Chapter 15 Lost Control?

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Zoe's P.O.V.

I had always imagined my first kiss to be a tingling excitement, with butterflies in my stomach and a racing heart. But as Liam leans in to kiss me, I feel nothing—no flutter in my chest, no skipped beats, no spark or passion.

I turn my face away, avoiding his lips. "Liam, I'm sorry," I say, gently pushing him back. "I can't do this."

He looks at me, confusion and hurt written across his face. "Did I do something wrong?"

I shake my head. "No. It's just that I want to take things slow. I hope you don't mind."

His face softens, and he nods. "Of course, Zoe. I respect that."

"Thank you for understanding," I say, giving him a small smile.

Liam is kind and sweet, and I do like him, but why didn't I feel anything when he was about to kiss me? Maybe I just need more time.

Liam had brought me to his place from the club to show me his library, which led to this moment.

As we step out of his library, my phone dings in my sling bag. I take it out and see a text from Sky.

As I read it, my eyes widen in shock, and my heart pounds with worry.

Sky: I had an accident.

I type, my hands shaking. Oh God! I hope he's alright.

Zoe: What? How? Where are you?

Sky: I'm fine. But my car stalled.

Liam notices my distraught expression and asks, "What happened, Zoe? Everything alright?"

"Sky had an accident," I respond, typing. "I need to leave."

Zoe: Send me your location. I'm coming.

Sky: Okay, and don't worry. I'm alright.

His text doesn't make me feel better. I'll only be relieved when I see Sky safe and sound in front of me.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Liam asks as I turn to leave.

"No, I'll manage." I rush out of his apartment, my mind racing with thoughts of Sky.

As I hurry out of Liam's apartment, I can feel my heart pounding with worry, and I'm constantly praying to God to keep him safe.

The night air feels colder as I step onto the street, trying to flag down a cab. Finally, one stops, and I give the driver Sky's location.

The ride feels like an eternity. Thoughts of him injured or in pain fill my mind. What if he's more hurt than he's letting on? I clutch my phone tightly, praying that he's truly okay.

When the cab finally pulls up to the location Sky sent me, I quickly pay the driver and leap out. My eyes immediately scan the area, and I spot Sky standing by the side of the road, his car with a dented front and his head bleeding.


It must be hurting him a lot. I can't bear to see Sky wounded.

"Sky!" I call out, my voice breaking with worry as I rush toward him.

He looks up at me, a faint smile forming on his lips. "Hey, Trouble."

I reach him and clasp his face, examining the cut on his forehead, my heart aching at the sight of the blood and my eyes getting moist. "You're bleeding! Why didn't you tell me you were hurt?"

He shrugs, wincing slightly. "I didn't want to worry you more than necessary."

Tears well up in my eyes, but I blink them away. "You scared me half to death. How did this happen?"

He sighs, avoiding my gaze. "I was driving too fast, lost control. It's my fault."

Lost control? I can't believe it. Sky is always in control. He's perfect in everything he does—from driving to running his father's business. So how did he lose control while driving?

"Sky, you can't be so reckless," I say, my voice shaking. "What if something worse had happened?"

Sky wasn't like this. He never used to drive too fast. I know that something has been bothering him for the past few weeks. However, I don't want to force him to share it with me. I hope he'll open up to me on his own one day.

He looks down, guilt visible in his eyes. "I know, Zoe. I'm sorry."

I take a deep breath, trying to steady my emotions. "We need to get you to a hospital. That cut needs to be looked at."

He laughs lightly, then winces. "I'll be fine, Trouble. Really. I just need to clean this up."

I frown at him. "I don't care. We're going to the hospital," I state in a grim tone, leaving no room for argument.

Sky gives me a meek nod. "Alright, if it'll make you feel better, Trouble. I'm ready to do anything for you."

A smile spreads across my face. "I know. Now let's go." I clasp his hand.

As we head toward the cab, he glances at me with a guilty look. "I'm sorry for ruining your date with Liam."

Liam? Who is Liam? There's no comparison between him and Sky. I can give up many dates to be there for Sky—not just because he always has my back, but because he means a lot to me. Whenever he's in need, I want to be there for him.

I stop and look at him. "Sky, you're more important to me than any date. Don't apologise."

He looks at me with those intense blue eyes, and for a moment, I feel a flutter in my chest—something I didn't feel with Liam. "Thanks, Trouble." His lips curve into a smile.

It's been a while since I've seen him smile genuinely, and it's a huge relief. That smile looks perfect on him.

"Please God, never take this smile away from his face," I pray instantly.

We get into the cab, and as it starts to drive toward the hospital, I steal glances at Sky. It's clear he's keeping something from me. He wasn't like this before. I never thought that one day he would get into trouble like this, and I would be the one pulling him out of it.

Please, God. Please help him. Whatever is bothering him, make it go away.

Because I miss my old Sky, who always shared everything with me without hesitation. He wasn't reckless.

Please return my old Sky to me, God. My heart is yearning for him.

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