Chapter 49 The Memory

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Zoe's P.O.V.

As I enter Sky's penthouse, the place we've made our home over the past month and a half, fresh tears trickle down my cheeks. Every corner of the apartment is filled with memories of us.

I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him here, but deep inside, I knew that happiness wasn't written in my cards. God would take Sky away from me, just as I lost my family. I was certain that destiny would play this cruel trick on me.

As I step into the living room, I picture Sky chasing me because I stole the last piece of pizza. "Trouble, we had a deal to split this last piece," I recall him saying.

I replied, "I don't remember any such deal."

His laughter echoes in my mind—a sound I desperately long to hear again.

As I walk into the dining area, I see myself sitting on his lap, giggling while he feeds me, teasing me.

"Sky, stop it! I can feed myself." I laughed, trying to grab the fork from him.

"But you're such a messy eater," Sky teased, holding the fork just out of my reach. "I can't let my Trouble get food all over her pretty face."

I pouted, crossing my arms. "I'm not that messy."

He smirked, bringing a forkful of pasta to my lips. "Yes, you are. But I love you anyway."

I rolled my eyes playfully and took a bite, savouring the food and the moment. "You're impossible."

He passed me a smile. "And you love it."

I leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. "Yeah, I do."

A smile spreads across my face as I almost forget it's just a memory. But then reality crashes down, and the dining area is empty again, leaving me with nothing but the echoes of our past.

I walk to the staircase and pause, recalling the time I almost slipped, but Sky caught me just in time.

"This is the thousandth time you've gotten into trouble in this penthouse, and I'm saving you," he teased as he saved me from falling, scooped me up in his strong arms, and carried me upstairs while I laughed.

The memory is so vivid that it's as if I could reach out and touch it. But it's just an illusion.

As I enter our bedroom, I see us cuddling in every corner of the room, lost in each other, our voices echoing in my mind. The bed, the couch, and even the floor hold memories of our love, our passion, and our pure bond.

I become hysterical and slump to the floor, crying profusely. "Why do I have to leave him?" I sob. "Why am I cursed? What did I do to deserve this? I don't want to leave him. I need him."

My heart shatters at the thought of Sky waking up and finding me gone. What would he be thinking? That I left him when he needed me the most? That I abandoned him because I couldn't handle the guilt?

But then I wipe my tears, telling myself it's for the best. Maybe it's better if he thinks wrong about me. Maybe it will make it easier for him to move on.

I press my hands to my mouth, the agony of my decision tearing me apart. "God, why am I like this?" I whisper, my voice trembling. "Why can't I be close to anyone without hurting them? What's my fault?"

I cry harder, shattered. But deep down, I know this is the only way to protect him. Sky deserves to live, even if it's without me. No matter how much it hurts, I will never let his life come in danger because of me.

As I finish packing my bag, my eyes fall on the photo frame on the bedside table. It has a photo of Sky and me laughing, lost in each other's eyes.

My eyes have become puffy from crying. I'm trying to be strong but failing terribly. I wish there was another way to make everything alright or a way to dull the deep ache in my heart.

I pick up the photo frame and trace Sky's face with my finger. The memory of the day he gave it to me floods my mind.


Sky entered the room, hiding something behind his back. I jumped out of bed and rushed to him. "Sky, you're back." Standing on my toes, I threw my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. I was so happy to see him after two days of a business trip.

He chuckled. "Somebody missed me so much."

"Didn't you?" I asked, pulling away from him.

"No. Why would I have missed you? You annoyed me so much, Trouble. I was relieved." As he teased, I hit his chest.

"You always say that. You're so bad." I gave him a fake glare.

He laughed. "Now close your eyes, Trouble. I have a small gift for you."

"Gift? Wow." My eyes widened in amazement. "Show me! Show me!"

"First, close your eyes, Zoe."

I closed my eyes, a wide grin spreading across my face. "Okay, okay, they're closed!"

"No peeking," he warned, his voice full of playful authority.

I heard him doing something, and the anticipation made my heart race. "Can I open them now?" I asked, becoming impatient.

"Just a second... Okay, now!"

I opened my eyes and gasped in delight. In his hands was a beautiful photo frame, the one that now sits on our bedside table. It held a picture of us from one of our beach dates, laughing and looking at each other as if nothing else in the world mattered.

"Sky, it's perfect," I breathed, tears of joy welling up in my eyes. "I love it."

His lips curved into a smile. "I wanted to capture this moment forever, just like how I want us to last."

Flashback Over

"Sky, I love you. I hope you understand, this is the only way I know to keep you safe." I whisper before holding the frame close to my heart, sobbing. "I'm so sorry, Sky."

After crying for a while, clinging to our photo like it's my lifeline, I keep it in my bag. As I zip up the bag, my heart breaks with each tug on the zipper. I'm leaving behind a part of me, a part of my soul that will always belong to Sky.

When I reach the door, I turn and look around the room one last time with moist eyes, whispering a silent goodbye to everything we built together.

Just as I'm about to leave, I hear the front door open. My heart almost stops beating. No. No. It can't be Sky. He's supposed to be at the hospital, recovering. Who could it be?

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