Nine Months, A Fight, And Babies...

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        *Nine Months Pregnant*

The couple is closing in on their final days before they officially become parents. FredBear is so happy that he is so close to becoming a mother, that he can barely contain his excitement. Not only are the babies almost due, but Christmas is tomorrow. Everyone in the house was setting up for a Christmas party. Well... Not Fred. Nightmare insisted that he should rest since it looks like he's about to pop any time now.
       "Are you calling me fat?" Fred asked, getting a little upset. Night looked at him.
       "Of course not! Why would I say that? I just want you to rest. You're due at any time to deliver the babies, and I don't want you to get hurt. Remember what happened when we were setting up the nursery?" He asked. Memories of him breaking his arm flashed in Fred's mind, causing him to tear up a bit.
       "Me breaking my arm wasn't my fault!" He hissed. "I tripped because someone didn't pick up after them selves! Why would you bring up the incident now?! You know my emotions can't handle it!"
       "It was basically your fault you broke your arm! If you would've watched where you were going, you wouldn't have broke your arm or put the lives of our children at risk!" Nightmare shot back. Tears fell from Fred's eyes, but he was still furious.
       "How could you say that to me?! I didn't mean to trip and fall! How about you just shut your mouth, and quit acting like a fucking dick!"
      "Go to hell Fred! I don't need you anymore!" Night hissed. Fred gasped, all of his anger diminished by the sadness he feels now. He ran out of the room, grabbed his coat, and ran out of the house. Tears clouded his vision as he headed for the park. Nightmare snapped out of the trance that he was in, and realized what he just said. Chica stomped up the stairs, walked up to him, and slapped him hard across the face.
       "What did you just say to him?!" She growled, glaring at the bear. Nightmare gulped.
      "We got into a fight, and I kinda told him to go to hell and I didn't need him anymore..." He said quietly. Chica slapped him again.
      "You're an idiot Nightmare! He's nine months pregnant! His emotions couldn't handle something like that!" She hissed. "Now you listen, and you listen good... It's December, it's almost Christmas. You better go out there, and you better apologize for what you said to him. And I swear, if he is hurt in any way, I'll rip you to shreds! Do you understand me?!" She growled, narrowing her eyes. Nightmare gulped again, nodding. She pointed to the door. "Go out there, and find him." He went and grabbed his coat.
        "You want to come and help me Chica? I could really use it." He asked. Chica thought for a moment.
        "Sure. If this goes south he'll need someone else there." She said, grabbing her coat as well. "We'll be back later guys!"


  FredBear cried silently on a swing. Whenever he was feeling stressed, he always came to the park. He heard shouts in the distance, but he didn't move. He caught a glimpse of black in the corner of his eye, and knew his lover had come looking for him. He stood up, and looked around.
       "Fred!" His ears twitched. He turned around and seen him.
       "Night!" He yelled, running over and hugging his lover.
       "Oh Fred... I'm sorry for what I said. I really wasn't thinking of your feelings. Please forgive me."
       "Yes yes, I forgive you! Please don't leave me!" Nightmare pulled him into a passionate kiss. Fred felt a small pain in his stomach. His eyes flew open, and he gasped.
       "Fred what's wrong?" Night asked, slightly worried.
       "The b-babies are c-coming..." He whimpered.
       "Ok umm... Can you walk?"
       "N-no I can't... I can barely stand. What're we going to do?"
       "I'll carry you. It'll be faster." Nightmare picked him up and headed for the hospital...


  It's 12:30 am at the hospital, Christmas Day. Fred is lying in a bed, whimpering and sweating. The whole gang is there, and waiting out in the waiting room. A doctor walked in.
         "Alright. Looks like you are fully dilated, so you can start pushing." She said. Nightmare grabbed his hand. "Alright now give me a big push." Fred obeyed, and pushed, screaming out in pain. "Good job. Keep going. You're doing great." Soon enough, the first baby was out. "It's a boy! Now let's get that second one. Fred screamed and cried, but mad wit through.
        "It's a girl! Congratulations you two!" The doctor said. Night took ahold of they boy, a gray bear with dark golden highlights, a black patch across diagonally on his stomach, and golden eyes with a hint of red. Fred had the girl, a light yellow bear with dark gray highlights, a black patch like her brother, but it goes the opposite way, a patch of black across her right eye, and red eyes with a hint of gold.
       "So what would you like to name our son Fred?" Nightmare asked. Fred thought for a moment.
      "How about Dream Night. It suits him..." He said softly. "What would you like to name our daughter?"
      "How about Cassidy Alice. It sound like a pretty name..."
      "Here... Give me Cassidy, and you can go and get the gang. But tell them to be quiet." Nightmare nodded, handed him the baby, and went to get their friends.


The couple had returned home from the hospital with their newborn son and daughter.
        "They are just so cute Night..." Fred said, picking up Dream.
        "Yeah... It's going to be great being a parent. Best way to spend it is with the love of my life. I love you Fred..." Night said.
        "I love you too Night..." Nightmare leaned over and gave him a quick kiss. The two have one more event coming up. Their wedding...

   Howdy Homies!! I'm just giving you a heads up. The next chapter will be their wedding, but will also be the final chapter for this book. Before you get all upset and stuff I want you to know that I AM going to be making a sequel. But I also want to get my Bonniplier story on the rails as well. So after the wedding chapter, this book is done. Then expect more chapters on my Bonniplier story, and have a wonderful day. Thanks for reading this chapter. And I will see all you dudes!... In the last chapter... Bye!

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