What if...

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This is a what if idea from star vs the forces of evil, what if Star never destroyed magic, what if eclipsa and all the rest of the monsters left mewni, what if Mina let the monsters off easy.

Mina looks toward the Monster Temple and hears her cockerel crowing in the distance.

Mina: Time to fulfill my oath!

Scene cuts to Monster Temple.

Moon Butterfly: Star, I know it must seem crazy that Mina's working for me. But let me explain.

Star Butterfly: You... TRAITOR!!!

Star transforms to her Ultimate Magic Form and fires Cupcake Blasts, Bunny Blasts, and Narwhal Blasts in every direction. Marco, Eclipsa, and Moon shield themselves from flying cupcakes, bunnies, and narwhals.

Eclipsa: [groans]

Moon transforms to her Ultimate Magic Form. Star and Moon hover over the ground.

Moon: I know what this looks like, but you have to understand!

Star: Understand what?!

Star fires off more assorted spells that Moon shields herself from.

Moon: Mina was already planning to overthrow Eclipsa. Trust me, I stopped her from doing far worse.

Star: So you start a revolution behind my back?!

Moon: The one who started this was her!

Moon waves her hand toward Eclipsa and fires off a magic blast that strikes the ground near her.

Eclipsa: [holding Meteora] Aah!

Moon: Oh, dear! That was an accident!

Star: [scoffs] "Accident". Like anyone's gonna believe that.

Moon: [sighs, turns back to normal] Star, I know you trust Eclipsa. I trusted her once, too. Look where that got me.

Eclipsa: I beg your pardon?

Moon: You're the reason I was lost in the magic dimension. You're the reason I was separated from my family! From my daughter!

Eclipsa: That was an accident, Moon. You know that. And Star can take care of herself. She's far wiser than we were at her age.

Moon: I'm not going to argue about this, Eclipsa. I'm here to offer you a deal.

Star: Deal? [turns back to normal] Mom, what are you doing?

Moon: Surrender the crown to me. In return, I'll call off Mina and my Solarian Warriors.

Eclipsa: So you're the one who created the warriors. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.

Moon: After that, I'll heal Globgor at the Magic Sanctuary, and you and your family will be free to live in any dimension of your choosing. Except this one.

Eclipsa: And if I don't do what you're asking? What then?

Moon: ...Things could get worse.

Eclipsa:.... (Sigh) alright then, here

Eclipsa holds out the Royal Magic Wand to give to Moon.

Marco Diaz: [gasps]

Star: No!

Eclipsa: It's all right, Star. I tried my best, but it appears my best... wasn't enough.

Star: What?

Eclipsa gives the wand to Moon, and it transforms from a parasol to a short crystal wand.

Scene cuts to New Monstertown. Solarian Warriors are stomping through the village, and villagers are running around and screaming in terror.

Scene transitions to a crystal ball in the Bureaucracy of Magic, where Rhombulus, Omnitraxus Prime, and Hekapoo are having a pizza party.

Rhombulus: [snake arms blowing party horns] Yeah! We're number one! We're number one! Eat this, Eclipsa! Not so fancy now, are ya? [throws confetti] Whoooo! Pizza party!

Hekapoo: Who let him have soda?

Rhombulus uses one of his snake hands to messily eat pizza.

Hekapoo: Hey, watch it! You're making a mess!

Rhombulus: [mockingly] Huh? A mess? Oh, no! Please don't arrest me!

Right Snake Arm: [laughing]
Left Snake Arm: [mockingly] No, not the dungeon again!

Hekapoo: Isn't this a little premature? Eclipsa hasn't even surrendered yet, and the last time I tried to contact Mina, she just sent back a bag of old jelly beans. I don't know what that means!

Sean: [putting up a "VICTORY!" banner] Well, it's only a matter of time, isn't it? I'm just excited for things to go back to the way they were in the good ol' days.

Rhombulus: The Magic High Commission is back in the game, baby!

Omnitraxus Prime: We'll be back to our glorious schedule...

Hekapoo: [yawns]

Omnitraxus: ...of weekly meetings with the queen, and the pre-meetings, and the meetings to schedule meetings, and the post-meeting, and the bi-monthly meeting to discuss the productivity of our meetings...

