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My names Cecilia, elric. I have long golden blond hair, blue eyes, I'm 4,11 and I'm 15. It's been 8 years since my brother's and I did the ultimate taboo. We tried bringing back our mother. Alphones lost his whole body. Edward lost his right arm, and his left leg bounding alphones soul to a suit of armor. Me, I lost both of my arms and my right leg.

We had been through so much in these years. It was today when it happened. It was after ed had sacrificed his fate to bring Al's body back. It hadn't even been 10 days since the incident. I was using alchemy to help try and repair grans house when it happened. As soon as I slammed my hands down on the ground, a purple portal opens up below me. I scream and watch in horror as my hands arms and soon my body was broken down. I could do nothing, as both my brothers run into the house reaching out for me. Then I was gone. As if I had never been there in the first place.

I gasp for air and scream as I suddenly feel myself falling. This was it I knew i was going to die. I come inches from the ground when I suddenly feel arms catch me. I lifted and placed on the ground. Looking up I see a very very large man with blond hair and a weird looking colorful outfit." Are you ok little girl?" I stare at him surprised. Who was he? I've never heard of anyone dressed like that.

"Uh yah thanks, I'm fine. Just startled." He smiles again. I take the time to look around me and gasp. Buildings upon buildings with strange screens with moving pictures on them surrounded us. People walked around as if a child wasnt just falling from the sky. Was this normal? Do people normally fall from the sky here? Where was I?

Turning back to the man, I see him cough a bit, trying to hide the blood in his hand." Well child I hope you can get home safely. I must go." Before I can even answer hes gone. Looking back around I gulp." Where am I?"

I begine wondering around trying to find something I recognized. I didnt reconize anything and people kept staring at me horrified. I mean I was in a tank top and shorts. My auto mail was on full display. These people must not be very familiar with it. Am I on the other side of the world. Surely even people on the other side of the world have heard of auto mail.

I could tell by the suns path that it would be getting dark soon. I need to find some place to sleep for tonight. Looking around I see a giant building with a sign saying UA. I wonder what that means. Walking passed the gates I jump when an alarm suddenly goes off.

I didnt do it. I didn't do it. Damn mustang will have my head if I give him anymore paperwork to fill out. I walk back out the gates, but not before something suddenly wraps around my waist. I squeak staring at a man with black hair and eyes, with bags under them." Who are you? Why are you trespassing on UA property?" I easily rip the scarves off backing up." Look I'm sorry. I didnt mean to trespass. I'm just trying to find an inn to sleep at for the night."

He stares at me shocked. A smell, then waffles up into my nose. It smelt sweet like cinnamon rolls. I then felt really tired. The last thing I hear is damn it midnight before I black out.

I wake with a gasp bolting up. I notice I was in some type of infirmary. Nobody seemed to be in the room. Leaving the room I wonder around. What was this place. I've never seen a place like this back in Resembool. I open a random door seeing a bunch of people who looked to be me and Ed's age. Then I see the black haired guy. I'm about to close the door when those scarf like things wrap around my wrist pulling me into the room.

I pull away getting into a fighting stance. "Dont do that, you'll rip my arm out of its socket, old man." He raises an eyebrow.

"Um, who are you? And why are you disturbing our class?" A boy with blue hair and glasses asks. "I'm Cecilia, elric. Sorry I'm out of uniform right now. I'm a state alchemist. Wait school, what? This is a school. That's so cool, I want to join." I say plopping down looking at the supposed teacher. O shit I just called him old man.

I motion for him to continue teaching, but I soon get bored as he starts talking in another language.

I must of fallen asleep because I'm suddenly awoken to shaking. Sitting up I rub my eyes seeing a mouse.

I stand looking to the mouse and back to the class, then back. I keep doing this a few times before asking the big question." Is it just me or is there a giant mouse standing there in a suit?" I say standing up. I lift the mouse by the back of its shirt examing it." O no please put me down, I know I'm small but this is a whole new level of degrading." I immedialty drop him in shock." OMT it speaks." Gulping I jump, starting to back away from it.

"Principle nezu, who is she and what are those things on her arms?" A girl with brown hair asks. I examine her for a moment before coming to the conclusion that I did not like her." I already told you who I was, and these are my arms. Havent you ever seen auto mail before. Like half the population has at least one." They all shake their heads.

I sigh turning back to the talking mouse." I'm sorry if I've caused any trouble here. I'm just trying to find my way home. One second I'm using alchemy trying to help gran fix her house. The next thing I know I'm falling from the sky. He stares at me confused." What is Alchemy?" I gasp at him backing away. Even the most remote place in the world knew of Alchemy.

"Come on you know, to transmute materials into something different, like this." Clapping my hands I slam them down on the floor. A marble like rod comes from the ground. In my hands was now a marble like spear. It was heavier then the one ed had used in his exam. But that couldnt be helped unless I made the spear thinner, which in some situations wasn't a good thing.

Looking back up to the class they all stare wide eyes.

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