48 | forbidden love

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I feel like the video above was the perfect thing to incorporate into the last chapter of this book. I really advise watching it.

(But of course, you don't have to.)

And when you're done watching it, continue on to read the longest chapter of this book...

...and also the last.  ≥


•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

"Love never dies. If you lost it for someone, it was because that flame went out... and you choose whether to light it up again or not."

— Forbidden Love

𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

There are too many reasons why love is such a risky feeling. Marinette should know—she had spent her entire life trying to avoid it. She'd been so sure that she didn't need it to be successful; that the only thing she needed in life was independence and enough knowledge to prove that she didn't need a man to keep her on her own two feet in the world—which, in a way, was true. She didn't need a man. Yet somehow, as she grew closer to Chat Noir, she began to realize just how much she wanted one. More specifically, one man who had golden, blonde hair and attractive emerald, green eyes.

Sometimes, she tried to imagine what her life would've been like had she not taken such a giant leap of faith into the Forbidden Forest. It was weird thinking about the wonderful opportunities she could've missed out on, had she followed the path her aunt had tried to pave for her. 

She would've never realized how much she wanted love.

She would've never realized the importance of partnership.

She would've never witnessed the way her sisters' eyes lit up as they strived for more in life when they realized that she had done it... and that it was a possibility. That having your own dreams was okay, and that limitations are only in front of you if you allow them to be.

She would've never realized that not all men are terrible.

She would've never met Chat Noir—a man who had shown her his world, despite how much he hated it. A man who had sacrificed everything he had just so that he could be with her. A man who had proved himself to her, showing her that he was nothing like the rest of them.

She would've never realized that remaining alone for the rest of your life isn't always the best.

She would've never realized that her sister Elizabeth was just as miserable as she was, because she was being forced to courtship with a gender that she was not attracted to.

She would've never realized the severity of love.

Of course, Marinette would never forget nor push aside her rights as a woman. She knew that the world she still lived in was filled with unfairness, inequality, and hate. Even Adrien—a man who had hardly spent much time in her world—was already beginning to notice the small things that depreciated women amongst men.

And he absolutely hated it.

"What?" Adrien had turned to face her with wide eyes, the moment she had explained to him what voting was... and why women were not allowed to participate in it. "That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

And she was glad that he agreed, because she found it to be entirely unfair as well. And as they walked down the cobblestone streets of their town that evening, Adrien had told her stories of his tribe and how the women and the men both were required to take part in decisions throughout the kingdom.

His stories always brought a smile to her face. It reminded her that equality was possible.

When they returned to her guardians' estate, Adrien was given a sperate room to stay in, despite Marinette's insistence that he share a room with her. It wasn't that she wanted to partake in any sort of sinful acts, but she wanted to remain close to him. She didn't want to lose him like she almost had. Chat Noir knew this, which is why he promised her that he would never leave her willingly.

But words were just words. And sometimes, words can feel emptier than fulfilling.

Adrien realized all too soon that there was no point in sleeping in a separate bed when he felt Marinette slip underneath his duvet in the middle of the night. He immediately reached out for her figure and pulled her into his chest, and it wasn't until he shook himself fully awake did he realize she was sniffling against him.

He pulled back only slightly to look down at her face—despite that he couldn't see any of her features in the darkness. "Marinette? What is the matter?"

She nuzzled herself closer into his chest, and he held her closely, despite his worry. "I think me being pregnant has taken a severe toll on my emotions. I mean, I never cry... but..."

"Hey, hey," he wound his arm around her middle and began to rub her spine soothingly. "It is perfectly normal to cry when you are feeling upset. You do not have to feel ashamed for allowing your emotions to seep through while you are around me."

"I already feel ashamed."

At that, he created a bit of distance between them as he pushed her shoulders back, attempting to see her face. He could tell she was reluctant to separate from his chest, but she allowed him to push her back nonetheless. When their eyes met, he could feel the frustration and concern that swirled in his mind, even though those emotions were only directed at her choice of words. "Why, love?"

