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I just want to start off by thanking everyone who took the time to read this story. Every read, vote, comment, share and follow have always meant so much to me... and your endless support has filled my life with so much joy.

This book specifically has a special place in my heart, so parting with it is hard to do and definitely a bittersweet moment. I started this book back in 2017. I was 16. I'm 19 now. That was three years ago... and I never thought this would become so many people's favorite Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction.

(Including my own... because yes, out of everything I've written, this fanfic is by far my favorite.)

Every time I see a comment on this book saying "this is my favorite book" I can't help but smile. You guys have no idea how much it means to me to hear something like that.

Before I get sentimental though, I just have to ask: whose vows did you like better? Adrien's or Marinette's?

I did actually tear up while I was writing the last chapter... for two reasons. One, because this has always been one of my favorites to write and I'm definitely sad that it's ending. And two, because this story has left such an incredible impact on so many people.

My purpose with this story was to leave people wondering "how can I do better at loving, and how can simply loving someone change the world?"

All too often, we see things that evidentially revolve around hate. Whether that hate is directed at a specific race, or a specific gender, or a specific religion, there is hate all around us. The problem is that people think they can drown out the hatred with more hatred.

But the only way to fight hatred is with love—even Martin Luther Jr. said it himself!

I hope that by reading this romantic-fantasy-fanfictional-comedy, you got a new perspective on the true meaning of love, and how powerful love can be.


Again, I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your countless support on this story. To list you all one by one would probably be an impossible task—but just know how appreciated you all are. To those who have been with me since the first chapter: y'all are legends. I seriously want to thank you especially for coming on this journey with me. This book would be nowhere without you all. And for those of you who joined during the ride, thanks for sticking it out with me!

I'm still in shock. Really. I can't believe I finally finished this book.

For those of you wondering if Chat's language was legit: it really wasn't. I made up the word "shisbu" lol, but I did use google translate for when Adrien asks Marinette to marry him in his language. I'm going to be completely honest with you—I just picked a random translation. The language I used is Scottish Gaelic.... which I didn't even know was a legit language until a few days ago. But it fit perfectly.

I'm just gonna share a few more things before I close this up. A few screenshots of some of you guys. Some of your comments that made me smile, laugh, or just straight up make my day.

When I saw this comment...

I died of laughter. Yes, I'm always out there. And yes... this comment made my day some month or so ago and it still does every time I see it in my camera roll lol.

Marichatanime is literally one of the sweetest followers I have ever had. Bless their soul... I swear. They always have something encouraging to say to me—whether it's in one of my books or on my board, their messages are always so encouraging. I love it. We need more people in the world like you!

Here's just a little something they commented on Forbidden Love that stuck with me.


I'd be incredibly drunk 😂

There were SOO many comments on this story that I could go on and on about. Obviously, I can't post every single one, but I just want you all to know that I do read EVERY SINGLE comment and try to reply to as many as I can. I thank you all for all the kind words.

And Thank YOU for reading this book! There aren't enough words in the human language for me to thank you enough. I love you ALL so FREAKIN much ♡

And ALSO just another remember in case you missed it the first time: this book may have ended... but the story hasn't. Literally it hasn't ended. There are BONUS CHAPTERS... so don't forget to go read those!

And so, as I finally change this book's status to completed, I officially end my journey with this story... and hope to see you again in my future projects :)

Much love ❤️

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