Newlyweds And Finales

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Hello! And welcome to the final chapter of this story! Wait, wait, this isn't like a game show. Let's try again.
Howdy Homies!!! This is the last chapter of this book! Please read the A/N that will be at the end of the chapter. Enjoy!

   Fred looked at himself in the mirror. He's trying to prepare himself for the next big step. Marriage. The word itself made him have tears in his eyes. But here he is... Marrying the person of his dreams and the father of his children. Chica came up from behind him.
       "You ok Fred?" She asked softly. Tears fell from his eyes.
      "No Chica... I'm really nervous. What if he says he doesn't want to get married anymore? I'll be crushed." He said, his voice cracking slightly. Chica pulled him in a hug.
      "You have nothing to worry about Fred. Nightmare loves you. You two have two beautiful children. He wouldn't do anything like that to you. How about we finish getting you ready. And when you guys are on your honey moon, I'll watch Dream and Cassidy for you." She said, drying away his tears. Fred smiled.
      "That would be great Chica..."


Nightmare looked at his outfit in the mirror.
      "What do you think boys?" He asked his three friends. They looked at him.
      "Sharp." Freddy said, walking up to him and adjusting his bow tie.
     "Are ye nervous Night?" Foxy asked.
     "Extremely. I mean, why wouldn't I be? Marriage is a big step in a person's life. I have every right to be nervous." He replied. Foxy nodded.
     "True. But yer happy right?"
     "Of course I am! And Fred's happy too." Nightmare smiled. "Let's finish getting ready."

~~~  (Time Skip)

It's a half an hour until the couple's wedding starts. Nightmare is ready to go to his position. Fred, however, is still in his room, freaking out about the whole thing. Chica is trying to calm the yellow bear down, but with no success.
       "Fred, sweetie, calm down... Everything is going to be fine." She said softly. Fred was shaking, sweating, and crying.
       "I-I can't C-Chica! I n-need to know i-if this is real! I need to see him!" Fred cried, more tears falling. Chica sighed, and pulled out her phone, calling the yellow bear's fiancé.
"Hello?" Nightmare said on the other line.
      "Hey. Fred's freaking out over here. Could you talk to him, and calm him down please?" Chica asked.
"Give him the phone please..." Nightmare sighed. Chica handed him phone to the panicking bear. "Fred? Baby calm down please..." Fred calmed slightly, hearing his lover's voice.
     "P-Please Night... Tell me t-this is real. T-Tell me w-we are really going to get married today." Fred pleaded. 
"Love, of course we're getting married today..." Nightmare said softly. "What's got you all freaked out though?"
     "I didn't think we were actually doing it... I didn't think we are really going to get married..."
"We really are baby... But I want you to be strong until I see you at the alter. Can you do that for me?"
     "Ok Night... I'll do it... I'll see you there... I love you..."
"I love you too baby... Bye"
     "Bye..." Fred hung up, and sighed. Chica walked up to him.
     "Feel better Fred?" She asked softly. Fred nodded.
     "A lot better... I'm sorry about freaking out..." He said, a few more tears slipping down his cheeks. Chica pulled him into a hug.
      "Don't be sorry Fred. Your like a brother to me, so it's technically my job to help you out." She said, letting go and kissing his forehead lightly. Fred smiled at her, and she smiled back. She looked at the time.
       "Oh! We better get going! The wedding is going to start soon!" She exclaimed. Fred nodded, and the two made their way to the door...


The wedding is starting. After the unexpected phone call from his lover, Nightmare is standing at his place on the alter. The music started up as the doors opened, revealing his fiancé. He watched as his love walked down the aisle, tears in his eyes, and a smile. As he got there, he gave his fiancé a hug.
        "I love you Night..." He whispered. Nightmare smiled.
        "I love you too Fred..." He whispered back, having a tight hold on his lover's hands as the ceremony began...
    (Small time skip 'cause I don't know how weddings work... Sorry not sorry.)
        "Do you, Nightmare, take this young bear to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, through think and thin, as long as you both shall live?" The official asked. Nightmare looked deep into Fred's eyes.
       "I do..." He said, smiling brightly. The official turned to Fred.
       "Do you, FredBear, take this young bear to have and to hold, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health, through thick and thin, as long as you both shall live?" Tears fells from his eyes, the smile still seen.
        "I do..." He replied.
        "I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss." The two bears smiled, bringing their lips together in passion, sealing their marriage. They pulled away, and hugged. Now they can start life new now that they are married.


The two newlyweds sat on the plane. Fred having his head on his new husband's shoulder, holding his hand lightly. The two didn't have to worry about their children because Chica was taking care of them. So the two can enjoy their honeymoon. Fred looked up at his lover.
        "I love you Night..." He said, his eyes feeling heavy. Nightmare came down and kissed him passionately.
        "And I love you Fred..." He said back. Off to Hawaii they go...

Ok. I am so so so sorry to just disappear like that. I've had other things to do. I know I posted in my other stories, but that was because they were easier than this. I really wanted to make this special because of it being the last chapter of this book. But don't freak out... I making a sequel! It's going to be called 'Life With Twins'. It's gonna be awhile before I can get the sequel made, but it'll happen. I promise. And also...

Thank you! Everyone so much for reading this story! I hope you've had a lot of fun reading this and much as I liked writing it. The sequel will, again, be awhile. But it will come. But I will see you all... In my next story... Bye!

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