Pepe le pew

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Elliot Sampson: this footage was sent to secret agent headquarters an hour ago, that's why we shot you in space and your sitting on the moon right now, I need you and your new partner to find BloFudd, destroy his giant freeze ray and save the world, IN THAT ORDER.

Claudette: (sigh) I hate Mondays come on lets go, this is agent Claudette and agent kitty commencing operation moon bouncer

Pepé: agent double le pew, reporting for duty, I have landed on the moon

He noticed Claudette and Penelope

Pepé: hello, what is this

He runs to them

Pepé: Claudette, fancy meeting you here

Claudette: ugh, double le pew

Penelope turns to see him, he looks up at her puts on his mischievous smile

Pepé: who's your friend

He roses his eyebrows at her And lays on her lap, Claudette gets furious grabs him by the hand swings him around and throws out of the car

Pepé: she has really thrown me for a lube

Penelope looks back at him

Claudette: ugh sorry about that, you know how men are

Penelope: il a l'air plutôt mignon (he seems pretty cute)

Claudette: ah the supervillain secret base, blofudd is within our grasp

Pepé: and so is this picnic my sparkling apple cider

Claudette: we do not have time for a picnic, I have to find a way to get past the guards

Pepé: oh so the guards are the problem, now back to our sparkling apple cider

Claudette: ugh, this is what you get for when you think of your stomach

Pepé: then from now on

He grabs Penelope and dips her

Pepé: I should only think with my heart

He leans in to try to kiss her, when she pushes him back playfully

Penelope: tu dois te retenir (you must restrain yourself)

Pepé: but how can I when you make me feel so--

Claudette: ahem, we have no time for this

She grabs Penelope and runs And after they defeat blofudd

Claudette: the freeze ray is deactivated, the world is safe

Elliot: nice work Claudette

He sees Penelope walking up

Elliot: oh and you too Penelope

He sees Pepé le pew

Elliot: double le pew what are you doing there

Pepé: remember, whenever you smell trouble, double le pew will be there

Elliot: oh right, well unfortunately it's going to take us a few months to get you back to earth

Claudette: a few months

Penelope: quelques mois (a few months)

Elliot: best of luck signing off

Pepé: it appears we have the time to get acquainted

Claudette: Not a chance

She throws him outside of space

Pepé: it is not unusual for someone to need some space, but this is ridiculous

Just then out of the air, someone wrapped a lasso around his waist and pulls him back down on the moon, where he was in Penelope's arms.

Pepé: oh what is this

Penelope: elle ne sait pas ce qu'elle rate (she doesn't know what she's missing)

Pepé: oh

His nose touches her dark helmet

The Pepé le pew affair

Agent Claudette and agent Penelope go to the art gallery, to get back the crown to its rightful owners
After Claudette gets the crown

Pepé: freeze, drop the crown and put your hands up, now turn around very slowly, now put your hands on your hips, perfect now do not move a muscle, image your are in Paris, watching the glorious sunset now image a handsome irresistible skunk is there with you

They turned to see him painting

Pepé: ah finished, did your imagination looked something like this

Claudette: ugh

Penelope was flattered by his charm

Claudette: I see the sun setting

Pepé: ah

Claudette: on our relationship

Just then a couple of Hazmats came and when Claudette and Penelope went to deal with them, Pepé grabbed the crown

Pepé: excuse me Madams

They turned to see him

Pepé: I think you are forgetting something and if you want it come and get me

The two cats watched him leave as more Hazmats showed up

Claudette: quickly you go get the crown back, I'll cover for you

She runs after him

Pepé: come chérie, let us explore the weird video art of the 1980s together

She runs in after him

Pepé: it is true, the camera adds 10 pounds of handsomeness, you know there are many ways to change the channel, oh my little couch potato relax and enjoy the view

She looks around to find him

Pepé: usually you watch tv, but no tv is watching you
She backs up a little and felt him wrapping his arms around her waist, she thought he was a hazmat and end up punching in the nose


