Chapter 56 Broken!

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Sky's P.O.V.

The car screeches to a halt as the driver pulls up to the location. I jump out before the engine even stops, my heart racing with fright. But nothing could have prepared me for the sight before me.

My heart almost stops beating as I see her—my Zoe. She's beaten up, her face bruised and swollen, her clothes tattered. She looks so fragile, so broken, that I feel like someone has ripped my heart out of my chest.

Literally, I feel like killing my father after making him pay for every single tear and bruise on her body. It's still unbelievable that he is the one who made his own son suffer. How could anybody do that to their own child?

"Zoe..." I cry out, rushing to her side. She is sitting, leaning against a wall, and as her eyes land on me, they shine a bit.

"Sky..." she whispers, her voice weak and trembling.

I never thought that when I would meet her again, her condition would be so miserable. I feel as if I can't breathe after seeing her like this, but I need to be strong for her. She needs me.

I kneel in front of her, holding her face in my hands, careful not to hurt her more. "Trouble, I'm here. I've got you. You're safe now."

Her eyes well up with tears as she tries to speak, but the words are caught in her throat. She shudders, staring at me without blinking, as if she is trying to believe that I'm not her imagination.

"I knew you would come, like always, to protect me," she finally speaks, a faint smile spreading across her face.

However, I feel a pang of guilt that I couldn't protect my Trouble in time.

"I'm so sorry," I choke out, my eyes welling up with tears. "I should have found you sooner. Zoe, I should have protected you." I caress the wounds on her face with my thumbs. My heart is shattering into millions of pieces, seeing them. Dad, you will pay for hurting my Trouble.

She shakes her head slightly, telling me that it's not my fault, but I can't accept that. I should have found her sooner.

I pull her into my arms, holding her as gently as I can, terrified that she might break in my embrace. "I'm taking you home, Trouble. No one will ever hurt you again, I swear it."

She snuggles into me, her body trembling. "Sky... it was... so hard... they kept me in a dark basement. I tried to escape many times, but I ended up getting caught, and..." A loud sob escapes her mouth, breaking my soul. "They... they burned my feet and beat me, Sky. They were so cruel. I thought I'd never see the light again. I thought-I thought I'd die there."

Hearing those words makes me hell angry. The thought of my father doing this to her, to my Zoe, fills me with a rage I've never felt before. How could he? How could anyone be so cruel? My hands tremble with anger as I hold her closer, my heart breaking at the thought of her suffering alone, thinking she'd die there.

I want to bring her justice, to make sure those monsters never hurt anyone again. But right now, I can see that she needs something else more desperately—she needs peace, she needs to heal.

"Zoe, I swear, I'll make them pay for every tear you've shed, every bruise on your body, every ounce of fear they've put you through," I promise her before pulling away from her, holding her face, and kissing every inch of her face. I wish I could wipe away all the pain she endured with these kisses.

"But right now, we need to get you out of here. You're safe with me, Trouble. I won't let anyone hurt you ever again," I reassure her before pressing my lips on her forehead.

She nods weakly, her body trembling against mine. I carefully lift her into my arms and cradle her like she's made of glass. She buries her face in my chest, her sobs muffled against my shirt.

I carry her to my car, moving as quickly and gently as I can. The driver opens the door, and I slide in with Zoe in my arms, positioning her on my lap comfortably.

I instruct the driver to take us to a hotel because I can't take her back to the villa where she was kidnapped.

"I missed you so much, Sky. It was so hard for me to keep myself away from you. I left you when you needed me the most, but you still came for me. I thought..." she hiccups, her face buried in my chest. "You didn't even know that I would be here in Ibiza. You know, I felt so selfish to call you when I needed you. But I have no one in my life except you. I'm so sorry—"

"Shh... it's okay, Trouble." I rub her back to comfort her as she cries in my arms. "I understand. You left me because of your fear. You're not selfish at all. I'm glad you called me after putting your fear aside. Although I was shattered, I didn't blame you even once for leaving me. Instead, I felt so helpless lying in the hospital because I couldn't find you."

I stroke her hair, feeling her body relax slightly against mine at my words. "Trouble, I'll always come for you, no matter where you are or what's happening. You're my everything. Nothing else matters."

She looks up at me, her eyes filled with sorrow and relief. "But, I'm unlucky, Sky. You met with an accident—"

"No, it wasn't your fault." I brush a strand of hair away from her face, my voice soft but firm. "We're going to talk about it later. Now just relax."

She nods and again hides her face in my chest, her grip tight on my shirt as if she's afraid I'll disappear. "I was so scared, Sky. Every day, I thought it was the end. But the thought of you kept me going. I kept imagining that you'd find me, and that's what gave me the strength to keep trying."

"You're safe now, Trouble. I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere." I lean in and kiss her head as she nods, snuggling deeper into my arms.

After a month of separation, she is finally back in my arms. Despite her fragile state, I'm grateful to have her by my side again. No matter what it takes, I'll ensure she heals and that my father pays for his actions. Above all, I'll never let her go again.


Please, do leave your precious comments. I'm updating regularly.

Love Mehak

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