She sniffled and shook her head, even as he tucked a piece of her gorgeous hair behind her ear. "Look at me, Adrien. I am carrying another man's baby. By the time I stand before you at the altar on our wedding day, I will be prominently showing. I can only imagine what the congregation will think. I can already picture it now—my relatives will look at me with such disgust because of course, in this lifetime, it is such a disgrace to your name and to your family's name to be pregnant out of wedlock. And what if they discover that the child is not even yours? That I am not even marrying the child's biological father?"

Adrien had tried to comfort her, despite his own doubts that clouded his mind. He knew that it would be a situation neither of them could avoid. They had to have a ceremony with their friends and family, and although Adrien's family would not attend– due to certain magical complications– he knew all of Marinette's relatives would be there, including her aunt's friends, who were bound to create chaos the moment they discovered the truth. He wouldn't even be surprised if that dastardly woman had already gone and spread the news like the plague.

"Marinette, that does not matter." He tried to assure her, despite his own turmoil. "It does not matter what they think. We will raise the child together as our own. And if your relatives even dare to try and ruin your wedding day, or I catch anyone with the nerve to talk negatively behind our backs, I will make sure they know right away that I will not put up with it."

She shook her head again and squeezed her eyes tightly, attempting to keep the tears threatening to spill contained. "But...but look at me..."

Adrien did. He found it almost impossible to never stop looking at her. Instead, he moved to place his palm against her rounded stomach, and this time, he didn't feel uncomfortable for doing so. He gently caressed her stomach with care and with love, and he smiled to himself as he thought of the life that was waiting for them in near the future. A life that he couldn't wait to share with the woman he loved.

He hardly even registered her shocked and confused gaze on him. Instead, he chuckled and shook his head in disbelief. "Marinette, I find it nearly impossible to stop looking at you. And do you know what I see?"

Timidly, she shook her head against his pillow.

He leaned forward to press a chaste kiss to her forehead. "I see a woman who has gone through literal hell, and still, she is the strongest woman I have ever met. She has gone through so much pain and so much heartache, yet she somehow glows brighter than the sun. She brings a smile to my face every time I lay my eyes on her." He then moved his hand from her stomach to caress her cheek, and she leaned into his touch. "I see a woman who is determined to change the world. She is not afraid of what others think because she has always been determined to do what she has wanted to do, despite the many people who have tried to stand in her way. She is confident, and she is brave. I see a woman who would go to the ends of this earth for the people she cherishes. I see a woman who is radiant wherever she goes."

Finally, he pulled her into his chest again and she choked back a sob as she nestled into the crook of his neck. Adrien held her close to him and promised once again in a hushed whisper that he would never let her go. And this time, she had no doubt in her mind that those words were nothing but the truth. He tucked her underneath his chin and wound his arms around her, leaving no space in between them. "And do you know what I cannot wait to see?" He whispered.

She shook her head against his chest and he smiled widely.

"I cannot wait to see you in your wedding gown as you walk down the aisle. Your family may scowl, and some may murmur, but I will not be able to contain my smile. Because on that day, I will be marrying the most beautiful woman that has ever lived."

And boy, he could hardly wait.

When the sun rose the next morning, Adrien was forced to let Marinette go with her sisters to town without him in search for a proper wedding dress—one that Marinette could say she felt confident in wearing, and one that her aunt would have to pay for... even if she didn't particularly like the dress. For those specific reasons, their aunt wasn't allowed to accompany them on their search for a dress, and Adrien was greatly relieved by that news. Instead, Elizabeth rounded the butler and their coach, and together, her, Marinette, and Krissy headed off into town.

While the girls had their day, Adrien ventured to the jeweler's shop in search for a proper engagement ring. He hadn't exactly given Marinette the marriage proposal she deserved, and he wanted her to feel special to him, and to the eyes of all who would see her walk down the aisle. Because he was without money and without an occupation, Marinette's uncle lent him money for the expensive purchase. He had promised to pay the amount back of course, but the man had been more than willing to fund the purchase. He seemed to really approve of his niece and him together.

Unlike some people that is.

Before the girls had gone, Elizabeth and Adrien had discussed Marinette's likes and dislikes in jewelry, along with her ring size so he knew what to look for. He knew that Marinette considered the arrowhead that he had given her to be a symbol of their love—but he also knew that a ring was something the human species valued as well. You could wear a ring and show it off, but you couldn't exactly do the same thing with an arrowhead.