Pepé: oh

Claudette comes by

Claudette: she's not a fan of the idiot box, she takes the crown and Penelope's hand and runs

Pepé: that women is a real kick in the head

After they fought off the hazmats

Pepé: we make a pretty good team huh baby

Claudette: sorry love but there is no I in team, but there is a i in uh... I have the crown goodbye

Pepé: they say if you love someone set them free, but if you really love someone plant a tracking device on them

Honk, honk

He turned around to see Penelope on a Django Scooter, she takes off her helmet to reveal to him her true beauty, she was a black cat with the same black and white striped tail as him, she wore light purple makeup. She tilted her head asking him to join her.

Pepé: c'est la vie

He throws the tablet away and hops on behind her wrapping his arms around her, she puts her helmet back on.

Penelope: à Paris

Pepé: à Paris

They drove off to Paris for a little romantic weekend

After they defeated blofudd's typhoon machine

Pepé: well that takes care of that, now then looks like we get some alone time no

Claudette: I think you mean, you get some alone time, besides I already have plans

Pepé: a baboon in jeans, can't say I blame her

Just then Penelope comes to him and pops him out of the bag, she grabs his hand

Penelope: la mer est l'endroit le plus romantique oui

Pepé: oui

As he wrapped her in his arms, unaware Claudette overhears and becomes green with envy

The Towering Hamsterno-
After they stop evil hamsters take over a high rise, and Claudette is still unconvinced that Pepé was a girlfriend in order to make her jealous

Pepé: hamsters, they like to keep it wheel

Honk, honk

The three turned to see Penelope in a tight stunning black glamorous dress, a leather jacket (that Pepé brought for her from their trip to Paris) and black boots on a scooter

Penelope: Pepé Mon beau moufette (my handsome skunk)

Penelope: ma chérie

Claudette was shocked as he walks towards her and they French kiss together

Penelope: nous allons être en retard pour notre voyage à Venise (we are going to be late for our trip to Venice)

He gets on

Pepé: a the most romantic city in the world

Penelope: ça va être le week-end le plus romantique de tous les temps (it is going to be the most romantic weekend ever)

She watches them drove off

Claudette: our of all the men she could've dated, she chose him

Quagmire of Solace-
Claudette: so how was your trip with Penelope

Pepé: let's just say we paint the town red and pink
After blofudd got swallowed by anaconda

Pepé: well now that we got ze bad guy, me and my little kitty are going to have a little rump in the swamp

Next to them was bayou boat, Penelope was driving it, in a tight dress and gives him a wink He jumps on, and kisses her on the cheek

Pepé: (mwah)

Penelope: ugh

She watches him, kiss her hand rapidly

Penelope: chéri contrôle toi (darling control yourself)

Pepé: I cannot help it, I am resisted to your charms (mwah) bye Claudette

She watches them drove off, leaving Claudette in the swamp


The Pepe Who Came in from the Cold-

Pepé: deck the halls with bounds of Pepé

The two girls turned to see them

Pepé: fa la la la, la la la la

Claudette: ugh, what are you doing

Pepé: I come to deliver ma chérie her holiday gift

Penelope: (gasp)

Pepé: if you are good, I have another for you at domicile

Penelope: (giggles) hehehehe mon amour s'il te plait nous avons un monde à sauver souviens toi (My love please we have a world to save)

Pepé: aw ma chérie but how can I wait when you give me a warm sensation inside

After they save Christmas

Pepé: since the holidays have been save, how about a kiss under the mistletoe

He pucker his lips towards Penelope and first she hesitates but goes in to kiss him

Pepé/Penelope: mmm (moans)

Claudette: ugh

As they parted, the unexpected happened, he got down on one knee, takes her hand and pulls out her Christmas present. He opens it for her to reveal a diamond ring.

Penelope/Claudette: (gasp)

Pepé: ma chérie, will you marry me

Penelope: oui!!! Oui (yes)

she hugged him tight and he returns the hug and they kissed again. Claudette couldn't deny it any longer, she was in love with him, but now she was too late.

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