Chapter 51 Helplessness!

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Sky's P.O.V.

"Alex, I'm feeling so helpless, lying injured here. I need to find Zoe. I don't know what state she's in or where she could be. She could get into any kind of trouble. I want to be with her," I express my concern to Alex. It's been twenty hours since Selena told me that Zoe left the penthouse after locking her in. I couldn't believe my ears when I heard this.

When Selena told me that Zoe wasn't in the right state of mind and was constantly blaming herself for my condition, I wished I could be there with her to explain that she shouldn't run away like this. She shouldn't leave me because of her fear. She's thinking completely wrong.

Fuck! I'm already missing her. My life becomes dull when she's not around me.

I run a hand through my hair, aggravated. "Zoe's always been the light in my life. Everything feels so dull and empty without her here."

"I know, man. But we'll find her. Don't worry," Alex reassures me, standing beside my bed.

"I just wish I could get up and search for her myself." I clench my fists in frustration. "Being stuck in this bed is driving me insane. I need to be out there, looking for her, making sure she's safe."

"Sky, you need to heal. You can't help her if you're not taking care of yourself. I know it's hard, but you have to be strong and patient. We're doing everything we can to find her," Alex explains.

I know he's right, but it doesn't make it any easier. The thought of Zoe out there, alone, shattered, blaming herself, is spinning my mind. I just pray that wherever she is, she stays out of trouble.

"Sky, take care of yourself. I'll come and see you tomorrow. If you need any help, just give me a call."

I nod. "If you find any information about Zoe, inform me immediately."

"Of course, Sky. Don't worry, everything is going to be alright. You'll get her back," he reassures me, squeezing my shoulder.

"Thank you, Alex, for everything you're doing for me. I know you're not the type of person who enjoys playing the hero, but you've been there for me in ways I can't even begin to repay. Just... thank you."

Alex nods, his expression sombre. "You're my friend, Sky. I'd do anything for you. And I know Zoe means the world to you." His eyes soften as he continues, "You know, I never believed in love because of the environment I grew up in, but seeing the love between you and Zoe, I started to feel like maybe I was wrong about love. What you two have... it's special. And that's why I'm going to do everything I can to bring her back to you."

I'm taken aback by the change in his heart. "Does this mean I have a chance to see you falling in love soon?" I raise my eyebrows at him teasingly.

"Don't get your hopes up, Sky. Love is not something I'm looking for. I'm just saying that you've made me believe it's possible. But I'm here for you and Zoe. That's what matters right now."

I smile weakly. "Fair enough. But remember, never say never."

Alex chuckles softly. "Yeah, yeah. Just focus on getting better. Leave finding Zoe to me and Selena."

He gives me one last reassuring squeeze on the shoulder before he heads out. As the door closes, the room falls silent, and I can't stop myself from wondering about Zoe again.

I glance at the clock. Twenty hours since Zoe disappeared. Twenty hours of not knowing where she is or what state she's in. It's killing me.

Where are you, Trouble?

I pick up my phone from the side table and scroll through our old messages and her photos. My heart aches with every word, every image. She can't be gone like this. She needs to come back for me. I'll make her understand that our love is stronger than her fear. I'll make her believe that she is my lucky charm, not a curse. She is the best thing that ever happened to me. When she is around me, my life brightens up.

I press the call button for the nurse. When she arrives, I ask, "Is there any way I can get discharged early? I need to be out of here."

The nurse looks at me sympathetically. "Mr. Sky, you've had a serious injury. It's important you stay here to recover fully. I know it's difficult, but you need to be patient."

"I can't be patient when the woman I love is out there, thinking she's cursed, blaming herself for everything. Please, just let me go."

"I understand your concern, but your health is also important. If you leave now, you could risk further injury."

I lean back, irked by my helplessness. "Alright. Just... please keep me updated if there's any change in my condition. I need to get out of here as soon as possible."

I feel like I've been trapped in chains on this bed for an eternity. Every second that passes feels like a lifetime, not knowing where Zoe is.

As the nurse leaves, I call my father to see if he has any updates about Zoe. I asked him to hire a detective in the morning.

"Sky, how are you, son?" he questions in a concerned tone.

"Dad, I'm losing my mind waiting. Any news from the detective?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.

There's a pause on the other end before he responds. "The detectives are following up on several possible locations where Zoe might have gone. I'll be in touch with any updates."

So there's no news. How can she disappear like this?

"Please, Dad, I need to know if she's safe. I feel like I'm losing control, not knowing where she is or how she's doing." My voice trembles because of the agony.

"I understand, Sky. We're doing everything we can. Just try to focus on getting better. It won't help if you worsen your condition by stressing out too much."

"I can't help it, Dad. It's hard to stay still when every part of me wants to be out there looking for her." The heaviness in my chest becomes unbearable, and I cry out in front of my father for the second time. The first time was when I lost my mother.

"Sky... are you crying?" My father's voice is filled with concern.

I swallow hard, trying to regain control. "Dad, I can't lose her. She's everything to me. I've never felt so powerless in my life."

He pauses for a moment. I know he'll be shocked to hear my sobs. "Sky, I know it's tough right now, but don't lose hope."

"Dad, I'll call you later." I hang up and cry silently, covering my face.

It feels like a nightmare. I wish I had known earlier about her fears. I would've explained to her she isn't cursed and that it's a pure blessing to have her in my life.

After closing my eyes, I picture Zoe's face, her smile, the way her eyes light up when she laughs. I need her back. I need to hold her, to tell her everything will be okay.

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