I mean, he assumed it was possible. But he knew weird looks from those who wouldn't understand would be bound to follow.

Besides, he'd heard from Elizabeth how special it made a woman feel whenever a man bended on one knee and asked for a woman's hand in marriage. Presenting her with a ring would make the moment feel all the more special. He knew Marinette would appreciate it if he asked properly.

And besides, he wanted to ask her properly.

When he entered the jeweler's shop, an elderly man was there to greet him with a wide smile. It didn't take Adrien long to describe to the man what he was searching for, and it didn't take long for him to find exactly what he wanted.

And when he strode out of the store, he wore the widest smile and carried an engagement ring tucked inside a small, velvet box in his pocket.

"Oh! It is absolutely lovely!" Elizabeth had gushed, the moment he had shown it to her when he returned to the manor that evening. He tried to contain his prideful smile as all three of Marinette's sisters gushed over the piece of jewelry. Marinette herself was safely upstairs changing from the dress she had been forced to wear all day, and he could hardly wait to take her away to ask her the question properly.

He could feel her aunt's intense gaze on him as the girls admired the ring. Adrien tried not to grimace or let his mood falter because of her disapproval. He was going to have an amazing evening with Marinette, and nothing was going to ruin that for him; for them.

When Marinette returned downstairs in a more comfortable attire, he tried not to smile too widely. She wasn't wearing a dress anymore, and he couldn't blame her. Instead, she had taken her uncle's clothing and had modified it to fit her more properly... and not make her look like a man while she wore it. Her hair was loose and flowing at her shoulders, and when she caught his amused stare, she shot him a bemused look. "What?" She laughed lightly.

He chuckled and outstretched his hand, which she took the moment she reached the bottom of the staircase. He pulled her closer to him and tucked a piece of her loose hair behind her ear. "Nothing. You just look breathtaking as always." He noticed the blush that formed on her cheeks from his words, and he tried not to blush himself. Instead, he took her hand in his and squeezed it lovingly. "Actually... I want to take you somewhere."

She raised a curious brow. "Oh? Where are we going?"

He tried to contain his overly excited smile as he guided her to the front door. He ignored the wonderous looks (and the one glare) he received from her family as he tugged gently for her to follow him. Marinette smiled brightly as she willingly followed him. Adrien stepped outside with her at his side, and when the door was shut behind them, he couldn't help but smile warmly.

"Somewhere special, Marinette." Was his cheeky response. "Somewhere special."

The sun had already made its decent by the time they arrived, but the lantern he'd brought with them helped to light the way. When Marinette realized where he had taken her, she raised a brow and moved away from his side as he drew nearer to the structure.

"What are we doing here, Adrien?"

He chose not to respond to her right away and instead, placed his palm against the stone structure. He hadn't been near the forbidden wall ever since he was transformed into a human, and he sometimes wondered if much had changed in his village since the staff's decision.

He turned to face her again and noticed her uncertainty. Adrien smiled and outstretched his hand. She took it hesitantly and he pulled her closer to the structure until she stood beside him. He then took her hand in his own and placed it against the wall, keeping his own on top of hers.

Then, he turned to watch her expression with a loving smile as he asked, "Do you remember the first day we met?"

He watched a fond smile tug at Marinette's lips as she recalled the memory. "I could never forget it."

"Me neither." He admitted truthfully. "It was the best day of my life. But it was also the scariest."

She turned took at him then, and he noticed the small frown that had now replaced her fond smile. "The scariest? Why?"

He turned to meet her gaze, a sad smile on his lips. "Do you know what my first thought was when I saw you?"

To this, she shook her head and watched him closely, full of concern.

"I thought about how dangerous it was for you to be on my side of the world." Adrien said, his voice somewhat remorseful. "When I realized you were a human, I was scared. People are not as accepting as I wish they could be... you and I both know the truth behind this. You looked like an angel, Marinette... even if you were clothed in men's clothing. I tried to think of different ways to keep you away. But for some reason, I felt drawn to you as well. Almost as if the gods were pulling us together. And even if everyone believed it to be forbidden, I could not find it my heart to really want you stay away."

