Chapter 14 Zoe Belongs To Me

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Sky's P.O.V.

Right now, my entire body is seething with intense rage as I watch Zoe dancing with that man, Liam.

I sit on a bar stool next to Alex, gulping down whiskey, my eyes blazing with fury, fixed on Liam. It's a coincidence that Alex happened to come to the same club where Zoe and I are.

The way Liam is holding her waist, pulling her close, feels like someone is ripping my heart out of my chest. I want to push him away from her, to claim what's mine, but I can't. Not without revealing my desire for Zoe, and certainly not without causing a scene.

"Getting jealous of seeing your best friend with another man? Amazing." As Alex notices my gaze on Zoe and Liam on the dance floor, a smirk plays on his lips.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Nonsense." I shoot him a glare.

Even though he's right, I can't bring myself to admit it in front of him, especially since I'm not ready to fully acknowledge it myself.

"Nonsense, really?" He raises his brows at me. "But your look says otherwise. And now what about your 'pure friendship'?" he mocks, taking a sip of his drink.

Alex, I'm going to kill you.

As my friend, he's supposed to help me, but he's only making things worse.

"Shut the fuck up, Alex," I snap, can't able to hide the irritation in my voice.

He chuckles, shaking his head. "If you're this worked up over her dancing with someone else, maybe you should rethink this whole 'just friends' thing."

I don't respond. Instead, I take another gulp of my drink, trying to drown the emotions swirling inside me. But Alex's words echo in my mind. Maybe he's right. Maybe it's time I stop lying to myself about my feelings for Zoe.

As I watch Liam spin Zoe around, her laughter ringing out above the music, a painful knot tightens in my chest. I can't keep pretending that I'm okay with her being with someone else. Every fibre of my being wants to be the one making her laugh, the one holding her close, the one touching her body.

When Zoe introduced him to me and gave him a quick hug, I struggled to restrain myself from punching him.

I don't care about Liam's character; one thing is certain—Zoe belongs to me. Nobody can touch what's mine. She's more than just a best friend to me now. Initially, I enjoyed spending time with her because of the way she made me smile, her nature, and her personality. But now, I'm also captivated by her physical beauty, her captivating presence, her body, her eyes, her hair, and her lips. In fact, I'm obsessed with every aspect of her, both inside and out.

And there is no way I'll let Liam snatch my Zoe from me.

Alex places his hand on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Seriously, man. You've got to do something before it's too late."

I turn to him, frustration is clearly visible in my eyes. "And what do you suggest I do, Alex? Just walk up to her and tell her I fantasise about her lying beneath me every night?"

Fuck! What did I just do? In the heat of the moment, I revealed my secret desire to Alex, a desire I had been struggling to accept.

Alex raises an eyebrow, clearly taken aback by my sudden confession. "Damn! Your situation seems too complicated."

Running a hand through my hair, I say, feeling more agitated than ever, "I know, Alex. I know."

He lets out a long breath and leans closer. "Look, Sky, you've got to be honest with her. If you keep this up, you're going to lose her to someone like Liam, and then you'll regret not saying anything."

"I'm afraid, Alex." I stare at him, feeling helpless. "What if I ruin our friendship?"

He tries to make me understand, "You're already ruining yourself by not being honest. Can't you see your condition, Sky? You've got to take the risk. It's better to know where you stand than to live with this torture."

I take another swig of my drink, feeling the burn of the alcohol exactly like the burn of my frustration. He's right. I should tell Zoe. But I'm scared of losing her.

The thought of losing Zoe terrifies me. Even imagining a life without her makes my soul tremble. She brings so much light and joy to my life.

"Not now, Alex," I shake my head, swirling the whiskey in my glass. "I can't risk it right now."

"So, what will you do now? Boil in anger while watching Zoe date someone else?" Alex's voice is laced with sarcasm and concern.

As I glance at the dance floor, I jump down from the stool because Liam and Zoe have disappeared.

"Where the hell did they go?" I mutter under my breath, scanning the club for any sign of them. But they're nowhere to be found.

How could Zoe leave without informing me?

My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to see a text from Zoe.

Zoe: Liam is taking me somewhere.

As I type a message, my face twists with anger.

Sky: Where, Trouble?

Zoe: I don't know, he said it's a surprise.

Surprise? Really? I'm losing my mind with anger and jealousy.

Sky: Seriously, do you trust him that much? For God's sake, come back right now, Trouble.

Zoe: Relax, Sky. He's a really nice guy. Don't worry, I'll be safe with him.

I'm seething with rage. My hands clenched into fists. I feel like I could kill Liam with my bare hands.

He is snatching my Trouble from me. I need to do something. I can't let them get close.

After putting my phone back into my pocket, I turn towards Alex, who is staring at me with concern in his eyes. "Alex, I need to leave. See you tomorrow."

"If you need my help, just give me a call."

I give him a nod and rush out of the club, my mind consumed with thoughts of Zoe and Liam and what they might do alone. Will they kiss? Will Zoe sleep with him?

No, no, I can't even imagine Zoe with him. I'm fucking furious and feel like burning the entire world. I've never felt so jealous of anyone before in my life. It's an intense emotion that's almost suffocating me.

I speed down the road, unsure of what to do. Explicit images of them flash in my mind, driving me crazy with envy.

Why did you have to come between us, Liam? Now you'll have to face the consequences.

A sly grin spreads across my face as the idea of keeping them apart comes to mind.

"I'm sorry, Zoe. But I don't have any other option. I can't bear the thought of you with someone else. You're mine alone," I murmur to myself before deliberately crashing my car into a tree. My head slams against the steering wheel. "Fuck..."

What I did is wrong, but I can't stand the thought of Zoe being with Liam. The pain in my heart is unbearable.

I know nothing can justify self-harm, and I would never have done it if I were in my right mind. Perhaps the alcohol, perhaps the jealousy, drove me to this extreme.

Blood trickles down from my forehead where it hit the steering wheel. I feel dizzy, but the anger inside me is still raging.

I take my phone out and text Zoe.

Me: I met with an accident.

Trouble, I did this for you. I did it to keep you away from him because you belong to me. I won't let Liam or any other man snatch you from me.


What do you think about what Sky did out of jealousy?

Love Mehak

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