Chapter 13 A Pang Of Jealousy

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Zoe's P.O.V.

Two Weeks Later

Finally, everything is back to normal with Sky. We've been spending more time together, and he's been less distant.

However, I still sense that he's hiding something from me, but I've decided not to press the issue.

I also can't get Selena's words out of my mind: that I should look beyond Sky. It's true—my life has revolved around him for so many years that if Sky gets too busy or distant, I feel lost.

I've realized that I need to have a life outside of our friendship. The thought of looking beyond him feels impossible, but I'm trying.

A few days ago, I started talking with a guy. He's in our college but in a different course. I met him in the library while I was searching for a book. His name is Liam, and he's sweet and kind. We've had a few coffee dates since then.

Although I don't enjoy it as much as I enjoy being with Sky, it feels refreshing to have someone new to talk to.

Now I know I can't let my happiness depend solely on him.


As I scanned the shelves, my eyes landed on the book I was looking for, but just as I lifted my hand to take it, another hand did too. Startled, I turned to see who it was.

"Sorry," the person said with a charming smile. "Didn't mean to startle you."

"No, it's fine," I replied, smiling back. "You can take it."

"No, no, please. I insist." He handed me the book and extended his hand. "I'm Liam, by the way."

"Zoe," I responded, shaking his hand.

We ended up talking for a while. He asked me out for coffee after college, and I agreed instantly because I was desperate to look beyond Sky.

Usually, I would decline if a guy asked me out for coffee because I wasn't interested. But with Liam, it felt like a chance to step out of my comfort zone and explore new connections. I needed to prove to myself that I could have a life outside of my friendship with Sky.

Flashback Over

Today, I'm going out with Sky to the club, and I've invited Liam to join us. I want to tell Sky about him.

As I stand in front of the mirror and get ready for the club, I wonder how Sky will react to me introducing him to Liam. Will he be supportive? Will he like Liam?

God! I'm so nervous.

"Just take a deep breath, Zoe. Everything is going to be fine."

After trying to calm my jitters, I take a last glance in the mirror, apply a swipe of lipstick, and head out the door, ready to face whatever the night may bring.


Sky's P.O.V.

I stand leaning against my car, waiting for Zoe to come. As she emerges from her apartment building, I can't take my eyes off her.

Fuck! She looks so tempting.

She is decked out in a body-hugging beige dress adorned with small beads, highlighting every curve of her body.

Her dress has a high slit on one side, showcasing her milky white thigh. As I ogle her thighs and slender legs, I feel an urge to caress her skin. I can't even express in words how I'm controlling my deep desire to touch every inch of her body.

If only she could read my mind, she would know how desperately every part of me desires her.

My body becomes searing hot, and every cell in my body yearns to have her when she is around me. Every night, I have a dream where she is screaming my name, lying beneath me, and my desire to do all the dirty and wild things is being fulfilled.

God! It's getting unbearable with each passing day.

I'm longing to fuck my best friend, and it's driving me insane that she isn't aware of it.

"Hello, Sky. It's time to come out of your dream world." She snaps her fingers before my face, drawing me back to reality.

"You're late again, Trouble." I clench my hands, trying to suppress the intense thoughts swirling in my head.

"Fashionably late," she retorts in a playful tone, placing her hand on her waist.

And I feel like grabbing her face and kissing her.


She looks so sexy that my dick throb inside my pants, but I say, "You seem overdressed today."

"There's a reason." She replies, causing my brows to furrow in confusion.

Reason? What could it be?


"You'll get to know." She gives me a forced grin, fidgeting with her necklace.

Why is she nervous? What's going on?

"Tell me now, Trouble." I demand in a commanding tone.

"Sky, I'll tell you on the way. Let's go now."

I nod in response and open the car door for her. She slides in, and I take a deep breath before getting into the driver's seat.

As I drive, I can't stop myself from stealing furtive glances at Zoe. She sits beside me, carefree, her legs slightly splayed, and my mind is filled with wild thoughts. I'm longing to guide my hand up her thighs, to slip it under her dress, and into her undies, and to feel how wet she is right now.

She has no clue that my body is burning and my dick is getting hard with arousal.


I clutch the steering wheel to control my carnal desire, concentrating on the road.

Truly, I've never lost control over myself like this before. I never thought I'd feel this way about Zoe, my best friend.

"So, what's this big secret?" I ask, trying to distract my mind from the wild thoughts.

Zoe shifts her gaze to me from her phone and takes a deep breath. "I invited someone to join us tonight. His name is Liam. He's from our college but in a different course. We've been hanging out for a few days."

My breath catches in my throat as I listen to her words. Liam? Hanging out? I grip the steering wheel tighter, feeling a pang of jealousy and possessiveness.

Zoe is seeing a guy, and I didn't even know.

Damn! I was so consumed with suppressing my desire that I didn't notice Zoe has been hanging out with someone else behind my back.

I can't even blame her because I'm not her boyfriend, so I have no right to control who she sees or hangs out with. But damn, it hurts to imagine her with another man, and I can't control the deep rage within me to kill that Liam for even thinking about dating my Zoe.

Fuck! Fuck!

What is wrong with me? Why am I losing my mind? Zoe is my best friend. She can date whomever she wants. But why does the mere thought of her with Liam ignite a fierce jealousy inside me?

I try to steady my breathing, focusing on the road ahead. I can't let her see how much this is affecting me.

"Why aren't you saying anything, Sky?" She asks, worry etched on her face.

"I'm surprised you didn't tell me sooner," I answer, trying to keep my tone steady.

"I wanted to, but..." She trails off, her gaze dropping to her lap.

"But what?" I press gently, feeling as if someone is stabbing a knife into my heart.

Zoe looks up at me. "I didn't know how you'd react."

Her words hit me harder than I expected. Have I been that difficult to talk to lately? Have I distanced myself so much that she couldn't confide in me about Liam?

"I'm sorry, Zoe," I say, breaking the silence. "I didn't mean to make you feel you couldn't tell me about Liam."

"It's okay, Sky. It's not your fault."

As we drive in silence after that, I can't stop myself from wondering: does Liam know how Zoe's lips taste, how soft her skin is beneath her dress, and how tight she feels when he's inside her?

I just hope they haven't gotten that close because I can't even imagine someone else doing what I've been yearning to do with Zoe for weeks. My entire body boils with fury as I think of Zoe lying naked in someone else's arms.

No matter how hard I try to convince myself that Zoe is just my best friend, deep down, I know she is a lot more than that. She belongs to me, and I can't let her hang out with Liam. I'll do anything in my power to keep them apart.


What do you think what will Sky do now? How will he keep Liam away from Zoe?

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