She squeezed his hand when she noticed his slight distress, and he forced himself to smile. "It was the scariest day of my life because I feared I could lose you, even though we were nowhere near aquatinted yet. And it was also the happiest day of my life... because I got to meet you."

Marinette tilted her head and smiled warmly at him. "I am so grateful to have met you."

He smiled just as warmly in return. "And I as well, love."

A comforting silence stretched out before them. It was nice—simply enjoying peace and happiness with the one person who could make you feel whole. Adrien would have never thought that this is what his future would have held. He expected to spend the rest of his life with Chloe and live unhappily, but instead, he was going to spend it with a woman who truly loved him.

And who he truly adored.

"Do you remember when I said a curse word in my language? And you were so curious to know what it was?" He asked her, somewhat amused, as he watched the playful smile that pulled at the corner of her lips. He could already see the wheels in her head turning– little did she know that he was incredibly nervous, fiddling with the small, red, velvet box in his pocket as the question he was bound to ask her drew nearer.

"Oh, I remember it so vividly." She snickered and flicked his nose. "Shisbu."

He wrinkled his nose and laughed, "Yes, it was not one of my finest moments."

"Will you teach me more of your language?" She asked him curiously. "Imagine if I became fluent. We could have our own secret communication, and we could talk about people behind their backs without them even knowing... because no one would even understand what we are saying."

He snickered. That would be incredible. "What would you like to know first?"

Marinette couldn't contain her smile as she squeezed his hand affectionately. "Anything and everything."

It was the perfect opening for his question to come into play and he knew it. Taking a deep breath, Chat Noir did he best to contain his smile as he conjured the words in his head and said aloud, "Am pós thu mi?"

Marinette titled her head in confusion, clearly not understanding what the phrase meant. "What does that mean?"

Adrien smiled, and without a single word, he descended onto one knee and pulled out the small box that had been hidden away in his pocket the entire evening. At first, Marinette was greatly confused until he opened the box, and she realized what was inside. Her hands flew to her lips to contain her gasp, and he could already see the tears brimming at her bottom lashes. "I have been wanting to say those words to a woman whom I truly love. I know we are soon to be wed, but I wanted to ask you properly, my love. Marinette Dupain-Cheng, will you make me the luckiest man alive? Will you marry me?"

Marinette fell to her knees in front of him and lunged herself into him. "You did not have to do that, you stupid cat."

He wound one arm around her to hold her closer to him as he rubbed her back soothingly. "I know," He said softly as she cried tears of joy onto his shoulder. The engagement ring was still in his other hand, waiting to be accepted onto her finger. "But I wanted to."

When she pulled back from him, he presented the ring to her. Adrien took it out from the box and slid the ring onto her finger. Marinette took only a few seconds to admire the jewel before her eyes met his again, and he had no chance to ask her if she liked it, before she was lunging herself into him once again.

But this time, her lips met his in a deep kiss. It was so unexpected that he hardly registered it. The small box fell from his hand as he wound his other arm around her and held her close, pulling her closer into his embrace. Adrien had anticipated for days on what his first kiss with Marinette would have been like, but he never imagined it to be like this. He felt more connected to the love of his life than he had ever felt before. Marinette's arms wove around his shoulders, and her fingers came up to caress the back of his neck and play with the ends of his hair. Her lips slanted with his as she allowed him to deepen the kiss, and he couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips as she pressed herself closer to him. But it only lasted for a few seconds before she was pulling away, leaving him to lean forward for more. More of her touch. More of her lips.

He let out an animalistic whine from the back of his throat when they parted and she kept her distance, not allowing him to continue what they had started. Marinette giggled softly at the pitiful sound he had made. Still holding onto her for his life, Adrien complied with leaning his forehead against hers as he panted heavily, trying to catch his breath and collect his thoughts.

Marinette had just kissed him. More specifically, they just had a mini make out session in the middle of the forest. He could barely hold himself together. This was the first time he had shared something like this with her, and all he ever wanted was to do it again... and again. And again. As many times as she allowed him to.

Instead of leaning in for more, (despite how desperately he wanted to) Adrien respected the distance she had created and kept his forehead pressed against hers. He let out an airy laugh as he tried to hold himself together. "I have been wanting to do that with you ever since I knew I was in love with you, Marinette." He met her eyes again, only to find that she was already watching him, her gaze filled with adoration and fondness.