Hekapoo uses her dimensional scissors to open a dimensional portal under the table. She then makes a duplicate of herself and goes through the portal, leaving the duplicate in her place.

Omnitraxus: (o.s.) ...as well as checking the notes to accurately record the minutes of— What are you doing to that pizza?!

Rhombulus: (o.s.) I'm eating it!

Scene cuts back to the Monster Temple. Eclipsa, Meteora, and Star enter Meteora's room. And although things were going to be okay, there has been a lost cause.
She was going into the room where globgor was still in aching pain.

Eclipsa: Knock-knock. [gives Meteora to Star] I'll only need a minute.

Moon enters behind Star. Eclipsa approaches the bedridden Globgor.

Eclipsa: Hello, darling. How are you holding up?

Globgor: (labor breathing) (cough) hello my dark star

He reaches out slowly to cup her face, he flinched from his pain.

Globgor: AH

His hand landed gently on her right cheek and she holds his hand, feeling his warmth.

Eclipsa: I think I found a way to keep us all safe. We'll be giving up a lot, and... but since when has our relationship ever been easy? [laughs]

Globgor: (laughs) (wince) AH, Ah

Meteora: Pa-pa.

Star: Oh, he's really, really not looking so good.

Moon: No, he's not. But this will all be over soon and he'll get all medical attention he needs

Star: [tersely] Mm-hmm. And the monsters? Are you gonna stop attacking them, too?

Moon: I never told the soldiers to attack the monsters. You know how overeager Mina can get. But I would not attack innocent civilians.

Star: I don't know. Doesn't seem too off-brand for you at this point.

Eclipsa: I'm doing this for us, Globgor. [kisses Globgor's lips] Be back in a jiffy.

As she walks away, he continues to hold on to her hand until they let go slowly.

Globgor: hurry my love, any second without you is more painful then the pain I'm in right now and I really need right now

At the temple entrance, Moon pulls the wall lever to open the gates. Star, Eclipsa, Meteora, and Marco are silent nearby.

Star: So, you're just gonna leave Mewni.

Eclipsa: I'm sorry, Star. I know you've tried so hard to help me. But right now, what's best for Mewni is that my family leaves

She looks down to see a family of monsters huddling closer together while hiding from the solarian soldiers.

Eclipsa: and the monsters too

Moon: Eclipsa's right, Star. As queen, it is your duty to do what is best for your people... even if they end up hating you for it.

The cockerel crows again.

Moon: [gasps]

Mina appears at the temple entrance in her flying Solarian Armor.

Mina: [laughs] What's up, scalawags? Looks like time's up!

Mina crushes the cockerel in her armored hand and tosses it away.

Mina: Now, the fun begins.

Mina kicks open her helmet's front visor.

Mina: So, you've captured the monster smoocher, did ya? Hah. Did she put up a fight? Gonna make a necklace out of all the teeth you knocked out?

Moon: No, Mina. Eclipsa has chosen to surrender.

Mina: Of course she's agreed to surrender. She's a coward and a traitor to her mother's legacy. Now, if you don't mind, Moon, I'm gonna need ya to scoot to the side a little.

Moon: I... Wait, what?

Mina: You know, just scootch a little so I don't accidentally get ya when I run her through with my sword and all.

Marco: Huh?!

Star: What?!

Eclipsa then gets up calmly and walks towards Mina without showing any fear.

Eclipsa: That won't be necessary Mina, I'll leave with globgor, meteroa and I'll take the rest of the monsters with us

Mina:(o.s.) No one's going anywh-wait did you say you were going to take all the monsters with you

Mina flies out of her armor and gets in eclipsa's face.

Mina: so you'll leave with all the monsters

Eclipsa: yes me, Globgor, our daughter and the rest of the monsters will no longer your concern, Mina. We all will be leaving Mewni and you won't have to deal with us any longer, in return you call off your army

She then makes a serious look that wasn't convincing her.

Eclipsa: isn't that what you wanted To get rid of all those so called dirty monsters and make life good again for the real Mewmans!

Moon: no!

Eclipsa: it's okay it's the queen's duty to do what is best for your people... even if they end up hating you for it. Or if it's not the best thing, so Mina do we have a deal

She glares at her for a minute then she smiles hysterically.

