Chapter 53 Is Zoe In Danger?

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Zoe's P.O.V.

It's been a week of hell since I left New York and came to Ibiza. I have no clue how Sky is. Is he recovering well after the accident? Is he okay?

God! I wish I didn't have to leave him like that.

I don't know how I'm going to survive here, all alone, without him. Living without him is worse than anything I could have imagined. Every moment feels like an eternity. I'm haunted by the memory of his face, his voice, his touch. Every fibre of my body, my soul, is yearning for him.

However, I have to live without him. I can't put Sky's life at risk because of me. With time, I'll grow accustomed to living like this. I have to accept that living alone is my fate.

I wander down the streets of Ibiza, lost in thoughts and memories of Sky. A loud honk jolts me back to reality. I freeze—a car is speeding toward me. But before I can react, someone yanks me back onto the sidewalk.

I turn to see a woman about my age, looking at me with concern in her amber eyes. "Hey, where were you lost? The car was just about to hit you."

I stammer, "Thank you for saving my life."

"Are you alright? Do you need any help?" she asks, studying me closely.

I shake my head. "No. No. I'm fine."

"Anyway, I'm Stella." She introduces herself with a smile, holding out her hand to me.

"Zoe." I shake her hand, forcing a small smile.

I never thought smiling would become so hard for me one day.

"It's nice to meet you, Zoe. Are you going somewhere? I can drop you. My car is parked over there." She points at her parked car.

"No. I'll manage."

"I insist."

"Okay." I nod.

We walk to her car, and as we settle into it, she asks, while fastening her seatbelt, "Do you live here?"

"No, I just moved here a few days ago from New York," I respond, buckling my seatbelt.

Not moved—ran away from New York. Ran away from love, happiness, and peace.

She remarks, "Wow! New York. I'm moving there in a few months. Anyway, why did you leave New York?"

I left New York because I wanted to save Sky's life and because I promised God.

"To protect someone's life," I answer, not comfortable sharing the details with a stranger.

"Means?" She asks, puzzled.

"Nothing," I reply, looking away.

On the way to my villa, she chatters nonstop, but I get lost in my world, my eyes fixed on the window. When I don't respond to her, she eventually stops talking.

After reaching my place, as I unbuckle my seatbelt, she speaks, "Zoe, you seem really upset. I don't know the reason behind it, but don't worry—whatever you're going through, it'll pass. There's not always night," Stella reassures me.

I mumble, "What if only nights are written in someone's fate?"

Stella looks at me with sympathy. "I don't believe that. We all go through dark times, but there's always light at the end of the tunnel. It's just a matter of time."

I nod, wanting to believe her words, but it's difficult. "Thanks for the ride, Stella. And for saving me back there."

She smiles gently in response.

As I step out of the car, she utters, "Take care."

I nod before walking inside. This place used to give me peace because I felt close to my family, but now, nothing seems to fill the void in my heart.


At night, I struggle to sleep like every night. My mind refuses to quiet down. It keeps replaying moments with Sky over and over again. I toss and turn, seeking comfort, but can't find any. I've hardly been sleeping this past week—just two or three hours each day, and even that sleep is restless.

Just as I begin to drift off, the doorbell rings, startling me awake. My heart races, and I sit up in bed, clutching the sheets. Who could it be at this hour? Nobody knows I'm living here.

Is it Sky? Did he find me?


Sky's P.O.V.

As my driver halts the car in front of the villa where Zoe is staying, I open the door and rush inside. The eight-hour flight was so difficult to endure. I kept thinking about how I would make her understand that she shouldn't run away from our love. Whatever she's thinking is wrong.

Now that I've arrived, I just want to engulf her in my arms and never let her go.

I push open the front door, calling her name. "Zoe!"

But there's no response.

I check every room of the villa, my heart sinking because I can't find her. The living room, the kitchen, the bedroom—all empty. Where could she have gone so late at night?

My heart races with worry. Did she leave again? But how could she have known about my arrival?

I search every corner of the house in a hurry. As I make my way back to the front door, something catches my eye—a dark stain on the doorstep.

Fuck! It's blood.

My heart stops. Is Zoe in danger? No. No. I'm overthinking.

I kneel and touch the stain. It's fresh.

"Zoe!" I shout, my voice breaking. I feel like I'm going crazy, my mind imagining worst-case scenarios.

I stand up, frantically scanning the area around the villa. My heart thunders in my chest as I think about where she could have gone and what might have happened to her. I need to find her, and fast.

After pulling my phone out, I call Alex. My hands shake as I try to stay calm.

"Alex, something is wrong. I found blood at the villa, and Zoe's not here. We need to find her." My voice trembles as I inform him, my mind spinning with worry.

"We'll find her, Sky. Just hold on. I'll get some people on it right away. We'll track her down." Alex tries to reassure me, but it's not helping.

"I'm afraid, Alex. What if she's in danger?" I ask, running my hand through my hair.

"Relax, Sky. She'll be fine. We'll find her."

As I end the call, I take a deep breath, trying to steady myself. I can't lose my Trouble. I need to find her and make sure she's safe. I head back to the car, determined to find her, ready to search the entire island if I have to.

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