"So, what stopped you?" She asked softly as she began to play with the little hairs on the back of his neck again.

He tried not to grimace as he thought of all the many reasons why he hadn't kissed her before. He couldn't deny that he had never thought about it—that the image of him and Marinette in more ways than friendly hadn't crossed his mind before. He tried not to feel embarrassed about those thoughts. Wasn't a man meant to feel that way towards the woman he loved?

But... Adrien also knew that Marinette had always had her sense of independence. When he first new he'd had feelings for her and often wondered what her lips might have felt on his, Marinette had voiced out to him countless of times as to why she never wanted a man. Why she would never marry. He knew that most of what she spoke of about any male was out of spite—for all her life she'd had no reason to feel any other emotion towards them. It wasn't towards him personally, he knew, but it still made him hesitate whenever he thought about initiating a kiss.

She seemed to notice that his smile had faltered slightly, because her fingers came around to caress his cheeks. He looked up at her again and forced himself to offer her a soft smile of appreciation. "What stopped me was... was permission." He admitted softly, "If I was to do such a thing, I would want to have your permission first."

Marinette smiled kindly at him. In one swift motion, her arms were around his neck again. "Well... what if I said that from now on and to the end of time, you would always have my permission kiss me as many times as you like?"

His grin stretched from ear to ear. Adrien wasted no time in capturing her lips once again. He felt her smile against his lips as she fell under their spell, and he couldn't help the smile that formed on his end as well. God, he loved this woman. He loved her so much that it hurt him. He had no words to describe the intensity of his love for her.

Except that their love had been forbidden. And having something forbidden is exciting, wouldn't you agree?

•┈••✦ ❤ ✦••┈•

Love has a way of capturing the heart. It also has a way of changing the mind.

And as Marinette stood behind the double doors of the chapel which would lead her to her prince, she found herself more nervous than she had ever felt before.

This was different. She hadn't felt this way when she'd stood here a few weeks prior. She hadn't felt this way when she walked down the aisle and saw Sir Nathaniel Logharth waiting for her at the altar. She hadn't felt this way when he'd taken her hand into his and slipped a ring onto her finger. She hadn't felt this way towards that horrible excuse of a man... because she never loved him.

But now, as she stood behind these same doors, knowing who was waiting for her this time at the altar, she was incredibly nervous.

"Uncle," Marinette tightened her grip around her uncle's forearm, and he looked down at her thoughtfully. "I am so nervous. I can barely stand due to my wobbling jell-O-like knees. It is extremely infuriating to feel this... weak."

Her uncle chuckled, "It is completely normal to feel a bit nervous on your wedding day."

"But what if I trip on my way down the aisle because I cannot walk straight? That would be an embarrassment of the ages."

"Marinette, that is very unlikely to happen."

"Or what if Adrien does not like my dress?"

"Nonsense, child. You look wonderful in it. Even a blind man could see that."

"But I feel so self-conscious, Uncle. And bloated. Very bloated. My stomach is on full display for everyone to see."

"Let them look. If it were up to me, it would be the last thing they see."

"But... but... but what if I mess up my vows in front of everyone?"

"Marinette," Her uncle grasped her hand in his. "When you are up there in front of a man that you clearly love, you will not be so concerned about the vows that you memorized from a piece of paper. Even if you must improvise, what you say will come from the heart. And he will love every word you have to say."

Marinette felt her heart fall slightly at that. Her uncle seemed to speak from experience. "Is that what it was like with you Aunt?"

Probably not. She thought to herself as she contemplated her own question in her head. It had to take a lot of willpower to love that woman.

If it was even possible.

Her uncle chuckled, the expression on his face, however, unreadable as he looked forward. "No. Not even in the slightest. Our marriage was arranged. I was unwilling to marry her... whereas she had been ecstatic for the arrangement."

Marinette lifted a brow at that. Ah... her uncle had been unwilling to marry her aunt? Funny how that did not surprise her in the slightest.

"But..." Her uncle said. "My words do not come from my own experiences, oh no. They come from my sister... your mother."

