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Opening my eyes I find myself in an all white room. But wasent how it normaly was. Looking around I'm surprised no horrified at the sight before me. I gasp running to truth. He lay in front of the gate, only it wasnt as it should be. It was open. Truth himself was flashing." Truth, truth are you ok? What happened here?" He opens his white eyes." Cecilia it's time. I'm sorry the deadline was cut short. It seems the sins and father had enough power to overwhelm me. Its time you became the new truth." Closing my eyes, a few tears fall from my eyes." Ok."

Looking away. I think of my family and friends back home. This was it. Truth suddenly becomes a small ball of light. I stare at the ball of light before it suddenly shoots into my chest. At that moment everything and anything hit me. Including the future. Everybody's future included.

I was sitting next to winry on the couch listening to the radio when suddenly my phone rings. Kissing winry I get up picking the phone up. It read toshinori.

"Hello this is edwa!"" Edward elric you need to get to the school as fast as you can!" I shake my head." Whoa, whoa, calm down toshinori. What happened?" Theres a panicked sigh." Its Cecilia, I think it happened. During a mission yesterday she just....." A hollow feeling fills my chest." What's wrong with my sister? Is she alright?"

He doesnt answer making my eyes widen." Toshinori, tell me is my sister alright." Theres silence. In the most hushed voice I hear a quiet,"No." At that moment my heart drops. Tears drip from my eyes as the phone slips from my hand to the ground.

Turning I see a worry winry." I-I have to go. Cecilia shes in trouble." I say running upstairs to get Al.

We transmute a portal finding ourselves outside in the courtyard. Running to the school I see toshinori." Toshinori!" I yell. We both make it. Nobody said anything. Nobody knew what to say. He leads us to the nurses office. Opening the door I see a motionless figure on a bed with a white sheet over them." What happened to her?" Toshinori looks away and sighs." From what I've been told she just suddenly dropped to the floor having trouble breathing and then nothing.
She was in the midst of battle so we couldnt get her out right away."

Walking over I lift the sheet seeing my sister. The only other person I had other then Al, now gone. How was I going to tell bakugo? Just then theres a loud explosion as the doors blown off the hinges. There stood a very emotinal looking bakugo.

Walking to Cecilias room I'm surprised to open the door and see she wasnt their. My heart races. Did she not come back last night? Did something happen? Just then the intercom goes off." All student of UA are not permitted to leave their dorm areas. UA is on temporary lock down. First cecilia doesnt come back then the school goes in lock down? Whst was going on? Looking to deku's door I growl. Banging on the door. I growl out." Wake the fuck of you damn deku." He opens the door a minute later along with a few other student. Grabbing deku by the shirt I lift him up." Where the fuck is Cecilia deku. She didnt come back last night and now the school is on lock down. You know something."

He struggles to break free which makes me only hold him tighter. Kaminari and kirishima run over." Yo bakubro just put midoriya down and we can talk this out." Get the fuck back shittyhair! I'll ask again deku wheres Cecilia?" I ask, small explosions now emiting from my hands. Deku gulps. "Bakugo stop now!" Turning around I see Aizawa standing there." You werent supposed to find out until we could figure out why but if your going to poss a danger to others and threaten others because of it I'll tell you. Yesterday while on a mission. Kn the heat of battle Cecilia suddenly dropped....... dead." I drop the wimp and my heart sinks. Cecilia, dead? No he was lying. I had to see her.

Explosions emit from my hands as I fly out of the room and down the hall to the nurses office. I blown the door off the hinges not even caring if it wasnt locked. There I see ed, and al. Behind them lay a motionless figure." Bakugo calm down." Edward says. Trying to calm me down. How could I be calm in a time like this. Walking over I push them out of the way. I pull the sheet down and my heart drops.

In that moment everything I had worried about for the last year had come true. Cecilia had died and now I was alone again. In that moment I break down, not caring that people would see me. The person I loved most in this world was dead. The one person who I felt completed me, who understood me more than anyone. She was gone and I didnt know what to do.

I pull her warm body to myself holding her close. I cry into her shoulder patting her hair. That's when I realize something. Turning around I ask a bold question." How long has Cecilia been dead?" Ed and al glare at me." It's been almost 24 hours by now." A small smile makes it's way to me face.

"Shes not dead. Her body is still warm. A corpse looses all body heat." Checking her throat for a pulse I find a faint one. It was so faint it was almost non existent.

"Shes alive, shes not dead! I say a bright smile on my face. Just then her eyes fly open making my stubble back. Her eyes were glowing a bright gold though.

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