35. End

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He holds me tight as we stand there. My flames dissipate around my body and sky. My flames only harm the ones I choose so katsuki wasnt hurt when he hugged me.

He kisses my head multiple times." I love you Cecilia, please never do that again. A burst of emotion swells in my chest and I cant help as a few tears stream from my eyes." I love you too katsuki, I always will. Please forgive me for what I'm about to do!"

His eyes widen." What are you a-" I flick a pressure point in his neck knocking him unconscious. Placing two fingers to his head a stream of memories burst through my head." Cecilia what are you doing to kacchan?" Midoriya asks running over to us. I finish what I was doing looking over to midoriya.

"Here midoriya please take him?" He does grabbing his friend." What did you do to him." Midoriya asks making me sigh." Now that I am what I am, theres no way me and katsuki can be together anymore. I love him I do, but I will most likely live to the end of time. Katsuki here is human, he is fragile, no matter how powerful is his body and quirk are he has at most 100 years. I wont condone his life to suffereing for my sake, so I've locked his memories away to the farthest reaches of his mind."

The other students walk over looking at the unconscious bakugo worriedly. Midoriya suddenly looked very angry."" YOUR SELFFISH CECILIA. You think you can handle everything on your own. Your playing with him. He loves you and always will. No matter what you say he will always want you." He says huffing, face red from anger and embarrassment.

I give a small smile." I know and that's why I had to do what I did. If fate deems it acceptable for us to be together, I'll happily embrace it. If not, then he wont see me again until the day he dies. He will live out a happy normal human life" They all stare at me dumb founded. Even my brothers looked at bakugo sadly." You may not understand my reasons for doing this, but katsuki did." I sigh feeling the pull of the gate.

"I must go, you might see me, you might not." Before anyone can say anything I teleport back to the gate without even saying goodbye to anyone. I see the two black doors. The gate. Now I only have to wait. If katsuki can break the Barriers down that hold his memories back, then I know we're ment to be. If not katsuki will be free of me and my burdens.

"She left, she left without saying goodbye." I say staring at the same spot she had just been standing." Brother I'm sure she has her reasons for doing this. She is in fact the new truth. Her actions must hold some type of reason behind them. She wouldnt hurt us on purpose!" Al says in an almost desperate tone. It's as if he himself were trying to believe his own words.

I put on a brave smile turning to Al." Your right Al, Cecilia I'm sure has her reasons. For now we celebrate, I'm thinking two nice cans of cold root beer." Al burst out laughing agreeing.

We both make sure the kids get back to the doorms alright before leaving. Bakugo was still unconscious. It's probably best he didnt see us too. It would probably trigger some questions.

I take Al to the store before meeting up with mustang and his soldiers at the portal." Well done fullmetal, even if you cant us alchemy your still good to have in battle, even if you did arrive late." I grit my teeth." Hay it's not my fault I was trapped in a rock prison. The only way I was able to get out was by squeezing through. I'm glad I'm skinny." Mustang laughs as he catches the root beer I throw at him. He opens it just to have the contents spurt up all over his face and coat. I laugh at him." Well played fullmetal, but this means war." He says activating the portal.

We all step through before closing it. "Bye guys and and Al are heading back." They nod as me and All rush to catch the next train to Resembol.

I wake from my bed with a pounding headache. I dont know why but something felt wrong. Like I was missing something, my chest hurt at the thought. I try thinking back on what it could be but the headache increases. I needed a glass of water. Getting out of bed I leave my room making it down to the kitchen. I get down there seeing everyone in the living room. I grab a cul of water chugging it. Sighing I clench my eyes feeling the headache somewhat ease. I refill the cup turning around.

Everyone was staring at me." Wtf you staring at you extras." They look away going back to their business. I take the elevator back up to my room. Setting the cup down I turn around spotting something that should NOT be in my room. I knew for a fact it wasnt mine. Grabbing the item I run down the stairs, not taking the elevator this time, seething with rage." Ok who the fuck put this in my room?" I yell holding up the black bra, scaring the shit out of everyone.

The girls faces blush bright red, and the boys start laughing." Sorry bro it must have gone mixed in with the laundry. We all use the same washer and dryer." Kirishima says standing up for one of the girls, or it was secretly his. I toss the damned thing on the couch leaving. I'm ready to go back to bed. That feeling still hadn't gone away. Whatever it was I was determined to find out what it was. Maybe I would talk to mom about it.

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