Mina: oh sure that sounds awesome Oh ok I'll stand down,

Moon/star: WHAT!

eclipsa: it's what's best for mewni and your family as it is for mines and besides I think it would be best if all the monsters left mewni.

Mina: all right everyone change of plans, we're rounding up all the monsters and and sending them away

Star: I used to look up to this person

Eclipsa: alright as promised I'm resigning as queen now fulfilled your promise and heal globgor

She looks straight in her eyes and saw how eager she was to save her husband, but couldn't help but feel bad.

At the magic sanctuary, as moon was healing globgor , something went wrong.

The scar didn't leave. And globgor wasn't waking up.

Eclipsa: (gasp)

Star: what's happening why isn't he healing, what's going on mom

Moon: ugh I don't know, it's supposed to heal him

Globgor: (labor breathing)

Moon: I'm sorry eclipsa-

Eclipsa: don't be I'll be taking my husband, daughter and we'll all be off

In the middle of mewni, all the monsters were upset that they had to leave but not as upset as the mewmans were watching all the monsters leaving mewni forever, they were in front of a portal to different dimensions, eclipsa was finding a perfect home of her and the rest of the monsters to live in.

Mina: oh monster smoocher, pick a dimension and take your monster family and the rest with you and be gone

She looks back at star and sees her looking sad, she gives her a smile letting her know that everything was going to be okay.

She was going through every portal then she find one that was right for her and the monsters to live in.

Eclipsa: There

Mina: alright go then and don't come back again

She goes to a isolated dimension where there was no signs of live or living creatures. The rest of the monsters follow, the mewmans sulk sadly and watched until every last monster was gone, all that's left is globgor.

He was being hold by buff frog and river, they helped him walked into his new home, but became time for river to let him go.

Moon: river darling he has to go now

He looks back at his wife then back at a wounded globgor then slowly lets go as quirky guy grabs globgor's right arm and holds on tight to him.

River: well globgor you take care good men and get well soon and take care for your family

After all the monsters and eclipsa left, the portal closed and every solarian soldiers cheered as they celebrated the monsters leaving but the mewmans, star and her family were still upset at what happened.

(solarian soldiers cheering)

Mina: yeah good ridden you filthy monsters

At dimension x were eclipsa and the monsters have been exiled to, they all were amazed to see how beautiful the place was, they was strange colorful plants and flowers and they were surrounded by a black ocean with glowing mystical sea creatures. And there were caves everywhere.

Eclipsa: It's perfect I mean it's not that perfect but it will have to do

Meteora: huh

Eclipsa: don't worry In time we'll get used to this place

And she was right, over time as months passed, it didn't take long for the monsters to turn their new home into monster town, they build houses and a castle for eclipsa and her family.

In her new castle, in the tallest home in the castle, globgor was still unconscious, he was laying on his bed, a blanket covering his arms that went up halfway to his chest.

Eclipsa came in.

Eclipsa: knock knock, hello darling we're back

She was carrying meteora, meteora was wearing a white dress with gold trimmings, she places her on the floor where she crawled around.

Eclipsa was wearing a dark blue green dress with a large white line in the middle and a red coat over it.

She takes it off and looks back at her lifeless husband, she smiles then sits down besides him.

Globgor: (labor breathing)

Eclipsa: i help our people today and we're exploring more of our new world (chuckles) and you should've seen our daughter today, she was playing so well with the other children

The way he was hardly breathing it was got her worried and made her feel I'll that he never wake up or she'll never see her husband again.

Eclipsa: i wish I could see what's going inside your mind right now (sniff) it's been months globgor when are you going to wake up

Globgor: ugh

Eclipsa: we need you right now, I need most of all

She climbs on top of him, pressing her hand on his muscular chest.

Eclipsa: (sobbing) please wake up darling (weeping) I need you right now (sobbing) I love you

She then got in bed with him, cuddling closer to him, wrapping his arm around her and rubbing his chest.

Eclipsa: we'll figure something out darling

Globgor: (labor breathing)

She love the felt of his warmth but not as much as she loved hearing his heart beat.

Then two monster guards came in.

Monster guard 1: your majesty you have a visitor

She gets up and by her surprise it was moon wearing a blue gown looking upset, eclipsa approaches her.

Eclipsa: ello moon, come to rub in my face on how you're queen again

Moon: no look I just wanted to see how you, and-

She turns to see globgor still in pain.