Marinette's eyes widened at this, and she turned to gape at her uncle confusingly. "What?! But our mother hated our father. I remember their countless arguments as a child!"

"She never hated him, child. They disagreed, yes. But she loved him." Her uncle told her, a bit of sorrow in his voice as he went on. "And he loved her. At least... until they had children. After that, he became cruel, cold, and selfish towards his wife and his children. Your mother knew he had never wanted children, (he voiced that thought out loud many times throughout their early years of marriage.) And somehow, they ended up having four."

The doors were opened before Marinette could even ask any more questions, and her uncle's expression returned emotionless once again as he stepped through the doors. She was forced to follow him, regardless of whether she was ready to face the crowd or not. The music began to play, and the congregation stood from their seats and turned their heads to face her, and she tried to keep her nerves under control as she kept her eyes focused on the man she was about to marry. When their eyes met, she could see the wonder in his eyes as he watched her, and she could have sworn that even from a distance, she witnessed a tear slip down his cheek. She couldn't blame him– she felt like crying as well. This was the moment Adrien had been waiting for, after all. He had told her that he could not wait to see her in her wedding gown, and from the way he was currently staring at her, she was sure that he was nowhere near disappointed.

When she finally reached the altar and he took her hand, Marinette felt lighter than she had ever felt before. Suddenly, she wasn't so nervous now that she was so close to Adrien. Delicately, he lifted her veil to reveal her natural beauty, and he smiled the moment he caught her eyes. "You look divine, Marinette."

She tried to hide the intense blush that flushed her cheeks as she eyed him up and down. "You clean up well yourself, Chat Noir."

He snickered as he took both of her hands in his. He rubbed his thumbs over the tops of them as the priest began his speech, and all she could do in that moment was focus her eyes on Adrien. Not on the congregation, not on the priest, and not even on her family that sat in the front row.

All her attention was focused on the man whom she loved so much.

When it came time for the vows to be exchanged, Marinette's nerves returned. She didn't want to stumble over her words, stutter, or forget anything she had written down earlier to memorize. But her uncle had been right. If she was to forget anything, she should speak from the heart.

Thankfully, Adrien went first.

"Marinette Dupain-Cheng," Adrien began as he held her hands tightly in his, and she gave him a reassuring squeeze. It seems she wasn't the only one who was nervous. "All my life, I longed for what I have with you. I wanted someone to hold and to cherish, someone whom I could love for all the right reasons, and who could love me for me. I wanted to spend my life with one person who I could never grow tired of, and I found her in the once place I never thought to search in. There are not enough words in the English vocabulary to describe how incredible you are, Marinette. You are so beautiful... both inside and out. You have a literal heart of gold. You light up every room you enter. The moment I laid my eyes on you I knew that you were different from any other woman I had ever seen, and now I know why... because you are the strongest woman I have ever met in my lifetime."

"You are brave and strongminded. You have never let others dictate your life for you. You have this... positivity for the world that I never understood, and then when you shared it with me, I realized just how much I was missing out on. I was too focused on the darkness that I let incase me, and you brought me into the light. My life without you would have been pointless to live. I did not really have a purpose to live until I met you. You have given me all that I could have ever hoped for. As your partner, your lover, your husband, and your best friend, I vow that I will always be by your side through the good and the bad. I promise to love, cherish, and protect you for as long as I live. I promise that this child..." he released one of her hands and looked down, and Marinette watched with tear filled eyes as his hand (and his gaze) travelled down to her stomach. He rested his palm against her visible mound and gently moved his thumb across the fabric. And when he looked up at her again, he offered her a teary smile. "...will have a parental figure whom he can call his father. This child will forever know that he is loved... no matter how he was made. I promise to always be the best husband and father that I can be. I love you, Marinette. Forever and always. And nothing will ever change my feelings for you."

Marinette tried to contain her tears. She really did. But as she watched Adrien slip the wedding band onto her finger, she found herself tearing up nonetheless no matter how many times she inwardly scolded herself. She watched as his hand that had caressed her stomach returned to hold her other hand again, and when his eyes met hers once again, she realized that it was her turn to recite her vows to him.

She swallowed heavily. May the gods help her now.

