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"Where did you say you came from again?" The teacher asks.

"My home town is Resembool." He suddenly pulls out a small looking box and types something into it. I stare at it in amazement. What was that thing? He looks for a few minutes before putting the magical box away." There is no town named Resembool here. There never has, in all of human kinds knowledge.

I back away a sinking feeling filling my chest." That's not possible, I grew up there. That's where I've lived. You cant say that. Check the magical box again and look." He shakes his head." I already did, nothing would come up no matter how I spelled it." He says, giving me a pitiful look. I hate that look.

I sit In the nurses office while a nurse checks me for injuries. Apparently I'm in a country named Japan. The transmutation had to have taken me to a different world. There was no place called Japan in mine.

The old lady examines my auto mail with a look of surprise." If I may ask, what happen to your arms and leg?" She asks. It was a tough question to answer, but I answer anyways doing my best.

"In my world alchemy is a very common thing. We can pretty much do anything with it except a few major things that are banned. Their such as turning lead to gold, transmuting humans and finally bringing a person back from the dead. I have two brothers at home. Me and my twin Edward and our younger brother alphones. Our father left when we were young so we studied alchemy to pass the time. It wasnt until a few short years later our mother became very ill and passed.

We were left alone except for gran and winrey who would bring food to us. It was a short time after this that we studied alchemy every chance we got. That's when we discovered a book on human transmutation. It talks about the ingredients to bring back a human and all that we would need to do. We knew we would be committing the ultimate taboo, but we just wanted our mother back. The book had mentioned that there was never a successful case of human transmutation. People simply did not know what to give for a human soul. Being kids we thought that our attempt would be different. We were so wrong, so naive.

Everything was going fine until the circle turned black. Non of us could remove our hands from the circle. It was then that we watched in horror as our young brother was broken down and sucked into the circle. As we cried it was then that I noticed my arms and leg were being broken down. Ed lost his left leg. The circle went away and in a last ditch effort to bring our brother back, he sacrificed his right arm to bound als soul to a suit of armor."

" A few days later the military came and asked us to join. At first we said no. But when they mentioned a way to maybe get our bodies back we jumped at the idea. We first needed automail though. Which wasnt easily. The pain of connecting your nerves to auto mail is more excruciating then getting a tattoo on your face times 10. After that we joined the military. Me and ed passed and joined at 12 becoming the youngest people to ever become state alchemists." I stop, taking a deep breath. The little old lady didnt look like she knew what to say.

"In the end though al was able to get his body back and ed got his arm back. Unfortenutly since the gate had taken my limbs I'm unable to get them back because I've seen the truth. Also because ed pulled Al's entire body back through the gate which was a massive price, I wouldnt ask him for my limbs. This is the price I'm paying for what we did and I'm attonong for it" I say sadly. The old lady gives me a reassuring smile and pats my head. She then leaves going some where I don't know.

Sighing I lay back. I'm must of fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm being awoken to some adorable green haired dude." O sorry I didnt mean to scare you. Aizawa-sensei just said to bring you back to class now." I just nod following the boy back to class. If I really am in a different world then I need to learn everything I can about this one and use it to try and get back.

Getting back to class I see everyone chatting amongst eachother. "So Cecilia tell us. Whats your world like?" A boy with red hair asks. Taking my seat I think." Where to start? Well to start off my world is ruled by the military. There are some countries that dont follow the military like the ishballen's. Theres not much to tell about my world....Actualy now that I think about it. Mostly war, and violence, but we're working on that." They stare at me." Sounds like the ideal place for me." A blond states boldly. I stare at him. I just told him my home place was filled with war and he thinks that's a nice place? Okay he was obviously dropped on his head.

"So far your world is really cool. In our world we've advanced alchemy so much we really havent focused on technology. So your really advanced. O man I wish ed and al were here. Ed would be going crazy." They smile." By the way is there a library around here, I need to start doing research on how to get back." They nod getting up asking the teacher. He comes back a few minutes.

"Yah, here I'll show you. Sensei said yes. "Red head says. I nod following him." By the way what's your name?" He smiles revealing his razor sharp teeth. "My names kirishima, eijiriou." I smile nodding. He takes me to the library. I was so happy at the sight.

Kirishima leaves me here which have no issues with. Immeditly do I start pulling books off the shelf that have any relevance to my situation.

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