How eclipsa meet globgor

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This is a love story of how eclipsa meet globgor. In mewni at the castle.

It was a peace treaty between the monsters and the mewmans, eclipsa was getting ready tonight for the silver bell ball to meet with a prince that'll help destroy the monsters with his army.

Her mother was arranged a marriage with prince Shastacan Spiderbite.

She was looking at herself in the mirror, she was wearing a red gown with gold trimmings and white long gloves, her hair was in a bridal style bun.

Eclipsa: (sigh)

Just then her mother came in.

Solaria: eclipsa are you ready

When she turns to her mother to see how beautiful she looked, solaria covered her mouth and she was amazed for how she looked.

Solaria: (gasp) You look absolutely beautiful.

Eclipsa: I...I don't know about this mother!

Solaria: Oh shush Give us a twirl.

[stiffly eclipsa goes a little twirls]

Solaria: It's perfect.

Queen solaria looks at eclipsa in compassion.

Eclipsa: Mum I Jaír don't see why I have to do this

Solaria: darling I already told you it's got the best of our kingdom, you've become the age where you have to meet someone, I won't be around to protect you and you need a king to be by your side

Eclipsa: i know I just don't know about prince Shastacan

Solaria: it's a tuff decision but he's family has something that can help us destroy the monsters

Eclipsa: i thought tonight was about making peace with the monsters

Solaria: it it just for now, until when they decide to fight back and take over the kingdom, just remember what I taught you, when you see a monster use your wand to destroy them

Eclipsa: actual mum I was thinking about doing what's right and befriending the monsters

Solaria: (gasp) eclipsa I thought I raised you better then that, the monsters may act like our friends but deep inside their still savage predators, one minute they're your friends but the second you letyour guard down they'll attack you just like that (snap)

Eclipsa: well Maybe you're wrong mother maybe to them we're the monsters can't we just get along with the monsters like in the peace treaty

Solaria: if I didn't know better eclipsa I saw you been out of the castle and hanging out with monsters for too long, it's time you stay put where you are from now on, perhaps a lesson of our history with monsters should fix you right away

Eclipsa looks on a down in disappointment and anger at her mother, then Mina came in.

Mina: solaria the guest have arrived

Solaria: alright thank you mina

She walks to downstairs but not before looking back at eclipsa.

Solaria: eclipsa Just... try to smile.

Eclipsa gives her a fake smile and as she turns and walks off, eclipsa's fake smile turns into a sad frown.

Meanwhile outside the castle was a big carriage driven by two monstrous Gila Monster the size of horses and the footmen was a thin toad monster wearing a blue Elaborate Uniforms With Black And Gold Hats, White Stockings And Black Slippers With Large Buckles.

Inside the carriage was a family of buff monster with tiger-like stripes. It was the king and queen of monsters Dreadtooth and Embercreep with their son the young prince of monsters globgor.

They were bigger and larger then globgor. Dreadtooth skin was red with black tiger stripes, he had four red glowing eyes and four large horns and he had a gorilla like jaw showing his fangs out.

Embercreep had had two eyes, her stripes were red and her skin was light violet, her hair was white and curly and was in a bun, her tail was longer then globgor and was a spear like shaped, she also had sharp claws and a v shaped chin.

But they were both wearing gold wristbands, dreadtooth had one on his right wrist and embercreep wore one on her left wrist.

They maybe be monsters but that doesn't mean they're savages, they were the ones invited to sign the peace treaty.

They were going to a party so they had to dress formal.

Embercreep wore a a red v neck shirt, black long gloves that went up to her elbows, gray leggings and black high thigh high heel boots.

Dreadtooth didn't want to lose his dignity but he didn't want to be rude, so he agreed to wear pants but he refused to put on a shirt. So he had on black slacks and black shoes with golden flats on the bottom.

Globgor wore a white shirt collar with a blue vest, black pants and had no shoes on, his hair was in a ponytail.

