4. Like No Other

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Keith took off his hood and Katie had a moment of recognition.

It was the"RICH" boy that fell on his face 6 years ago but his baby fat was gone and was replaced with a muscular face.

His body showed that he had been training every single day.

And his mullet had gotten a bit longer and it looked like he didn't want it cut.

" You're the ric- I mean boy that fell on his face!" Katie exclaimed and Keith frowned,

" That's who you remember me as?" 

They were both interrupted by the child's shout, 

" Mummy!" 

The boy ran over to his mother with great joy and hugged her.

The woman went over to the two and thanked them,

" Thank you. I'm sorry if he interrupted your date." The woman smiled and walked away leaving both of them with their mouth open.

Katie giggled as soon as she went and Keith stared at her with widened eyes.

' She's not cute anymore.. S-she's beautiful..'

" That was totally worth it."Katie said,

" Worth what?" Keith asked her,

" All the cash my dad gave me.." Katie said and then she quickly covered her mouth with her hand realizing what she just told him.

Keith had already gathered enough courage to confront her and now he wasn't backing away.

He saw a chance to hang out with her so he took it,

" Why don't I treat you to something?" He shyly asked.

Katie was surprised, she always thought that rich boys were spoiled and would laugh at her situation but this guy didn't.

Keith gave Katie a breathtaking grin and she immediately knew he was not like the others.


Keith took her to a fancy restaurant and almost all the time spent there was Katie gaping at all the expensive meals on the menu.

Keith watched as Katie snarfed her food down and he smiled.

After the meal, she dragged him to a bakery like old friends.

" Happy Birthday Pidgeon!" Her best friend Hunk shouted and gave her a big hug.

" Hey Hunk." she managed to get out and Hunk noticed the man that she came with.

He released Katie and smiled at Keith, " Any friend of Pidge is my friend." He said and held his hand out for Keith to shake and he did.

Katie ordered some baked goods for dessert for both her and Keith.

Keith was scared to try but both Kate and Hunk were watching him excitedly so he took a bite and his eyes lighted up.

" That's how I feel every time I eat one of the sweets from here." Katie sighed and told him as he continued eating.

Hunk and Katie said their good byes and thank yous and they left.

" Thank you for this." Katie said to Keith and smiled, " I'm Katie, Katie Holt."

She held out her hand and he took it letting the moment last.

" Keith." He said.


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