bonus 01 | blissful love

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A while back I said to look out for some bonus chapters in Forbidden Love... and look what just arrived!

Here's the first bonus chapter! I'm planning to write at least 5 to 6 of these, which will ultimately fill in a few gaps that were not explicitly or fully addressed in the story. I hope you enjoy them!

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As newlyweds, life is wonderful when you've got the love of your life at your side. Of course, Marinette and Adrien are both still getting used to the reality of marriage, but spending their first night together in the same bed alone (aware of the possibilities that could unfold) is a lot more nerve-wrecking than Adrien would've ever anticipated. But his wife doesn't seem worried at all. In fact, why the hell is Marinette so much more confident at this than him?

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Adrien was a nervous wreck.

He had pictured this night particularly a million times prior to actually being wed to Marinette, but he had never assumed he would be this nervous for it. Perhaps it was because he had never prepared himself. I mean... how does one even prepare themselves for a night like this? Adrien, as dashingly handsome as he was, was a virgin.

And Marinette... well she was not... and inconveniently pregnant.

He shook his head at that, trying to remain positive. He shouldn't be calling their child an inconvenience, no matter how the baby was formed. He needed to get himself together, lest he lose his shit. Marinette was currently in the washroom, and he could hear her humming a happy tune as she changed out of her uncomfortable wedding attire into something more comfortable. Adrien himself was still adorned in his suit, sitting nervously on the edge of their bed as he wrung his hands nervously in his lap.

The fact that he had no idea what he was allowed to do tonight worried him the most.

As much as Adrien loved Marinette and wanted to show her in as many ways possible, a part of him was also hesitant to do so. After the events that had unfolded due to Nathaniel and his sick, demented mind, Adrien wasn't sure if the traumatization of the situation Nathaniel had caused would create a tense barrier between him and his wife regarding anything intimate. He wasn't even sure if Marinette wanted to be intimate. He supposed he could simply ask... but a part of him was also dreading the possibility of being rejected.

Because Adrien thought Marinette was extremely beautiful, but when he caught the first glimpse of her in her wedding gown, the dress hugging her figure and her already small, pronounced, round stomach, he found her absolutely gorgeous... and insanely sexy.

But he was wayyyy too embarrassed to tell her that.

He buried his face into his hands just as he heard the bathroom door open. He couldn't find the strength to even look up, because he was certain his cheeks were flushed mad red, and the sight of his wife wouldn't exactly help in calming himself down regarding his lower region. So he stayed still, instead listening to Marinette's quiet footsteps as she neared him.

The bed dipped beside him a moment later, and then he felt her hand rest on his shoulder.

"Is everything okay?" She asked him softly, her voice filled with concern.

Adrien groaned, the sound close to a distressed whine, forcing himself to man up as he slowly lifted his face from his hands, finding her concerned, little pout as she instantly began to search his eyes. He felt even worse for making her worry, so he forced himself to smile softly. "Could we talk about something?" He asked, his smile conveying the genuine fondness he held for the incredible woman in front of him.

Her features softened, her smile stretching to match his. "Of course, love. What is on your mind?"

His smile never wavered as he leaned forward to take ahold of her other hand which was in her lap, entwining their fingers together. Even despite the immense comfort he felt in her presence, it didn't help in subsiding his anxiousness.

"Well..." He chuckled nervously, "I was wondering... I wanted to know if there are any boundaries I should be aware of?"

Marinette's expression twisted into one of confusion. "Boundaries?"

"Yes... well... I was not sure if you wanted to do anything." He coughed, unsure of how he could ask her what he wanted to know without being blunt about it. He averted his eyes, the following words tumbling out of his mouth being rushed and jumbled. "I mean, I do not want to step over my boundaries. I want you to be comfortable, of course, but I also wish to do more than sleep tonight. And I was not certain if you would want to do the same, considering your condition, which in that case I completely understand—"

"Are you asking me to have sex?"

It wasn't even a subtle question, which had been his tact, and he supposed she hadn't been surprised considering when he choked on his own saliva regarding her bluntness, he found that she was smirking at him when he met her eyes once again. "Well... yes—"

"Then why did you not just ask me?"

He found himself frowning, his thoughts subconsciously reverting back to the thought of why. "Perhaps I thought you would not want to... or that I was being selfish for asking. And... I also feared the possible rejection." He admitted with a sheepish smile.

To that, Marinette snorted, "Oh Adrien, if I did not want sex, I would make that very known."

He chuckled softly at that. That was something he should've known. Marinette was very vocal when it came to her desires and her beliefs. After all, everyone who knew her had once known her as the woman who never wished to get married.

Of course, until she fell in love with him.

That thought made him smile.

Marinette reached up to caress the back of his scalp, her fingers dancing along the nape of his neck and threading through his blonde locks softly. "You do know wanting to have sex with your wife is not a selfish desire, yes? You should not feel guilty about that."

Adrien sighed heavily through his nose, a bit frustrated that Nathaniel had caused such a conversation to even be needed. "Yes I know this, but would it not be selfish of me knowing that sex for you might be traumatizing after what Nathaniel has done, and therefore would be rude of me to bring up in a topic of conversation?"

Marinette instantly shook her head. "No, most certainly not. Because sex with you will be nothing compared to what it was like with him."

And of course, Adrien believed this. But how could that be the deciding factor? It was still sex, and therefore, he was still confused as to why she was so calm. "It cannot possibly be that simple—"

"Of course it is." Marinette said simply. "What Nathaniel did will never be erased from my mind. The feeling, the pain, the fear, the disgust, the image... it will all forever remain with me. That is something that I will have to live with for the rest of my life, and this reality cannot be avoided. However, everything that we will experience together will completely overwrite that horror, giving me the opportunity to experience sex with the man I love like I truly deserve."

His eyes widened slightly at her words, because Adrien hadn't thought of it that way... but his wife's idealism made sense. He supposed it really wasn't his jurisdiction to make by assuming she would forever avoid the mention of sex, and perhaps it was wrong of him to assume that she would. After all, Marinette knew what she wanted, and like she had said before, she would make it known to him if it wasn't something she wanted.

"So..." He forced himself to swallow. "You are not against the idea of having sex with me?"

Marinette's smile stretched into a grin as her eyes searched his. "Definitely not. In fact, it took all of my willpower to refrain from pinching your butt at the reception. It looked mighty fine in that suit of yours."

Adrien couldn't help it—he burst out laughing, and Marinette surely followed his lead. Her humor, along with her subtle remark that she found him just as sexy as he found her, was the perfect thing to break the tension that had clouded between them. As they both settled down, Adrien's hand wandered from her own to rest on her slightly pronounced stomach, his fingers caressing her skin over the cloth of her nightgown. "You deserve the world, Marinette." He said so softly, his voice gentle and almost a whisper. "Just tell me what you desire tonight, and it shall be yours. Anything you want, because you deserve to experience the bliss of it all."

He could feel Marinette's smile against his skin the moment she leaned into him, her lips softly grazing his neck. As she laid her head on his shoulder, he followed her lead and leaned his head on hers, his hand continuing to caress her belly in slow circular movements.

"Just give me you." She whispered softly. "All I want is you."

And so, there was no hesitance when their lips met in a soft kiss. No fear or insecurities as they shed each other's clothes. They smiled into each other's mouths, content with the closeness that they shared because that was what she wanted; what they both so dearly craved and desired, and that was exactly what he would give her. And with every gentle touch he gave, he made sure that it was the best experience he could possibly give. Because his lady deserved the world, and nothing less.


I hope you loved it! Stay tuned for the next one!

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