Chapter 27 I Won't Give Up

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Zoe's P.O.V.

The next day, I am lost in my thoughts, still trying to process everything. I can't get what Sky did out of my mind, and I miss him terribly.

As I step out of my apartment building, my mind is miles away, and I don't even notice the sign that the lift is under construction. Absentmindedly, I step into the elevator and press the button for the ground floor.

Suddenly, the elevator jolts and comes to a stop. The lights flicker, and I feel my heart leap into my throat. Panic sets in as I realise the elevator is stuck.

"Help! Someone, please help!" I shout, banging on the doors. But no one seems to hear me. My breath becomes heavy, and I feel the walls closing in on me.

I fumble for my phone and quickly dial Selena's number. To my dismay, her phone goes straight to voicemail. "No, no, no," I mutter, trying to keep my composure.

I stare at my phone, wondering whether to call Sky. For the first time, I'm thinking of reaching out to him for help because the pain of betrayal is still too fresh. I can't bring myself to do it. Not yet.

I try calling Selena again, but her phone is still off. Then I press the emergency button in the lift, but nothing happens. "Damn it!" I shout, slamming my fist against the wall.

"Think, Zoe, think," I mutter to myself. But all I can think about is how Sky would have already come to my rescue if he knew I was in trouble. He always has a way of making me feel safe.

But things are different now. I can't just call him after what happened. Can I? My finger hovers over his contact, my heart pounding.


Sky's P.O.V.

Today, I came to college in the hope that Zoe would come, but she hasn't arrived yet.

I'm seated with Alex in the cafeteria, staring straight ahead, dejected. Zoe hasn't been responding to my calls and texts for the past two days. I've stopped visiting her apartment because I want to give her time. I don't want to force her to forgive me.

"Sky, I still can't believe you threatened Liam. Since you developed feelings for Zoe, you've been changing," Alex says, taking a sip of his coffee.

I let out a heavy sigh. "When you develop feelings for a girl, you'll understand what I'm going through. It's not easy."

Alex shakes his head. "I'm never going to put myself in that situation. I'm not that kind of person. Girls are only for fun and all that."

I manage a small laugh. "We'll see."

I know deep down that these feelings have a way of surprising even the most steadfast bachelors.

Just then, Alex's phone rings. He glances at the screen and raises an eyebrow. "It's Zoe." He gives me a confused look.

"Pick it up and put it on speaker," I urge, my heart pounding. Why is she calling Alex and not me?

Alex answers the call and puts it on speaker. "Hey, Zoe. What's up?"

"Alex, I'm stuck in the elevator in my building," Zoe's voice comes through, shaky and filled with panic. "I don't know what to do. Can you help me?"

A pang of hurt shoots through me. For the first time, she didn't call me for help.

But putting my hurt aside, I lean in closer to the phone. "I'm just coming, Trouble. Stay calm," I reassure her.

There's a moment of silence before Zoe responds. "Sky? I didn't realize you were there..."

"It's okay, Zoe. I'm on my way. Just hang tight," I say, already getting up from my seat and heading toward the exit.

Alex looks at me, his expression serious. "I'll come with you."

We rush out of the cafeteria and head to Zoe's apartment building. The drive feels like an eternity, my mind swirling with worry for her. I hope she is alright.

Deep inside, I'm angry and hurt as well. Why didn't she call me after getting in Trouble?

My heart pounds in my chest as Alex and I sprint to Zoe's apartment building. The thought of her trapped in that elevator makes my chest tighten with anxiety. When we finally reach the building, we rush inside and head straight for the elevator.

"I'll get the maintenance team." Alex runs off to find help.

I stand in front of the elevator doors, pressing my ear against them. "Zoe, can you hear me?" I call out.

"Yes, I can hear you," she replies, her voice still shaky but relieved.

"Hang in there. We're getting help. Just breathe, okay?" I try to sound calm despite the storm of emotions inside me.

A few minutes later, Alex returns with a maintenance worker, and they work to get the elevator moving again. I stay close to the doors, talking to Zoe to keep her calm.

Finally, the elevator jolts back to life and begins to move. When the doors open, I see Zoe standing there. Her face is pale and her eyes are wide with fear. Without thinking, I pull her into my arms, gripping her. It feels like I get my breath back after embracing her.

"Are you okay?" I ask, feeling her relax slightly in my embrace.

She nods, her arms wrapping around me. "I'm fine, just a little shaken."

I pull away from her and turn towards the apartment manager, who's just arrived, my brows knitted. "How could the lift stop working like this? What if something had happened to her?" I shout, my voice filled with fury.

I can't bear the thought of anything happening to Zoe.

The manager raises his hands in defence. "We put a sign up saying the lift was under construction. I'm sorry, but we didn't expect anyone to use it."

As my gaze immediately drifts toward Zoe, she lowers her eyes sheepishly, playing with her hands, knowing I'm going to lecture her.

"Trouble! Trouble! How do you always get in these dangerous situations?" I shake my head in disbelief, scolding her, "Stop being careless."

She finally meets my gaze, her eyes filled with frustration. "Because of you, I didn't see the board. You're driving me crazy, Sky."

"So, why are you running away from me?" I demand, my voice softer but still intense.

"I told you I need time, Sky," she replies, her voice steady but distant.

"Please don't run away from me, Trouble." I move closer to her, my heart aching. "I waited for you for one month and now I can't wait any longer to make you mine."

"Sky, I can't just forget what you did." She steps back, hurt etched on every corner of her face. "You broke my trust. I need time to figure out everything. Try to understand."

As she turns to leave, I reach out to stop her, but my hand catches the ribbon tying her hair in a ponytail. It slips free as she moves away. She disappears from my sight, leaving me standing there with her ribbon in my hand.

I stand there for a moment, staring at the ribbon in my hand, then tuck it into my pocket. She needs time, and I'll have to respect that. But I won't give up on her. Not now, not ever.

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