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We all gather at the starting line. I already had and idea of what I was going to do. Once the Proctor says Go I run towards the nearest building. I'm careful where I step. I sense spirit energy above me in three places. I climb up rubble finding three people. Two men had blood dripping down theirs arms and legs. The woman was trapped under a large concrete wall almost crushing her.

"Oh a hero thank god. Please help her." I smile." Everything will be fine, please step back." They step back, grabbing the rubble I slowly lift feeling the full weight. Oh damn this was heavy. Using my back I steady the wall pulling the lady out. I let the wall down gently helping everyone out. Once we're out, I clap my hands placing them on the building restoring the building to its once former glory. The people stare amazed. Even the lady. I carry the lady and walk with the men back to a small medical tent other contestants were setting up. Suddenly theres screaming.

Turning around I see men from across the arena dressed in all black." It's the villians".The lady I had on my back said. Great. I set the lady down on a bed and leave the men there with the other contestants. There were to many civilians. I needed to keep the villians out of the way until we could rescue all of the people.

Running as fast as I can I meet the villians at the other side of the arena. They were destroying more building and setting fires. Suddenly a massive ball of fires thrown my way knocking me off my feet. Groaning I notice my shirt was on fire. I strip the now churning piece of fabric. Leaving me in my sports bra. My arms on full display.

Good thing I didnt use my uniform." That wasnt nice, but it's ok because now I'm sending you to a dark place." Clapping my hands I slam them on the ground. The ground all around them comes up in casing them all in the same dome that held pride, just smaller.

All of us go back to rescuing the citizens until I sense no more people on the battle field. Clapping my hands I slam them on the ground. The whole arena begins changing back to it's original state. The bell rings signaling the end of the first faze.

I smile high fiving a female hero nearby. Suddenly the Proctor walks up to me." Can you please release the others from the dome?" I nod. Walking over to the dome I clap slamming my hands down. The dome starts returning back to the ground. Once it's gone i see all the would be villians." Your all free to go." I say smiling. They all grumble walking away. "Well I can definitely say you passed. I jump up. Slamming my hands down the rock below me lifts me up. I take it all the way over to toshinori seeing him stand." Toshinori I passed the first faze." He smiles hugging me.

Suddenly the com goes off." Constants we will be taking a hour intermission to set up the next faze.

Me and toshinori grab something to eat from a food truck. He also gives me another shirt. Something about it not being very appropriate when around grown men. He hands me the shirt." Slipping the shirt on I see it was a picture of him in his powered allmight form." Thanks dad-toshinori i mean." He smiles. Eating his food. When we're done. He wishes me luck and I go back to the arena. I'm stunned to see less then half of the people from before were here. Wow that many people got booted.

"Contestants for the second and last faze you will go head to head with actual heros. All you need to do is get them to step out of bounds have them admit defeat or knock them out." Simple enough. We will call you in the order you will be fighting. He begins announcing the list. There were only 20 people left including me. I was the last to fight. Atleast I had a bit more time to think up a strategy.

I watch fight after, fight after, fight. Everyone had such interesting quirks. From spitting acid, to litterly becoming a machine gun. That one was my favorite.

Finaly it was my turn. Walking down to the ring I smile at toshinori. He waves at me." And lastly cecilia elric vs midnight black." Never heard on that hero.

A man walks out from the building. He had his eyes closed. How can he see? He had short black hair like mustang. He wore a long black shirt, black pants and black boots. This guy loves the color black." And fight." I prepare myself looking a head. Suddenly the man opens his eyes.

A cold shiver runs down my spine. He opens his hands and black smoke emits. Right before my eyes I'm surrounded by the smoke. I'm prepared for an attack, but I'm surprised when one doesnt come. The smoke clears and the people standing before me make me gasp.

In front of me stood. Mother, my dad Hohenheim, hues, and nina. I gasp backing up." Mom, dad, hues, nina is that really you." They all smiles." Of course its us. No fancy power could replicate me," hues says. Making me laugh. Mom and dad were hugging each other close. Nina was smiling hugging her dog. A sharp pain hits my heart. That's when I notice the blood. Mom, dad, hues and nina. They were all covered in it." O truth," I gasp." No, no, no please, no dont leave again, dont die again." Me, al, and ed need you. Ed's getting married you have to be there." Before I can say anything else. They disapear right before me eyes. And there stood-.

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