"A-Adrien Agreste," she stammered, her nerves rising once again. Adrien immediately noticed this and squeezed her hands reassuringly, offering her a smile he knew would help calm her nerves. And it did. Marinette found herself completely focused on him– as if there was no longer a crowd of people listening to her every word. "I do not even know where to start." She chuckled, as the many memories of their encounters and adventures resurfaced in her mind. She smiled warmly at him. "All my life, I had been so convinced that I would never need a man to live successfully or to be happy. I had been so determined to do everything on my own; to prove to the world and everyone around me just how useful a woman could be. How important we are. As much as I seemed to bring you light, I was also incased in my own world of darkness. I was unhappy almost always and sometimes I felt lonely. For years I loathed the idea of marriage, companionship, and love, because I thought it was impossible to have all those things and still be free... and then I was proved wrong when I met you."

"You have given me a sense of freedom that I never thought was possible. You also brought me out of the darkness and into the light. You were somehow the one person I could rely on... when for years, I continued to tell myself that the only person I could rely on was myself. You have shown me what true love is like—what it means to be with someone who truly loves and respects you, and I would never trade that gift for anything. Adrien, I would have been so lost in this world had I not met you. I would have remained focused on all the wrong ideas. I was forgetting that happiness for me was possible. Because of you, I have discovered the importance of love and sacrifice. Because of you, I have a different reason to smile every day. Because of you, I am alive and well. Because of you, I have been given a new sense of purpose. Because of you, I have a bigger perspective. Because of you, Adrien. All because of you."

She squeezed his hands when she noticed the tears that had escaped his eyes. She reached up with one hand to brush them away, and his smile widened. "As your partner, your lover, your wife, and your best friend, I vow that I will never leave your side... no matter the good or the bad. I promise to love you unconditionally for as long as I live. I promise to be the best wife and mother that I can be. I love you, Chaton. Forever and always and to the end of time."

Adrien blushed the moment the nickname reached his ears and she snickered, sliding the wedding band onto his finger. Marinette was for sure that everyone else in the pews had heard it—possibly very confused as to why she had even called him that– but that didn't matter to her. They didn't even need to know what it meant anyway. All that mattered was that Adrien knew what it meant.

That he knew he was her kitten. Her Chat Noir. Forever and always.

"By the power vested in me," The priest exclaimed with a wide smile. "You may now kiss the bride."

Adrien was the first to lunge forward and seal his lips with hers, and Marinette smiled into the kiss, even as the entire congregation stood all at once and clapped their hands and cheered for the newlyweds. When they parted to face the crowd, Adrien held his arm out for her and she wrapped her arms around his bicep, pulling herself closer into him. She smiled widely as her eyes scanned over all of the many people who cheered for them both. Her eyes first landed on her sisters who were cheering the loudest—Elizabeth particularly who was crying more than cheering, an impatient Krissy who was trying to calm her down, and a tired looking Emily who was more than ready for the ceremony to be over. Marinette chuckled at this and shook her head. Her gaze, however, accidentally fell on her aunt next, who was standing next to Elizabeth. But what surprised Marinette the most was what she saw.

Throughout the entire wedding ceremony, Marinette had expected her aunt's disapproving scowl. But what she saw proved that love truly could impact anyone and everyone. Lillian was already looking at her niece when Marinette made eye contact, and the woman herself wore an expression far from disgusted. There were tears—literal tears—that had fallen down her cheeks. Her aunt wore a soft smile as she clapped... and for the first time in her life, Marinette knew the woman's actions were genuine and true.

Marinette laughed to herself as Adrien led her down to the aisle. Flowers were thrown over their heads by her friends and family as they passed. Even her aunt—who had been so adamant about her marrying Sir Nathaniel—was cheering for the newlyweds. The woman was truly happy for them.

Ah, the power of love. Marinette thought to herself as her eyes turned to Adrien, who was waving to the many people he didn't know but would soon get to meet. It could affect anyone and everyone.

Especially when it's forbidden.


Wow. Honestly. I can't even believe this is the last chapter of Forbidden Love. It's a lot to take in. But hey... this isn't the end of the story!

We can't forget about the BONUS CHAPTERS!

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The story might not continue... but it's timeline will. Check out book #2 titled Forbidden Fruits!

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