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Underneath the note had been a journal of sorts. After everything had happened I insisted katsuki visit a therapist but he refused. I guess this book had been his way of getting things out. I never talked about what happened but after reading this book o knew why. My son was breaking inside. He never blamed Cecilia either for what happened. He wrote he just wanted to hug and hold her close. To reassure her everything was fine. That he was fine. That he loved her no matter what. I just wanted to hug my son and tell him everything would be ok. But in truth I didnt know anything. I couldnt tell him everything would be ok because I didnt know.

All I could do was try my best and be there for when he needed me. I almost felt like a failure of a mother sometimes. What kind of mother cant help her own son, especially in his desperate time of need. He was hurting inside and he wasnt letting anyone help.

It was the middle of class. Aizawa was talking about something boring. I wasnt really paying attention. Suddenly the door opens and in walks nezu and Allmight." Hello class something has recently come up. Class will be dismissed early today. I need everyone except bakugo to return to the dorms immediately." Everyone stood up looking at me curiously to which I just shrug, not knowing what was going on. Nezu walks up to me a note in hand." This was ment for you bakugo. Taking the note and opening it I recognize the hand writing immediatly.

Dear katsuki if I even deserve to call you that. I'm giving you this letter as a final farewell. You probably never wanted to see or hesr from me again. I'm sorry for that I just had to give this note to you. I'm transmuting myself tonight and taking truths place. I dont know what will happen after that. I want to say I'm deeply sorry for what I did. I never wanted to hurt anyone especially you. I just want to tell you one last time that I love you.

Sincerely cecilia.

A tear falls onto the note. I wipe my face not even realizing I had been crying. Looking up I see a sad looking allmight and nezu.

"We have to find her. She cant go, not yet. We have so much to do together." Nezu then smiles.

We know where shes going. We have her face on camera across town at a local convenient store. Using cameras we were able to track her location to an abandoned house. We wanted your face to be the first she sees." I nod standing up. "Let's go then." They nod. We all rush down stairs while I dial Ed's phone. Hes been staying here the last few months trying to help find Cecilia with no suck luck. I text him that we may have found Cecilia and the address to her location.

We get to the location within 20 minutes no doubt breaking a few traffic laws. Jumping out of the car I'm the first to the door slamming it open, my heart stops.

There inside a circle lay Cecilia sprawled out unmoving. Rushing to her side I check for a heart beat relieved when i find one. The heros rush in and start trying to wake her. Edward and Alphonse run through the door generally relieved when they see cecilias body. Why did they look so happy? There sister is unconscious on the floor.

"We need to get her to the hospital. Her heart beat is uneven and is slowing. Finaly ed looked worried. An ambulance arrives within 5 minutes. They place her on a stretcher. Just as there about to close the doors I jump in. No way we're we going to part again.

I wake up in a familiar all white room. Truth sat in front of the gate as usual. "Hello cecilia. It's not your time yet, why have you come?" Truth asks, but he probably already knew." Why ask, you probably already know." He shakes his head." Yes I already know why your here." We both stand there in silence for a few minutes.

"Well go ahead, I'm ready to be the new truth." I say closing my eyes. I hear a long sigh." No your not. Your not ready in the slightest. Besides I have no intention of you being the new truth yet. Not until I'm forced to step down." I stare at him confused." But why, isnt this what you wanted. Werent you the one who wanted me to become truth. Why wait when im here willingly ready to take you up on it?" He sighs standing up. I jump a bit startled when I hear loud banging on the inside of the gate.

Truth walks over to me seemingly unfazed by the fact something really wants out of the gate. He waves his hands showing a picture of me in a hospital bed." This is your current state at the moment. Your bodys still alive and breathing but not for long. Your soul must return or it will die and then you'll be stuck here until I'm relived of my position. The angle widens and I see katsuki.

"I know your not ready because right now your scared. You have unfinished business in the human world. That boy really loves you. Hes been sitting by your side since they found you. I've rejected your body from arriving here so just your soul is here." I nod watching katsuki, he was saying something. Truth waves his hand again and I could hear what he was saying.

"Please, please, please live for me Cecilia. I cant tell you how much I've missed you. These last few months have been literal hell without you. I love you too, please come back to me. I'm not mad at you for what happened. I was never mad, just concerned. You werent acting like yourself. Please come back. I need you in my life. I'm not ready to give you up. I'll be with you even if I have to force your brother to teach me alchemy to transmute myself." I gasp at that last part shocked.

He still loved me. He was even willing to transmute himself to be with me. I didnt deserve such a kind man.

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