Chapter 26 Please Don't Hate Me

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Sky's P.O.V.


Zoe is so angry after finding out that I threatened Liam. I know I was wrong, but how do I explain that my mind explodes every time I see her with him? I had to do something to keep them apart.

But now I've hurt her and possibly lost her trust.

I slump down on the couch, running my hands through my hair. I can't believe I've let my jealousy drive me to this point, and now Zoe is more distant than ever. The disappointment in her eyes was so profound that it shattered my heart.

How do I fix this? How do I make her understand how much she means to me without pushing her further away?


The situation between us is growing more complicated with each passing day, and now I wish I had never caught her using the vibrator that night.


The Next Day

I come to Zoe's apartment. I have to see her, to talk to her, to apologise. The distance between us is killing me. I'm her best friend, and in this situation, I want to be with her. I hope she's alright.

As I reach her door, I pull out the spare key I've always had. But when I try to unlock the door, it doesn't open. The realisation hits me hard—I've lost her trust. She's changed the lock. My chest becomes heavy with pain, but I compose myself.

Sky, she is just angry. She'll forgive you. Don't worry. Everything will be fine between you both.

I ring the bell constantly, but she doesn't open the door. I know she's in there—I can hear faint movements from inside. She must have seen me through the peephole, but isn't ready to talk to me yet.

I press my forehead against the door, feeling that she is standing on the other side. "Zoe, please don't hate me," I plead, my voice filled with regret. "I did it because you matter to me. I was afraid to lose you, and that's why I hid the truth from you. Trouble, I'm so sorry. I swear I had no intention of hurting you. You know how much I care for you."

There's no response. I place my hand on the door. "Please, Zoe, just talk to me," I implore again. "I know you're standing on the other side. I can feel it."

Still nothing. It hurts.

There's a long silence, and I start to lose hope. Then I hear her voice, soft and filled with pain. "I need time, Sky. I'm still in shock."

I exhale, relieved to hear her. At least she responds, but I'm still heartbroken. I can't bear this distance between us.

"Fine, take as much time as you need," I say, my hand still pressed against the door. "But just remember one thing—you are mine. And I'm not giving up on us."

I wait for a response, but there's only silence. I can't tell if she's still there, listening, or if she's walked away. My hand stays at the door for a moment longer before I turn and leave, feeling more lost and alone than ever.

What I was afraid of earlier is happening. I'm losing Zoe, the only person who has ever truly mattered to me. It feels like a knife twisting in my chest, knowing that I'm the cause.

As I walk away from her apartment, I realise I need to give her space and time. I can't force her to forgive me or accept my feelings. All I can do is wait and hope that one day she'll understand why I did those stupid things and that she'll find it in her heart to forgive me.

But until then, I'll be living with the regret of my actions and the hope that we can somehow find our way back to each other.


Zoe's P.O.V.

It's been two days since I found out what Sky was hiding from me and what he did, and I still can't get over it. I don't know how to trust him again, but I miss him and our bond. I want my best friend back and for everything to be okay between us like before. But deep inside, I know nothing will ever be the same again.

How can things go back to normal between us now that he has seen me pleasuring myself?

Damn! I feel so embarrassed every time I imagine Sky, my best friend, watching me when my hand was pressing the vibrator between my thighs.

If I had locked my room that night, everything would've been the same between us, and I wouldn't be distancing myself from him.

I still can't believe that he threatened Liam. The Sky I knew would never have done something like this. He always seemed so calm and collected, never one to resort to threats or violence. It's like I'm seeing a different side of him, a side I'm not sure I like.

I decide to talk to Selena about it after visiting her father's villa. Her father is rich, but I don't like him. He is way too strict with her, and she never seems fully relaxed when he's around. But Selena always has a way of making me feel better, and I need her perspective right now. I can't go to college because Sky will be there, and I'm not ready to face him yet.

I share everything with her, though I leave out the part about the vibrator because I feel too embarrassed.

She gasps in shock. "Oh, my God! Sky threatened Liam. He's getting possessive. Finally, he's realising the chemistry between you both is more than just friendship."

I glance at Selena, wide-eyed. "Possessive? Chemistry? Selena, he crossed a line. This isn't just about realising feelings; he threatened someone."

She sighs, nodding. "I get it, Zoe. What he did was wrong, no doubt. But think about why he did it. He was afraid to lose you. Fear makes people do crazy things sometimes."

I take a deep breath, feeling conflicted. Selena is spitting facts, but one thing keeps eating at my mind: he threatened someone. That is wrong.

"I can't trust him. He threatened Liam," I say, my voice filled with frustration.

"So what? He was jealous, babes, and jealousy is a part of any relationship," Selena replies, shrugging.

I shake my head. "I need time to think. Selena, I can't change everything in a second. This is all so new to me, and he lied to me. I don't know what's wrong and what's right anymore."

Selena sighs and places a hand on my shoulder. "I get it, Zoe. It's a lot to process. But think about it. He's been your best friend for years. He cares about you, maybe more than you realise."

"But he crossed a line," I insist. "How can I ever trust him again? I feel so betrayed and confused. I want to believe that he did it because he cares, but threatening someone and hiding it from me... it's not okay."

She squeezes my shoulder gently. "Take your time, Zoe. Don't rush into anything. But don't shut him out completely either. Talk to him when you're ready. Maybe you both can find a way to rebuild your trust."

"I hope so," I mumble, staring straight. "I really hope so."


That night, I stare at my phone, tempted to call Sky. I miss our late-night talks, his silly jokes, and the way he always knows how to make me smile. But the image of him threatening Liam and seeing me in such an intimate moment keeps flashing in my mind, holding me back.

I question myself: could I really trust him again? And what about the feelings he confessed? I'm not ready to face that yet. I need more time to process everything.

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