Blue moon

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After the mutant accident, Donnie was heart-broken and felt that pain will never go away
Until now
When he and the others were out looking for more mutation canister
[Tires squealing.]
Donnie: Take a right. No, left! Left!
Leo: Um, Donnie, maybe you can tell me before we pass the street.
Donnie: I'm sorry, Leo. There's still so many mutagen canisters out there, my tracker is having trouble zeroing in on a single reading. Oh, turn right!
Raph: Whoa, I think I just got shell-lash!
Leo: Hey, Mikey. You want to stop reading your comics and pay attention to the mission?
Mikey: Hey! That comic's in mint- Ah! Near mint condition. Don't mess it up.
Raph: Great. Another horror story. Guess who's gonna be up all night again?
Mikey: What? No. I was up all night 'cause I was polishing my grappling hook!
Raph: Right. Seriously, Mikey, what are those horror comics good for other than freaking you out and-
Donnie: Got one! Stop here! My ooze specs are picking up a mutagen trail. Come on!
Leo: Remember, this might be another trap, so we need to be careful.
Raph: Some ninja.
Donnie: Guys, over here. It's half empty, but one more mutagen canister recovered.
[crash, cling]
[The turtles look around the corner to see a bunch of Kraangdroid fighting off two werewolves.]
Raph: WHOA, take a look at that werewolf
The four turtles took a look at the huge werewolf that was rage with fury and. Banging two Kraangdroid's heads together
Howler: (growl)
Thud, bang
The other one was a female wearing a hoodie covering her body, she dodge the blaster the Kraangdroid were shooting at her
Donnie: they must've been the first to mutated by one of the canister
Mikey: maybe these guys are friendly
[Without warning, the huge werewolf threw one of the kraangdroids at the turtles]
Thud, cling
They look up to see him growling at them
Howler: (growl)
Ralph: or maybe they want to eat us and cause havoc
Leo: well, we're just gonna have to find out
As they went down, Mikey, Ralph and Leo deal with the huge wolf, Donnie took care of the female wolf
Donnie: ugh
Amelia: (growl)
As he tries to smack her with his staff, she grabs it
Donnie/Amelia: ugh
Mikey jumped behind the hug wolfs back as Ralph and Leo attack him on his right side
Howler: (growl) ah!
Mikey/Ralph/Leo: ah!
He throws them off, as they all fell down, Mikey bumped into the female werewolf and as she fell on Donnie
Donnie: ah
But then something magical happened, as he looked up at her, he saw how beautiful her eyes were and she did the same as her eyes glaze at him
Donnie: wow
Amelia: (purrs)
She gives him a innocent look
He snapped out of the her glaze and pushed her off
Donnie: ugh
Amelia: (grunts)
She gets up and the two werewolves ran away, they followed them as they saw him go into different directions
Leo: we'll go after the big guy, Donnie you get the female
Donnie: ok
As they ran after the wolves, Donnie jumped on her and as he pins her down, she pushes him back and they both end up rolling around each other until, he end up trapping her and she presses her hands against his shell
Realizing what was happening, he didn't see her pushing him off
Donnie: agh
As he quickly got up, he saw that she took his staff, she was holding it in her mouth like a normal dog playing fetch
Donnie: hey!
She got her paws and ran away from him, he filled her
Back with the other three, they ambushed the high wolf as they all pounced on him, pushing him to the ground
Howler : (grunts) (growl)
He gets up and pulls them off
Turtles: ah
As the four of them got up to face each other
The turtles were surprised that he could speak
Ralph: wait whoa whoa, you can speak
Howler: oh course I can, uh are you not working with the kraang
Leo: afraid not
Howler: oh my apologize, we thought you were one of the kraangs minions, my name is howler
Leo: hi, I'm leo, this Ralph and that's Mikey
Mikey: sup
Ralph: hi, how you doing
Howler: but wait if you're not a kraang bot, why did you attack us
Mikey: well, we thought you were bad
Howler: of course, not we're fighting those droids off, we just got away from them
Leo: we?
Back with Donnie as he finally caught up with the female werewolf, he found himself in abandoned alleyway
He looked around to her, he looks to see her laying down on an old filth mattress
Donnie: uh
He then see her change to a wolf girl, she had brown  Short Bob haircut, her skin was dark brown, black Demi Shorts, high heel boots, a red long sleeve sweater and black leggings
She had her tail, teeth and ears out
Donnie: whoa
He was stunned by her beauty as she flashes her green eyes at him and lays seductively on the mattress and smiles at him
Amelia: hi
Donnie was still gawking at her
Donnie: hi
He waves at her nervously, she raises his staff up
Amelia: is this yours
Donnie: yeah, can I have that back
She threws it to him and he catches it
Amelia: sorry that we attack you, we thought you were working with the kraang
Donnie: yeah right, they wish
Amelia: (giggles) hehehehe
Donnie: (soft chuckles) hehehe
Amelia: I'm Amelia
Donnie: hi I'm Donnie
Amelia: Donnie that's a nice name
Donnie: thanks
Amelia: say, you're kind of cute
He blushes by her compliment
Donnie: you think I'm cute
Amelia: (giggles) I I'm getting the feeling that you don't hear that a lot
Donnie: you can say that people say I'm a freak
Amelia: well, there's something else we have in common
He smiles at her, after the fight he had with April, he's forgotten his heartbreak
He walks up to her as she raises her hand up, he takes her hand in his and rubs it, the two smile at each other
His heart being to beat as he felt her hand, the moment felt romantic until the others interrupt
Ralph: are you done flirting with your new girlfriend
Mikey: hahaha
Donnie/Amelia: (gasp)
They turned to see they looking at them
Howler: ah, I see you finally met Amelia, Amelia this is Leo, Ralph and Mikey
Leo: hi
Ralph/Mikey: hey
Amelia: howler, this is Donnie
He walks over to him and shakes his hand roughly
Howler: nice to meet you
Donnie: whoa, (nervous chuckles) nice grip
Howler: Amelia, I think they can help us with our problem
Turtles: problem
Donnie turns to Amelia giving her a sincere look
Amelia: (sigh) we been on the run from the kraang for days now, after we escaped we tried to our from them, but no matter where we hide they always find a way to find us, we need help
Mikey: hey why don't you guys stay with us
Everyone: really
Mikey: sure
Ralph: but what about master splinter
Leo: I'm sure master splinter will be alright if we let in a couple of stay dogs
Ralph: but he said
Donnie: he said don't get caught by any humans, but he didn't say anything about letting werewolves in our home, besides they need help from the kraang
After explaining splinter about their new guest, they agreed to let  them in, as long as howler doesn't eat him
They then were getting along with the wolves easily
Ralph and howler were wrestling, Donnie was in his lab working on a cure for the mutation he was looking at a picture of April still feeling blue until he saw Amelia coming with a dog bed
Amelia: hey
Donnie: hi
He hides the picture
Amelia: mind if I can sleep in here with you
Donnie: I don't mind, I could use a roommate (chuckles)
He saw her walking, laying her bed next behind him, he turned to see her taking off her sweater, he flushed
He saw how smoothly her back was, he urges to touch her skin he held his hand back as he saw it trying to touch her
She had a navy blue lingerie shirt underneath, he quickly turns around
She lays down in the dog bed
Amelia: (yawns) well good night Donny
Donnie: good night Amelia
As she went to sleep, he turns around to her, watching her sleep made him think
Donnie: She sleeps so cute'
He also how cold she was getting, so he grabbed a blanket and covers her, he strokes her back then behind her ear and smiles
As he walks back, she opens her eye and smiles
Can this be the start of a beautiful relationship?

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