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I take books regarding portals, what little I could find on alchemy. With all the truth I saw in the gate. I cant recall seeing one thing about portals, of course. Truth probably did that on purpose. What a douchebag.

I sit and sit, and sit, memorizing each book. I dont know how long I sit there for, until I'm suddenly tapped on the shoulder." Cecilia, is that you? We've been looking for you for three days. Have you been here the whole time?" Looking up I see sensei. Looking at me with tired eyes." Sorry sensei has it really been that long already? Sorry to have worried you, I'm used to long study times." He shakes his head muttering something." Come on let's get you something to eat. Your probably starving."

I shrug." Sure, I'm not very hungry though." He stares at me with a somewhat concerned look before sighing." Cecilia I dont care what world you came from but even you have to know your far to skinny." I stare at him stunned." No I'm not I'm a healthy weight." He takes my hand making a detour. Before I know it we're in the nurses office. Recovery girl sat in her chair." Stand on the scale." I do so stepping on. The scale lights up with the number 240.

"Wow, your heavier then I thought." I smile shaking my head." Most of that weight it from my automail. Each limb weighs around 50 pounds. It weighs more and its more durable. I weigh 90 pounds. A healthy weight." They both stare at me shocked." You only weigh 90 pounds, most of that I'm pretty sure is in muscle. We need to get you food child." Recovery girl says all, but jumping out of her chair. I shake my head feeling as if I was going to lose this argument no matter what.

Later that day I found myself in the mouse's office. Turns out his name was nezu and he was the principle of this school. "Ok Cecilia until you can return to your world since your still a minor your required to stay with an adult. Luckily someone has volunteered to take you in." I smile, I'm grateful, but eventually I'm sure I'll earn enough money to live on my own.

A scrawny young man opens the door coming in. He had blond hair and blue eyes." This is Toshinori, Yagi. For the time being hes offered to be your temporary guardian." I smile nodding." Its nice to meet you mr. Toshinori. Thank you." I say shaking his hand. For some reason he seemed very familiar. He smiles nodding." After I go back to class. Sensei was teaching more math. I'm amazing at this subject because of all the calculations alchemy takes.

After class toshinori takes me home and we eat. He even gave me a uniform. Unfortenutly it was what this world called a female uniform. I hated it, why couldnt I wear pants. How was I expected to move and fight if I constantly had to worry if my skirt as they called it would fly up and my ass would hang out. I quickly shut that down though and said I required a male uniform. I was not having any of this sexist female and male shit. Back home we didnt have this issue much. In the military there were plenty of woman who could easily hold there own and men knew it. Even outside the military, like sensei. She was a proud woman who could put any man on his ass.

I quite enjoyed this world and the things it had to offer but I missed my brothers and everyone back home. I was doing research everyday. But I wasent finding what I was looking for. This was starting to worry me. I needed better books.

Sighing I get up. Today we were supposedly going on something called a feild trip, Sounds interesting. I've been learning a lot since I've come to this world. Unfortenutly I havent really found anything on portals

I put on a long sleeve shirt and pants then my boots before grabbing my bag and leaving with Toshinori.

We get to school and get changed into the U.A Physical education uniform. Then we get on a bus. I was excited for what today would bring. The trip is long and uneventful. Mostly students talking amongst eachother.

Getting to the building I'm surprised by how big it was. A hero wearing a weird suit greets us and shows us inside. I'm surprised by how big it was inside. They were right. This was amazing, never had I seen something so unique before. Suddenly a group of people across the building emerge from a purple portal. I gasp that portal color. It was the same as when I came here. The teachers push everyone back screaming those were real villains.

A purple portal suddenly appears underneath us. I'm not quick enough as I suddenly fall through. I gasp finding myself in front of a gray haired grinning man. He was creepy as hell." Dont be scared, as long as you willingly come, no harm will meet your hero friends." I stare at this dude." Yah no." I say preparing to fight. He laughs crazily making me back away. I've had enough of crazy people.

"I would do as we say or your friends could get very hurt." He says staring me down. I grit my teeth frustrated. I then hear explosions. Turning around I'm surprised to see bakugo coming towards us. That was quick. Atleast I know hes safe." Why do you want me?" He smirks." Didnt the portal give it away. We need your power and we're willing to do anything for it." I back away a bit more surprised." Wait what? I had my suspicions, but I didnt think it was true.

Suddenly a large beast emerges from the open portal. I instantly felt remorse and saddened at what I saw. Not a chimera, but a human body so modified and messed with that almost nothing human remained except the soul. I can free the soul but I need a clear shot to touch its body. Using alchemy I make my right arm into a spear lungding for the beast.

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