Seven Months And A Surprise...

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     *Seven Months Pregnant*

    Well... Here it is. The seventh month of Fred's pregnancy. Two more months and the nightmare will be over and they meet their twins... Not only that, Nightmare had been thinking about the relationship he has with his pregnant lover. So he came to the conclusion that he was going to propose. Not only that, he is going to do it on Fred's birthday that's coming up. While Fred was asleep, he asked Chica to come with him to the jewelry store to look for an engagement ring. She instantly agreed and squealed with joy.
"Alright, alright calm down. We have to be quiet because Fred is asleep. He's seven months pregnant, and if someone wakes him up from a nap, all hell will break loose." Nightmare whispered. Chica looked at him and nodded. Night quickly wrote a note for him and they left.
*Time Skip*
Fred sat up rubbing his eyes. He looked around to se that his lover wasn't in the room. He carefully got up and walked out of the room and down stairs. He sees a note on the table and reads it.
"Hope you slept well love! Went with Chica to pick some stuff up for your birthday. We should be back soon. Love you!
~ Nightmare"

Fred smiled slightly. Nightmare was one of the sweetest people he met. He was glad to have such a great boyfriend. He felt a light kick, and smiled wider.
"You two are feisty little ones aren't you?" He asked. He heard the door click. Nightmare and Chica walked in with several bags.
"Hey love! Did you have a nice nap?" Nightmare asked.
"Yeah. I haven't slept like that in a while." Fred replied.
"Are you excited for your 21st birthday tomorrow Fred?" Chica asked.
"Oh yeah... I forgot I was turning 21 tomorrow. I guess. I mean we get to have cake so that's a plus." Fred shrugged. Him being almost 21 and already pregnant with twins... Life really has no other surprises for him. Or so he thought...
*Next Day*

Everyone is putting up decorations for the party. Well... Everyone except for Nightmare. He was in his room trying to get ready to propose.
"Night?! Come on! We're getting ready to start!" Fred yelled from downstairs.
"Alright! I'll be down in a sec!" He yelled back. He grabbed the ring from his dresser and put it in his pocket, heading downstairs.


Chica was getting the cake and putting candles on it. Nightmare was cuddled up on the couch with his pregnant lover. He kept thinking about the ring in his pocket, and shifted a little. He shook it off and placed a hand on Fred's stomach, smiling.
"Just two more months, and we'll be parents Fred..." Night said softly. FredBear looked up and smiled.
"I know... I can't wait."
"Guys! It's cake time!" Chica yelled from the kitchen. Nightmare got up from the couch.
      "C'mon love. Let's go get some cake." He said, grabbing his lover's hand and helped him up.
      "Yay! Cake!" Fred squealed, practically running to the kitchen. Nightmare chuckled. He walked into the kitchen and took a seat next to Fred. While he wasn't looking, Nightmare put the ring on the frosting of his cake.
     "Happy Birthday Fred!" Everyone said at once. Fred smiled and went to take a bite of his cake.
     "Huh?" He questioned, picking up the the ring. "Hey Night? What's this?" Nightmare looked down and smiled. He got up from his chair and bent down on one knee.
     "Fred, ever since we met, I've always had a crush on you. The way you make me smile and laugh everyday. And look at us now... Having kids together was probably the best thing that could've happened in my life. I love you and I would always love you. So FredBear... Please let me ask you if you could marry me?" Nightmare finished. Fred looked at him with tears flowing out of his eyes, and smiled.
       "Yes! Of course I will marry you!" He exclaimed. Night slipped the ring on his finger, and gave his new fiancé a passionate kiss. Everyone 'awed' at them and clapped.
       "This was the best birthday I could ever ask for..." Fred said softly, yawning and cuddling up to his lover on the couch.
       "I'm glad you liked it love..." Nightmare replied, letting a yawn slip too. A few minutes later, and the two fell asleep on the couch, snuggled up to each other. Chica internally squealed and cover the two with a blanket, shutting off the lights in the living room...

   Yo... I'm so sorry I took forever. Ha! Sike! I don't care I left you all waiting! Hehe I know I'm a bitch. Alright alright so here it is... Hope you liked it! But also...
  Thank you! Everyone so much for reading! Next chapter will be titled "Nine Months, A Fight, And Babies..." But for right now... I will see all you dudes! In the next chapter... Bye!

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