Chapter 52 I'm Coming To You

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Sky's P.O.V.

A Week Later

I enter our penthouse with a broken heart, my hand still in a plaster. It's been a week, and I still have no clue where my Trouble is or how she's doing. Her phone has been switched off since she left, and when we traced her number, the last location it showed was our penthouse.

She didn't just leave me; she left everything behind to save me. Her studies, her apartment, her friends—everything she built for herself. It's like she disappeared into thin air.

The doctors still weren't ready to discharge me, but I begged them. I need to find Zoe. I was going crazy lying in the hospital bed, not knowing where she was.

God! Please keep her safe. Please.

The penthouse feels so empty without her, and every corner reminds me of her.

As I look at the sofa, I recall how she was jumping on it with excitement like a kid two weeks ago when I told her we would go on vacation after our exams.


As she bounced on the sofa, I cautioned her, "Trouble, careful. You'll fall."

"Sky... we'll go to Paris... wow! My dream place..." she paused as she lost her balance and was about to fall, but I caught her.

"Trouble, why do you never listen to me?" I scolded her, settling her down on the sofa properly.

She lowered her eyes, playing with her pendant. "Sorry! I was just so excited."

I chuckled, sitting beside her. "When will you grow up, Zoe?"

"Never!" She laughed, shifting from the sofa to my lap. After kissing my lips softly and wrapping her arms around my neck, she said in an excited tone, "Sky, we'll kiss like this at the Eiffel Tower. You know it's my dream."

I nodded, beaming. "Done. But you know what I want to do there?" I raise my brows at her.

"What?" Her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

"I want to fuck you hard in Paris, anywhere and everywhere we can." As I whispered, moving closer to her face, crimson bloomed across her cheeks.

That day, we were planning our trip, completely unaware of God's plan for us.

Flashback Over

As I enter my room, I see her packed bags on the floor—the ones she couldn't take with her because of Selena. I sit down and open one of them, feeling a deep ache in my heart.

Inside, I find a photo frame with a picture of us, her face glowing with happiness. I caress her face in the photo, longing to touch her, to feel her presence, and to hold her tight in my arms. I miss her so much that it hurts to even breathe.

Then I notice that she has also packed a few of my hoodies and T-shirts—the ones she loved to wear because they made her feel close to me.

Holding one of her tops, I bring it to my face and inhale her faint scent that still lingers. My heart aches even more.

"Zoe, where are you?" I whisper, clutching the top tightly close to my chest as if I'm holding her. "Please, come back to me."

As my eyes burn with unshed tears, I lean against the bed, surrounded by her things, feeling lost and empty like I did after losing my mother. Zoe left everything she loved behind, and now I have to find her and bring her back to where she belongs—with me.

Just then, my phone buzzes. It's Alex. I answer it immediately, hoping to hear the good news. "Alex, did you find her?"

"Sky, we've got a lead." I feel as if I get my breath back after hearing this. After seven long days of agony, we finally have some information.

"What is it? Where is she?" I inquire, my heart thumping.

"She withdrew some money from her bank account two days ago."

"Where did she withdraw it?" My voice is filled with desperation.

"Ibiza, Spain."

As Alex informs me, something clicks instantly. She once told me that when her parents were alive, they used to go on vacations to their villa in Ibiza. It was her favorite place, where she felt most at peace.

Damn! Why didn't I think that she could be there?

But I'm so relieved. Finally, I know where my Trouble is.

God! Thank you so much.

Smiling, I speak, "She must be at her family's villa. I'll ask about the exact location of the villa from her uncle."

"That's great, Sky. Now we don't have to search the entire Ibiza."

"Thank you, Alex. I owe you so much for this." I say, feeling grateful for having a friend like him. He helped a lot in finding Zoe, and I'm serious when I say I've never had a male friend like him before. When I first met him, seeing his aloof nature, I never thought Alex would be the kind of guy who goes out of his way to help his friends. But he's proven me wrong.

Alex replies, "Just find Zoe, Sky. Bring her back."

"I will." I end the call, staring straight ahead with determination, my lips curling into a small smile of relief.

I immediately dial her uncle's number, my fingers trembling with impatience as I wait for him to pick up. When he finally answers, I quickly explain the situation and ask him to send me the exact location of the villa.

He replies, "Of course, Sky. I'll send you the address right away."

"Thank you so much." I hang up.

With that settled, I call my father to arrange for our private jet to be ready as soon as possible.

"Dad, we finally know where Zoe is."

"That's great news."

"Can you have the jet prepared?"

"Sky, you can't travel in this state. I'll send someone to bring Zoe."

"I know I'm not fully healed, Dad," I explain to him, "but she won't return if I don't go there myself. I need to go."

After a long pause, he replies, "Alright, Sky. I understand. I'll have everything ready for you within the hour. Just promise me you'll be careful."

"Thank you, Dad." I disconnect the call with a smile on my face.

"Zoe, I'm coming to you. You can't hide from me any longer," I murmur to myself before standing up.

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