Dreadtooth: remember globgor, we maybe signing a peace treaty but it is the mewimans that are the monsters

Globgor: yes father

Embercreep: we are more different to them, and the only ones who started attacking our kind was them

Globgor: yes mother

Embercreep: that is why when your are king, you will destroy all the mewmans

Globgor also thought of himself different from his parents.

Globgor: but mother aren't we no better then them

Dreadtooth: mind your mother globgor remember what they done to us

Globgor: well they were just frightened by us

Embercreep: They stole our home from us globgor, there're the ones that started it

Globgor: I'm just saying that don't you think we should get to know them first before we judge them

Dreadtooth: they known us and they already judge us

Globgor: well it's because of what we done to then, I was thinking that maybe

Embercreep: thinking?

Globgor: since this is a peace treaty coronation, maybe instead of tricking them and launch the rebellion monster attack maybe we should try to get along with them

They then looked at him with furious looks.

Dreadtooth: globgor what are you're saying

Globgor: oh I was just thinking that-

Embercreep: did we not teach you anything about trusting mewimans

Globgor: yes but I-

Dreadtooth: are you becoming weak

Globgor: what I just-

Embercreep: you know what happens to monsters that trust a mewmans

Globgor: I know-

Dreadtooth: if I didn't know better I say you're getting too close with the mewmans

Globgor: no dad-

Embercreep: is that's what's going on, are you hanging out with mewmans

Globgor: mom I-

Dreadtooth: are you going soft on the mewmans

Globgor: what? No dad I-

Embercreep: you know that we forbid you from talking to any mewmans

Globgor: I know mom I just-

Dreadtooth: you better not be going soft on us boy

Globgor: I'm not dad-

Embercreep: globgor you know what happens to monsters when they get too close to a mewman, they act as your friend and when you let your guard down BAM your head is mount on their wall

Globgor: mom I'm just saying-

Dreadtooth: you listen to your mother globgor

Globgor: (sigh) yes father

Embercreep: this plan will go on without a hitch, now since this is a peace treaty we'll wait until three weeks till be begin the attack, I trust our prince will have no issue

She looks at globgor giving him a serious look.

Globgor: (sigh) no mother

Embercreep: good

Dreadtooth: honestly globgor I don't know what's got in to you, you spending too much time with the mewmans I think it would be best if toffee keep a closer eye on you

Inside the castle the celebration was starting, eclipsa was downstairs greeting her guest when she heard her mother talking to the monster guest.

Solaria: ah queen dreadtooth queen embercreep you here, we can finally start the treaty

She looks over to see the two monsters, she was a bit creeped out by them.

Dreadtooth: thank you got inviting us, we were worried that this was a trap and your army would attack us, oh and thus is our son globgor

She tilted her head to get a better look at him and when she got a good look at him.

Eclipsa: (gasp)

She noticed how different he was from his parents, he was cute and for the first time, eclipsa felt a warm feeling inside her heart.

Globgor: good evening your majesty in looking forward to seeing you around

When he sees eclipsa looking at him, ducks and hides underneath a table, blushing from embarrassment.

She then slowly gets back up, to see him talking to her mother and his parents.

He turns his eyes at her direction, she walks over the table, continuing to look at him but when they're eyes meet it felt like well it was a very warm feeling deep inside her.

(fanfare plays)

Footmen: presenting his royal highness prince of the Spiderbite Kingdom and the second-born son of Lord Styneworthe and Lady Sinew, prince Shastacan

When eclipsa went to get a closer look at him she saw an adult man with powdery cream skin and black eyes. He wears a white powdered wig, a pale blue ruffled shirt, a Persian blue overcoat with gold epaulettes, dark blue slacks, white knee-length boots, a long purple cape, and a gold crown with a pink diamond in the center. He also has a thin black mustache and a mole on his left cheek.

(Off key fanfare)

At eclipsa's first reaction she made a disgusted face, she was repulsed by him.

