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There were adults everywhere. Some huge, some small, some massive. I felt miniscule compared to some of them, especially the men. Toshinori gives me a smile leading us over to a table. A lady wearing a blue hat was sitting there" Hi my names Cecilia, elric I'm here to sign in." The lady looks up then down. Damn lady I'm not that short." Are you sure your here for the right day? This is the adult provisional licence exam." I nod my head and the lady sighs as she looks through a few pages before crossing a name. She looks through a stack of paper work before pulling a sheet and badge out.

"Ok here is your badge. Hold onto it and dont lose it. This is what you need to get into the arena. Secondly since you are still a minor in the country of japan we need you to sign a waiver. This waiver says that you know the risks participating today." I nod signing the waiver.

"Great now just head down the hall to the last door on the right. I nod" thank you miss." She smiles nodding. Me and toshinori walk down the hall to the last door on the right. In bold letters it said,"Participants only".

"I'm going to go find a seat. Dont worry most look tough but they wont do anything." I smile." Thanks da- toshinori." I say smiling hoping he wouldnt notice that I almost called him dad." Well I got to go, bye." I hurry opening the door and stepping inside. Sighing I turn around just to see a room full of people staring at me. Great, I hate awkwardness. I smile waving looking around for an empty seat.

I spot one in the back. Walking to the back I gulp passing everyone. Not a single person wasnt staring at me. Taking the seat, I pull out my phone texting katsuki. I smile as he sends a pic of himself with a sign saying good luck.

Suddenly a loud gruff voice speaks." Hay girly your sitting in my seat." Looking up I see a large man wearing a a black tank top and white basket ball shorts. He had blue eyes and a bald head." Sorry sir it was open so I sat down."

"Well pipsqueek I'm back now so get up." I was going to get up, but then he called me pipsqueek." Truth, damn. You see I was going to let you have it until you started the name calling." His grin turns to a frown." Oh and what are you going to do to stop me from just taking it. Just like that little phone of yours." He says snatching my phone from my hand.

"Oh who's this, your sissy ass boy toy? Standing up the chair falls back silencing the room." Give it back now. Oh sissy, make believe, cyborg wannabe wants her phone back." He smashes the phone in his hand making me gasp. He drops the shards to the ground. Bending down I go to pick them up when he stomp on my hand. Making people around the room gasp. They probably thought he broke my hand and he probably thought he was hurting me.

"Dipshit you do know that my limbs are made of metal. What your doing litterly isnt hurting me in the slightest. Picking his foot up I gather the pieces. Clapping my hands i slam them down transmuting the pieces. In seconds my phone is just as it was before he crushed it. "Take the damn seat you bully I'll make another." I say ready to walk away when he grabs my shoulder turning me around. I only have seconds to dodge the punch. I dodge, transmuting my arm into a spear. Pushing him against the wall I hold my spear against his throat. This all happened in the matter of seconds.

"You want to act like a fool, so be it. Have fun being so exhausted you cant concentrate during the exam." Lifting two fingers, I slowly pull some of his spirit energy from his body releasing it into the air. No way was I absorbing it. He collapses into the chair making me smirk. Turning around I see everyone staring at me wide eyed. Transmuting my spear back into my hand i glare at everyone.

"Anybody else want to try their luck." Most people shake there heads backing up, others just look away. Going to a different side of the room I find another chair.

I knew that situation could have been prevented but then he called me pipsqueek. I'm not small I'm fun size. And that's when I decided their was no way he was getting away with it.

I text bakugo back saying thank you. Soon the clock hits 10 and the doors open. Two men walk in holding some machine type thing." Alright everyone get in line so we can scan your passes. I get up getting in line. One thing I noticed is there were a lot more men here then woman. I wonder why that was. I get to the front and the man smiles." You were the girl who was badly hurting trying to stop that U.A fight, right?" I nod handing him my pass.

"Well do us a favor. Don't do anything like that here. We'll have a shit ton of paperwork if you do." I laugh taking my pass back." Sorry I'll try not to. I wouldnt want to have to fix my arms again." I say following the line of people into a giant arena. There was nothing but rubble of fallen down buildings and debree from all the collapsed things. Looking around I look for toshinori, but I dont spot him.

"Alright for the first phase of the exam you will be judge on how heroic your actions are. By the end of this phase we will move onto the next.

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