Globgor: ugh (moaning in pain)

Moon: are doing

Eclipsa: we're doing fine thank you, now if you don't mind, we're busy so if you would just show yourself at the door and leave-

She turns to go back to her sleeping husband then...

Moon: WAIT!

Eclipsa stops in her Tracks as moon reaches out to her.

Moon: I'm sorry i really am and I want to help heal globgor

Eclipsa: you already tried and it didn't work

Moon: I need your help

Eclipsa: oh and suddenly you need my help, well whatever you did it's your own problem you deal with it

Moon: it's star, she's still angry at me for what I done and everyone at mewni us still upset that the monsters have been exiled

Eclipsa: well it's your fault that my husband is in a coma and still wounded, you're fault Star is angry and your fault the monsters had to leave mewni forever

Moon: I never wanted the monsters to leave mewni, I just wanted to take back what once was taken from me

Eclipsa: oh you you that it was accident but what you done could never be unforgiven

Moon: I need you to help patched things between me and star, and I'll heal globgor again

Eclipsa: you already tried and it didn't work, besides how long could star been at you

Moon: she went back to earth and hasn't talk to be in months, please I need your help

Eclipsa: ugh look what happened to you and star it's your problem not mines

Moon: then let me heal globgor

Eclipsa: no you already done enough, please leave

Moon: eclipsa please

Then two guards blocked her.

Eclipsa: look the last thing I need is you to bothering my family, now leave so I can be alone with my husband

Moon finally gives up and walks away sulking about her fault and guilty.

Time flies by and over time, dimension x became the monster kingdom where anyone was welcome no matter what they are, or what their history is.

Years past by, Meteora grew up, she was age 5, she and eclipsa her mother, were standing next to the royal bed, looking at globgor who was still in a coma, he's scar healed but he still hasn't woken yet and eclipsa was worried.

Meteora was wearing a yellow drew with long sleeves and her hair was short.

Eclipsa was wearing the same red coat dress over a blue violet gown, black gloves and her hair was in a bun.

Meteora: mommy when us daddy going to wake up

Eclipsa: (sigh) I don't know darling

She then holds on to her daughter tight.

Eclipsa: i don't know

Then the next day, a miracle happened, eclipsa was in their bedroom, a fire keeping them warm during the harsh cold winters, she was pouring some tea when unexpectedly, globgor has finally woken up.

Globgor: ugh

He opens his eyes, dizzy from being in a coma for years, he slowly and painfully, he looks around to himself in a strange room.

Globgor: where am I?

When the sound of his voice rang through eclipsa's ears.

Eclipsa: (gasp)

She was surprised as she drops the teapot in realization, she turns around and was speechless to see globgor finally awake.

Eclipsa: globgor (sobs)

Globgor: eclipsa?

She ran to him and hugs his chest tight.

Globgor: AH (painfully)

Eclipsa: oh globgor I thought I lost you, I was so worried, I'll never let you go again

Globgor: uh can you let me go now, you're hurting me (painfully)

Eclipsa: oh I'm so sorry darling

She lets him go and touches his chest as he catches his breath and he got his strength back.

Globgor: what happened

Eclipsa: let's hit at say we got a new home where our kind will be treated right and no solarian soldiers will harm us

She then remembers him begin in a coma for so long, she missed him, she wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him tight.

Eclipsa: I'm just glad your alright

Globgor then hugs her back in confusion.

Globgor: how long have I been gone

Eclipsa: for years

His eyes open wide as he pulls her up to his face.

Globgor: WHAT?

Eclipsa: moon tried to heal you but your scar didn't heal and you went in a coma but I did find a good home for us and the monsters

Globgor: what about Meteora

She gets up, takes his hss as bad and helps him walk to the open window to see a grown Meteora playing with the other children.

Globgor: (gasp) oh she's grown so big

He then turns back to eclipsa, holding her in his arms.

Eclipsa: and there's a new life waiting for us, come I'll show you around

She takes her hand out of front of him, he looks down then up at eclipsa smiling at him.

As they walked out the door, he stops her, pulls her arm and pulling her body towards him and pulling her in for a kiss.

Eclipsa: Huh, whoa

Globgor: mmm

Eclipsa: mmm

The scene fades black ending the episode.

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