He walks up to her eclipsa was feeling weird about him but then her mother pushes her towards him, putting on a fake smile as they head towards him.

Solaria: prince Shastacan how nice of you to come, this is my daughter eclipsa

He nudges eclipsa's shoulders, she then acts politely and puts her hand out to him.

Eclipsa: how do you do

He takes her hand disgustingly and shakes it.

Shastacan: ugh charm

Solaria: well I'll let you two get along

Solaria leaves both of them looking at each other, eclipsa tries to put on a smile to him but Shastacan just stares at her.

At the royal table, Shastacan was telling eclipsa about his family and boring her about horrible stories about his family slaying monsters.

Shastacan: and that my dear is how my father slayed a three headed snake serpent

Eclipsa: (sarcastic) oh how lovely

As she continues to get board by him, her
Boredom was broken by globgor.

She saw him walking around then he noticed her and smiles, she returns the smile back.

He waves at her, she waves back, his warm full smile made her heart beat fast. 

He tilt his head on his shoulders and mocked shastacan stories by pretending to sleep they were so boring he was fake snoring.

Globgor: (fake snoring)

Eclipsa: (giggles)

She was amused by him, she liked how he makes her smiles.

He then walks way, moving his eyes to the balcony, asking her to follow him.

She gets up then looks back at shastacan as he was looking at a different direction, she took advantage of this opportunity to leave.

She goes to fall the kind monsters, she followed him around the castle until she lost him out on the balcony.

She goes outside to see how beautiful the stars came out in the sky.

She liked the feeling of being alone to her thoughts but then that silence was interrupted as something or someone climbed from underneath the balcony and jumped behind her.

She felt a strange feeling that someone was standing behind her and when she turns around, she saw that it was globgor, he was looking down, she smiles at him and he returns the smile back then the unexpected happened.

She put her hand up and he does the same, they reached out and when their hands touched, there was a certain kind of magic in the air.

But then the moment was interrupted by her mother.

Solaria: eclipsa where are you

They look inside the castle then back at each other, globgor then ran off, he rumps off the balcony, eclipsa watches him as soon as her mother came in.

Solaria: ah there you are darling, come on the treaty is about to begin

In the main hall the monsters and the queen were gathered around a peace treaty.

Dreadtooth: we are ready to begin

Solaria: yes my army won't attack your people as long as your kind doesn't attack my people any more

Embercreep: how do will know once we sign the treaty you're army won't attack us

Solaria: how do I know you're kind could be trusted and you won't declare war on us

Dreadtooth: watch it solaria you don't know who your talking to

Solaria: and you seemed to forget who your talking to

The two royalties got into each other's face, eclipsa made a worried look as she was afraid hat they were about to declare another war, she saw globgor making the same look.

Before a fight could continue, globgor looks around and tries to think as he sees a skeleton guitar, picks it up and starts playing.

The moment everyone stops arguing, they played their attention to globgor.

Globgor: Oh, love, love is strange
When there's beauty on the inside
The outside there's nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
Oh after I know, after it I want this song to love with someone watching over me
Rain or storm, the only place I wanna be is close to the heart of everything I even
The lightening's not frightening when you are with me

Eclipsa was amazed by his singing and how beautiful his voice sounded.

Globgor: Oh cause love is not always what you think it'll be

Globgor then noticed how she was looking at him, he then walks towards her and bends down.

Globgors: Love, oh love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there's beauty on the inside
The outside there's nothing to ch-ch-ch-change
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can't judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Love, love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there's beauty on the inside
The outside there's nothing to ch-ch-ch-change

But as he was singing, prince Shastacan was a bit disgusted by him but noticed how he was looking at eclipsa.

Globgor: The lightening's not frightening when you are with me

Eclipsa was starting to fall for the monster.

Globgor: Oh cause love is not always what you think it'll be, Love, love is strange, oh-oh-oh
When there's beauty on the inside
The outside there's nothing to ch-ch-ch-change

Then queen solaria and king dreadtooth and embercreep saw how well their kids were getting along.

