Chapter 12: 'Protect her'

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Orson's POV

"Orson, I want to ask you something" Galen said, walking to me, he was wearing his Imperial uniform, I nodded, "we're friends, right?" I frowned, why would he even think of asking that? Of course we were! We'd always been friends.

"Of course, Galen, is something wrong?" I asked concerned, he shook his head, but nodded afterwards, I frowned "what is it? You know I'll do everything in my power to help you" I reassured him, he gestured for me to follow him and we got to the livingroom.

We sat down and he sighed "I don't want Lyra to know about this, that's why I waited for her and Jyn to be gone" I tilted my head to the side in confusion, since when did Galen hide something from Lyra? I wanted to know more about that, had he done something? No, Galen was way too nice and innocent to do anything that'd hurt anyone, I couldn't imagine Galen Erso doing something wrong "if something happens, I need you to promise me that you'll protect Jyn" protect Jyn?

"What about Lyra? I'm quite sure that if something happened to you, Lyra would be the one to take her of her, it's her daughter after all..." I started, but Galen's pleading look was there, like when he begged me to not get in trouble as teenagers... which was quite often, I sighed and he smiled lightly when he realized he'd won "sure, I can try, but I think that if I tried to get close to Jyn without you around, she'd murder me" he looked down "and why would anything happen to you?"

He shrugged and the front door opened "papa!" 4 year-old Jyn said walking to Galen and hugging him, "Kwennie, guess what! Next week is my birthday!" She said excitedly, I smiled and Galen chuckled as Lyra walked to us

"Come on Jyn, Orson and papa are talking about work" she said taking Jyn away.

Galen stood up and walked to the window, I followed him and he turned to me "you promise?"

What was I supposed to say? He was my best friend, maybe I was using him, but he was a nice person, and a good friend "I promise, Galen"

I opened my eyes, I was laying on the floor, what had happened? I blinked, my head hurt like hell, the last thing I remembered was... oh, right, I asked her to do it so she could escape... a couple of Stormtroopers walked to me "sir-" I pushed them both and walked away, but one of them followed me "sir, Lord Vad-" well, he was dead now, not that anyone was surprised, they all knew not to talk to me when I was pissed... which happened often lately, I headed to my room but something -or someone stopped me-.

"Director Krennic, the Emperor doesn't send you Stormtroopers for you to kill them" Lord Vader said, walking to me, I stopped and turned to him, I hoped he'd let me go soon or something would end up pretty badly, especially because I wasn't feeling intimidated by him, something that had never happened before.

"Yeah, tell the emperor that instead of sending thousands of Stormtroopers, he should come here, this space station was requested by him, if he isn't willing to come I'll have to do something about it" I said... where did that come from? I wasn't scared of what Vader would do to me, I wasn't intimidated at all... what had gotten into me?

He took a step closer to me and I could feel Tarkin watching the whole thing from somewhere near us "be careful on what you say, Director" he threatened, but that didn't stop me "your weapon isn't the most feared station in the Galaxy until everyone knows about it"

"Lord Vader, the power we're dealing with here is immesuarable, I need an audience to make certain he understads it's remarkable potential" I was still not intimidated, and it didn't look like I'd be, which would get me in trouble if I didn't stop talking.

"My Lord" Tarkin said walking to us, I glared at him and walked away, I didn't care what he had to say, I didn't care what Vader had to say, I just wanted to calm down and think, so I headed to my room and locked the door.

Galen... I still didn't know what he meant by that, but that wasn't what was bothering me, it was Galen's daughter... Jyn Erso. It couldn't be, she was dead, she had to be dead, I had been told that Jyn Erso was dead 15 years prior, I didn't know if thinking about the time when Galen and I were friends was a good idea or not, but for now, it seemed like it was the worst idea I'd ever had... I was just feeling more and more enraged, what if that was Jyn Erso? No, it wasn't her, I knew it wasn't.

I thought back to the day on Yavin, when Jedha was blown up, Jyn looked pretty pissed... but I didn't really pay attention to her, I was there with another purpose... Carrie. She was my target that day, why did I pick her out of everyone in that base? Why didn't I order my troopers to kill everyone? Was I feeling something I had never felt before? No, I didn't want Tarkin to win, I didn't want all my troopers to die so he could say 'I told you so', I didn't want- I was just lying to myself that whole time, ever since-

There was a knock on the door and I, being stupid, opened it "Director Krennic, you have to go to the Eadu facility to make sure nothing is wrong with the space station" Tarkin said, I nodded and went to close the door, but he stopped me "cheer up! You will probably see your lover there" I glared at him, that dick. (I have just realized that could mean Carrie but also Galen I need a moment)

I closed the door and locked it again, my thoughts went back to her... it felt like a continuation of my previous ones.

Ever since that first time... I loved her.

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