Chapter 54 Where Am I?

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Zoe's P.O.V.

I regain consciousness and find myself in a dark basement. My head throbs with pain, and I try to make sense of my surroundings.

Where am I? How did I get here?

As I wonder, I recall opening the villa's door, shocked to see a few men standing there. Before I could ask anything, one of them hit me with the end of a gun on my forehead, and I blacked out instantly.

I struggle to sit up, my hands trembling in fear. The air is damp and musty, and I can hear the distant sound of water dripping. I can't see much, but I can feel the cold, hard floor beneath me. I'm afraid. The darkness around me is terrifying.

Why would anyone do this to me? Who are these men? What do they want? I don't even know anybody in Ibiza.

I walk over to the door, my heart pounding in my chest. I press my ear against it, trying to hear any sounds from the other side, but all I get is silence.

The fear is making my entire body shiver, but I know I have to find a way out and stay strong, even though I don't know where to begin.

"Hello, is someone listening to me?" I bang on the door, yelling, afraid of the darkness, but I get no response from outside.

After getting exhausted, I slowly sit down, hugging my knees to my chest, and tears trickle down my cheeks.

I'm so afraid. Am I going to die here?

I cry, burying my face in my knees and clutching my dress.

What is happening in my life? Trouble after trouble. First, Sky had an accident, then I had to leave him, and now, I'm here, trapped in the darkness. The woman, Stella, whom I met today, her words gave me a little hope that happiness would return to me, but now I feel hopeless again.

I wonder if I'll ever see the light again and if I'll ever be free from this endless nightmare.

Sky has always gotten me out of trouble. If he knew I was in Ibiza, he would have surely come to rescue me. But he doesn't know where I am.

However, deep inside, I still hope that he'll somehow find me. Sky has always had a way of knowing when I'm in trouble, like a sixth sense.

"Sky, please find your Zoe. She's in trouble again," I murmur, sobbing.


Sky's P.O.V.

A Week Later

I have been searching for Zoe in Ibiza relentlessly for a week. Every day, I hope she returns to the villa, completely fine. The thought of something happening to her is killing me inside.

The bloodstain on the door that I saw a week ago haunts me every night. She's out there, and she needs me. I can feel it in my bones.

I've been working with the local authorities, but their progress has been frustratingly slow. They've questioned people, searched known criminal hangouts, and followed every lead, but nothing has turned up. I know I can't rely solely on them.

Every day, I scour the streets, asking everyone if they've seen Zoe or know anything about her disappearance. The locals know me now—the desperate guy with the missing girlfriend. Some have been sympathetic, while others have dismissed me, thinking I'm a maniac. But I don't care what people think about me. The only thing that matters is finding Zoe, unharmed, and for that, I'll go to any lengths.

Zoe is my life, and I need to find her and keep her safe with me forever.

I wonder every day who could be trying to harm her here in Ibiza.

As I sit in the dark hall, staring blankly at the walls, I hear footsteps approaching. I raise my head and see my father walking over to me, his eyes filled with concern and frustration. He's been calling and trying to convince me to return to New York ever since I arrived in Ibiza, but I refuse to leave without Zoe.

I know he has come here to take me with him, but I'm not going. I can't leave Ibiza until I find my Trouble. How can I leave like this when I can sense that she's in danger?

"Sky," he utters, taking a seat across from me. "You need to come back home. You can't stay here forever, chasing shadows."

"Dad, you know I won't leave Ibiza until I find Zoe. You shouldn't have come here." I stand, turning my back to him.

"Sky, it's been a week. She left you, and you need to accept that. Maybe it's time to move on."

Move on? Seriously? How can he even say that? Moving on from Zoe is like cutting off a part of my body. I can't just walk away from her, not when I can feel she needs me.

I turn towards him and glare at him, boiling in anger. "Dad, Zoe needs me. She's in danger. How can you even ask me to move on? I'm not giving up until I find her," I state in a grim tone.

"Son, I know you care about her, but you can't keep torturing yourself like this. I hate seeing you like this—obsessed and lost."

"You don't understand. Zoe is my everything. I can't just move on as if she never existed."

He stands up, looking at me with concern in his eyes. "I just don't want you to lose yourself in this search, son. Promise me you'll at least consider coming back if nothing changes."

I nod reluctantly, knowing it's the only way to get him off my back for now. "I'll think about it," I mutter, though my heart knows I won't give up on Zoe.

"Take care." As he turns to leave, I watch him helplessly. I know he's worried about me after seeing me like this, but I can't just go with him. I need to find Zoe at any cost.

Just as he reaches the door, he suddenly clutches his chest and stumbles. His face contorts with pain, and he collapses onto the floor.

"Dad!" I rush to his side, panic rising in my chest. "Dad, are you okay?"

He gasps for breath, his eyes wide with fear and pain. I can see that he's struggling, and the sight of him lying there is making my entire body tremble.

What the fuck is happening in my life?

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