Chapter 57 Please Stay With Me

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Sky's P.O.V.

After the Doctor leaves, treating her wounds, I lie down, holding her close. I'm bare-chested, and she's wearing my shirt, which hangs loosely on her fragile frame. As I caress her hair, she traces imaginary circles on my chest.

Although my heart aches to see her in this condition, I feel profound relief that we're finally together again. I had been yearning for her presence for almost a month, and now finally she is here, safe in my arms.

I couldn't stop the tears from rolling down my cheeks when I saw the burn marks on her feet. She has been through so much in these two weeks.

I still can't believe that it was my father who did this to her. But why? To protect me? That's bullshit. I know he's lying to me. If he just wanted to keep her away from me, then he wouldn't have tortured her like this.

With every passing second, my rage intensifies. He has to answer every single one of my questions and suffer for what he did to my Trouble.

"Sky," she whispers, her voice soft and tired.

"Hmm?" I respond, kissing the top of her head.

She raises her head from my chest to look at me. "Why is life so complicated?"

"Life isn't as complicated as we think, Zoe. We make it complicated with our fears and doubts by overthinking." I gently tuck her curtain bangs behind her ears. "We can't stop living our lives because of our fear of dying. Likewise, you shouldn't run away from love, thinking that you're unlucky for those you love." I continue, stroking her swollen cheeks. "Believe me, Zoe. Your misfortune is not a reality, but rather a manifestation of your fear. It wasn't your fault that your parents passed away, or that I was in an accident. Life is unpredictable, and anything can happen, but we continue to live and move forward."

Fixing my intense gaze on her, I state, "I'm not sure what the future holds if you stay with me, but one thing's for sure—if you leave me again, I'll die, Trouble."

"Please don't say that, Sky." As she implores, a tear trickles down her cheek.

I immediately wipe her tears away. "It's the truth, Trouble. I'm like a lifeless soul without you. I don't want a life where you're not with me. Please, never leave me again because of your fear. I want to spend how much life I have left with you. I don't care about anything else."

"But what if I stay with you and something happens to you again? How will I survive, Sky?" She looks at me, her eyes filled with terror. It hurts to see her like this.

I frame her face with my hands, fixing my eyes on her. "Zoe, you can't live your life in fear of 'what ifs.' Life is unpredictable, but that doesn't mean you should give up on love and happiness. My accident was just that—an accident. It wasn't because of you. You have to believe that you're not bad luck."

"I am, Sky. You won't understand. I'm cursed." She looks at me dejectedly, tearing my heart apart.

"No, you're not." I shake my head, my thumbs constantly stroking her cheeks. "You are the best thing that ever happened to me. Your love, your presence—it's a blessing. The thought that you're cursed is just your fear. You light up my world, Trouble."

I'm trying my best to explain to her, but I know her fear runs deep. It'll take some time to convince her.

"I want to believe you, Sky. I really do." She buries her face in my chest again, her tears of helplessness soaking my skin. "But I'm so afraid of losing you, and I also can't live without you, Sky. Please help me."

"It's okay." I reassure her, rubbing her back. "You'll be okay. I'm with you."

"My fear isn't letting me live properly. I don't understand how to deal with it, Sky." She sobs. "It's getting unbearable now."

I'm on the verge of crying, seeing her so vulnerable, but I compose myself because I know I need to be strong for her.

I slightly pull her away from me and clasp her face, locking my eyes with hers. "Zoe, fear is a powerful thing, but it's not unbeatable. We can work through this together. You don't have to face it alone. Every time you feel afraid, talk to me. Let me help you. Just don't push me away. You have to believe me—our love is stronger than any fear."

"But how do I stop feeling like this? How do I believe that I'm not cursed?" She asks, her voice tinged with desperation.

I truly want her to believe that she isn't cursed, but I know it'll take time.

"Start by believing in us, in our love. Remember all the good times we've had. Focus on the positive, not the 'what ifs.' You have to remind yourself that these fears are just in your mind, and they're not reality. It's not something that will disappear overnight. But we'll find ways to manage your fears together. Therapy, support groups, whatever it takes. Please stay with me, Zoe. Don't run away from love." I beg, touching my forehead to hers, tears rolling down my cheeks, mingling with hers.

"I truly want to stay with you, Sky. My life is more miserable than even death without you, but dealing with my fear seems impossible." She whispers as our foreheads rest against each other, our eyes closed.

"We'll deal with it. Trust me, you'll be fine. Just please stay with me. I can't imagine my life without you." As I implore her not to push me away, the dreadful memories of the three weeks I spent without her flash in my mind, bringing more tears to my eyes.

"Sky, please don't cry. I can't see you like this." She brushes away my tears.

"I promise, I'll never cry. Just please don't leave me." I implore.

She gives me a helpless look. "I won't leave you, but I need some time to deal with my fear, Sky."

A small smile crosses my face as I hear her promise to stay. "No problem. Take all the time you need. I'll wait for you." I press my lips to her knuckles, and she stares at me with a faint smile on her face.

"I love you so much, Sky." She murmurs, running her hands through my hair and gazing at me with affection.

Fuck! I missed this a lot—she looking at me like I'm her entire world.

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