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"Brother we need to get out of here!" Al says. I know Al, I know. Im thinking." I say looking around the structure. Suddenly the green haired kid. I think his name was midoriya walks up to the dome. Green lighting bursts around his body. He then punched the wall leaving a gaping hole. I stare at the kid genuinely suprised." Whoa great job." Me and Al run out looking out at the sky. The sky was covered in blue flames as far as the eye could see. Bright blue lines fell to the ground." Al we need to hurry." Al frowns." No brother, you need to stay here. You can't perform alchemy anymore. We dont know what could happen.

I stare at Al surprised. "Al?" He shakes his head." I still have years of memories u cant recall. But I do know that from all those years. You and Cecilia protected me. Now it my turn. " clapping his hands he slams them on the ground. Suddenly a giant cage like structure comes up surrounding me." I gasp. He caged me." Al, you dont understand. Alot of things changed over the years. Things happened that you cant recall. What's happening to Cecilia now is beyond both of us. She has become the new truth. She'll never be the same!" Al looks away a few tears falling from his eyes.

"I know brother but I have to try. Shes our sister. One of the last remaining family members by blood we have." Before I can say anything else he slams his hands on the ground. The ground shoots up taking him away.

"Damnit, think ed think." I pace." Um do you want us to let you out?" A red haired boy asks. I forgot they were here." Yaa, thanks." He nods grabbing the bar and ripping it off. I stare at him eyes wide. Wow maybe these kids will come in handy." Your hero's in taking right. Well a lot of people are about to get hurt if cecilias battle with father goes bad."

"Sir ed, who is father? Is that your dad?" A young girl with short brown hair asks. I forgot her name. Ura something." No father is not my dad. Hes the father of the homunculi. Hes an ancient being whi has caused nothing but war and death, he was also one of the creators or alchemy. Hes a very powerful being whi wants to rule the world, and now that hes seen this world and its power he cant be allowed to live. We have to aid Cecilia in getting father back to the gate."

"Sir, what will happen if Cecilia cant get him back into the gate?" Another girl with black hair asks. I turn away." Then your world is over." I simply say. It was the bluntisg way I could put it and still relay the amount of danger there was. This was it. This is what it comes down to.

Groaning I pick up my phone. It was 12am. The middle of the ficking night." Hello." I immediatly pull as I hear Al start yelling. I caught a few words. And what u did catch made my body run cold and my heart drop. Its finaly happed. Cecilia has finaly. Became the new truth.

Jumping out of bed it takes me only minutes to get dressed calling up Hawkeye and a few other well know alchemists. We meet in minutes. I quickly draw the circle with some help from Hawkeye before activating it. We all jump through. We all stare wide eyed at the scene in front of us.

Cecilia and father were in an intense battle. Parts of the ground and building were flying everywhere. The kids from before were trying to clear the area of civilians and get everyone to safety. Proheros were trying to help but their quirks werent strong enough. Heros, were falling to the ground like flies. Clearing my throat I turn around." Alright everyone we know our mission. Help cecilia as much as possible and help clear the civilians and injured out of the area." They nod running off to help. I smirk as I pull on my gloves. It's been a while since I've had to use these. Hope I'm not out of practice.

I immediately start blowing flames towards the man known as father. I was able to get a few good hits in but he mostly dodged them. I watched as Cecilia faught father. She must have truely changed to be able to stay on par with this man. He who is almost a god.

Even she looked to be struggling a bit though. She can do it though. I know she can. If she cant, no one can.

I lunge at father again. I slice his arm over and over with my automail arm. Each time the would would heal but slower then the last. I was draining him of his energy.

I stop backing up a bit." You know father your healing has slowed. Almost as slow as a humans. Are you growing tired, or possible have you been weakened by our fight?"

He smirks trying to play it off but I could tell he was exhausted." I will make sure you never escape your prison again. I feel bad for some of the sins you've created. You given them a cruel fate. From the moment you brought them to life they were destined for nothing but pain and suffereing. I will make sure your tortured in the after life of the gate." I say letting my hands light up with bright blue flames. My eyes glow white as I unleash all the power stored in my body.

In seconds before father could even move, I've sliced through his body ending his existence. Hes dead before he even his the ground. I watch as the other blue fire beams streak back up into the sky. I can only assume that now  that I've killed father,they as well have died. They must have been hiding out in the states. Most likely waiting for father to take care of me.

I turn around only to me grabbed into a hug. I melt into the warm, musky embrace of katsuki. I love him, And that makes what I have to do all the more harder.

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