyn a few meters further and locking her inside a room, neither of us listening to her complaints nor pleads, when she was locked, he gestured for me to follow him "what are you doing here?" He suddenly asked slightly annoyed.

"How can you ask that?" He stopped and turned to me "you take two of my friends as prisoners and you expect me to do nothing about it?" I didn't mention the kiss, I wasn't going to at the moment he expected me to bring it up, I was going to wait, I wanted him to be surprised by that, he frowned "you literally want me to stay in the base happily waiting for you to free them?"

He started walking again and I followed "you have to leave, it's not safe for you here" he said, sounding slightly concerned.

"Not safe? It's not safe here but it was safe when you killed the two people who were esco-" he covered my mouth and looked around panicked before dragging me to an empty room "what are you doing?" I asked when he closed the door

"I would really appreciate it if you stopped bringing that up in here" he wasn't talking about the kiss, but he would be soon, I wasn't going to leave without answers, I glared at him and he let go of me "what?"

"I want answers" he looked at me confused, "why did you?" He frowned, trying to act innocent "you kissed me... why?" He tensed up, but he didn't answer my question "and why did you leave like that? That's not what you're supposed to do when you kiss someone" I accused

"Well, I'm sorry, I wasn't aware that there was a way to behave when you kiss the one person you have to kill" he said sassily, I frowned "besides, I could ask you the same thing, you kissed back" I couldn't respond to that, I just opened the door and walked out

He followed me and when we got to the docking bay, he grabbed my wrist and forced me to turn to him "let go!" I looked at him in the eye, and like the first time, it was a terrible mistake, I felt safe, his eyes looked different, they weren't as icy as before, they were slightly calmer, they looked peaceful, and I kinda liked that even though I shouldn't.

"Do it" he whispered, I knew what he meant, but I didn't want to do it... why were we acting like a couple? We didn't even know each other.

"Sorry" I took my blaster and hit him on the side of his head, he fell unconscious... shit! Why did I do that? At least he wasn't bleeding... why was I worrying so much? I should kill him right there, but I couldn't, I saw some Stormtroopers heading to us, I ran to where Jyn was locked in, shot the door handle and the door opened, Jyn and I rushed to the ship and we met Cassian and Bodhi there.

"Let's go, Kay!" Cassian said as he walked to the cockpit, Jyn, Baze and I started shooting down the troopers and Bodhi and Chirrut prepared everything to go to Yavin and plan our next move.

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