Chapter 48 I'll Never Let You Go

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Sky's P.O.V.

I slowly regain consciousness, blinking against the harsh lights above me. My body feels heavy and sore.

Fuck! I feel like my head is about to explode.

I notice the faces of Alex and Selena hovering above me, relief visible in their eyes. But my eyes search for the woman with the bangs. My Trouble. Where is she?

"Hey, man." Alex gives me a gentle smile. "You scared the hell out of us. I'm glad you're alright."

I give him a faint smile, but my eyes dart around the room, desperately looking for Zoe. I need to see her, to tell her I'm okay, to hold her hand and feel her warmth. I can't even imagine what she must have gone through when she found out about my accident. It must have been so hard for her.

But where the hell is she? She should be here. I hope she's alright.

Before I can ask about her, my dad enters the room, his eyes filled with concern and love. He steps closer to my bed. "Sky, thank God you're alright."

"Yeah, Dad. I'm okay." I murmur, passing him a small smile, my heart yearning to see Zoe. I need her.

Dad nods, and I can see the relief in his eyes. We talk for a few minutes, and he assures me that everything will be alright and that I just need to focus on getting better. As we converse, I keep glancing at the door, hoping to see Zoe walk in any second.

I don't know why my sixth sense is telling me that something is wrong.

As our conversation ends, a nurse comes in and politely asks everyone to leave, saying I need rest. Alex and Selena exchange a glance before turning back to me.

"We'll be right outside," Alex assures me, patting my shoulder before walking out with Dad and Selena.

"Selena, wait." Selena halts at the door when I call her name. "Where's Zoe?"

She turns towards me, a flicker of worry crossing her face. "She said she needed to go to the washroom. She hasn't come back yet."

Washroom? She wouldn't go to the washroom when I'd just regained consciousness. Now I'm certain something isn't right. Zoe wouldn't just leave me like this when I needed her the most.

"Can you check on her, please?" I ask, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice.

Selena nods quickly. "Of course, Sky. I'll be right back."

As she leaves, I close my eyes, trying to push away all the negative thoughts. Zoe has to be okay. She just has to be.

I wait impatiently, staring at the door, becoming restless with each passing second. It's been more than fifteen minutes since Selena left to find Zoe. I just can't stop wondering if something is wrong.

Zoe wouldn't just disappear on me, not now. But if she has, then the question is why? Why would she do this to me at this time? She can't hurt me like this.

Oh God, my mind is spinning—not because of the injury from the accident, but because I'm anxious about Zoe.

After what feels like an eternity, Selena returns with a worried expression on her face.

"Selena, where is she?" I ask, looking past her to see if Zoe is following behind.

But no. She isn't. Where are you, Trouble? Your Sky needs you.

"She's not in the washroom," Selena informs me, her tone grim. "I've tried calling her, but she's not answering."

Panic claws at my chest. "What do you mean she's not there? Where could she be?"

I'm growing more and more anxious with each passing second.

Selena takes a deep breath, her eyes filled with concern. "Sky, there's something you need to know. Before you woke up, Zoe was really upset. She kept saying it was her fault you got into the accident, that she's unlucky, and she brings bad things to the people she loves."

"What?" I whisper, staring at her in disbelief.

Zoe thinks she's unlucky. I feel a pang in my heart at the thought of her blaming herself for something that was beyond her control. Damn!

"I tried to reassure her, but she was really distraught," Selena continues. "And Sky, this isn't the first time she's felt like she's unlucky for you. Since she came into the relationship, she's always had a fear of losing you. I asked her to share it with you, but she said she didn't want to bother you."

After listening to Selena's words, I'm taken aback, my heart aching at the realisation that Zoe has been carrying this burden alone. I never imagined her fear ran this deep. How could I not have seen it? How could she think she was unlucky for me?

"Why didn't she tell me?" I whisper, my voice filled with anguish, and tears blur my vision.

Selena gives me a sad smile. "She loves you, Sky. She didn't want to worry you or add to your stress. She thought she could handle it on her own. I think she left now because she believes it's best for you."

I curse, frustrated. "Fuck! I have to meet her and make her understand that she's thinking wrong."

Hearing the raised voices, Alex enters the room, concern etched on his face. "What's going on?"

"Zoe's gone, Alex. She thinks she's a curse or something," I explain quickly, trying to get up despite the pain coursing through my body.

"Sky, stop!" Alex rushes to my side, placing a hand on my shoulder to stop me from moving. "You need to rest. You're in no condition to go after her."

"But I can't just lie here while she's out there, thinking she's unlucky for me." I utter, feeling helpless, my voice trembling with agony.

Oh God! I can't even imagine what condition she must be in. I need to be with her and explain that she's thinking wrong. She isn't unlucky for me.

"We'll find her, okay?" Alex assures me. "You need to focus on getting better. We'll make sure she understands that this wasn't her fault."

I lean back against the pillow, dejected. "Promise me you'll bring her back, Alex. Tell her she's not unlucky. She's my everything."

Selena and Alex nod with determination in their eyes. "We will, Sky," Selena assures me. "We'll find her and bring her back to you."

As they leave the room, I close my eyes, praying that Zoe will understand how much she means to me. She's not a curse; she's my light in the darkness. And I can't lose her. She is the only person I can call mine. Zoe, you need to understand that you're my happiness. I don't want a life where you're not with me.

A shiver of fright runs down my spine at the mere thought of living a life without her. I'll do whatever it takes to get her back because letting her go is not an option. Zoe Scott, I'll never let you go.

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