Globgor: Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can't judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Strange love, strange love for one-another
Can't judge a book by its cover
Strange love, strange love for one-another

After the song was over, both the monsters and queen solaria signed the peace treaty and the alignment between monsters and mewmans were brought to peace.

The party was over and when the guest were parting, queen solaria were wishing the king and queen of monsters goodnight.

Eclipsa was getting a unpleasant goodnight to prince Shastacan.

Shastacan: good night dear princess

He was kissing her rapidly on her hand, it was repulsing to her.

Eclipsa: ugh yea good night prince Shastacan

He finally gave up when she pushes her hands on his lips and pushing him away.

Shastacan: I am looking forward to seeing you

He walks out the door but not before sending her a kiss goodbye at her.

Shastacan: (mwah)

It send a chill down her spine and outside as prince Shastacan was leaving, globgor watched the whole thing.

He was about to go with his parents (he then looks back at the castle) but not before taking care of something.

Inside the castle eclipsa was heading in her room.

Solaria: well eclipsa I say that went pretty well, you should get some rest now, you have a big date with the prince tomorrow

Eclipsa: (sarcastic) oh joy

She rolled her eyes in annoyance as she goes inside her room, eclipsa didn't like the prince but she was just doing this for her people, didn't want to let her kingdom down or leave her mother disappointed, she wanted to listen to what her mother says but she also listens to what her heart says

She takes off her crown, still wearing her dress, she walks out to the balcony, looking up in the sky, she was still thinking about that peculiar monster from earlier.

Eclipsa: (sigh)

She walks back inside but in a tree near her as a familiar face.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Eclipsa: Huh

She turns to see that it was globgor climbing from the tree.

Eclipsa: (gasp) you

Globgor: hello

She admitted her heart was excited to see him but was terrified of what her mother might do if she found a monster near her room.

Eclipsa: what are you doing here

Globgor: I came to see you

He then climbs from tree to tree and on to her balcony sitting on the deck of the balcony.

Eclipsa: you can't be here if my mother sees you, she's chop off your head and mount it on her wall

Globgor: then I'll just have to be quiet, I can't stop thinking about you, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen

Eclipsa: i could say the same thing about

Globgor: I am sorry about my Parents they don't know what's good for the monsters

Eclipsa: i could say the same thing about my mother, I just want to live in a world where mewmans and monsters are living in harmony

She puts her hands on the deck, he places his large hands on top of hers,

Globgor: me too, eclipsa I am in love with you, come with me, I'll take you away from this horrible place

He takes his hand out to her, she would've taken him on that offer but was worried what her mom would think.

Eclipsa: i can't my mother wouldn't approve it

Globgor: I understand but will you still say that your heart beats for me

Still holding his hand out to her, she takes it and he holds her hand softly and gently.

Eclipsa: it still does

She looks away trying to avoid his face, then he uses his thumb and index finger to grab her chin and turns her to him.

they then kissed passionately for a long time, her lips touching his, she loved the taste of his tongue as he slides it in slowly, it was big and slobbery but she like it, he then moves his hand to her bottom and grabs it, she placed her hands on his chest, gripping on his shirt.

Eclipsa wanted the night to last forever but then it was interrupted.

Solaria: good night eclipsa darling

They then let go as they looked back at her closed door.

Eclipsa: ok good night mother

She then looks back at globgor and pushes his chest, pushing him away.

Eclipsa: you have to go now quickly before my mother finds you

He then climbs down and jumps into a tree then looks back at her, reaching out to her.

Globgor: will I ever see you again

Eclipsa: every night at my balcony

Globgor: my heart for flame brighter for you until then, good night my dark star

He blows her a kiss, she catches it and holds it against her heart.

Eclipsa: good night globgor

She watches him pouncing from tree to tree, then she closes her window and sighs heavenly as she fell on her bed smiling.

Eclipsa: (sigh)

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