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ok here's the new update i promised!! enjoy(:

im updating twice in one week because glitterarianastyles(follow her!) wanted me to!

and because you guys definitely deserve it!


Ron's POV

"Ron! Harry!" I hear Ginny's panicked voice come from the stairwell. She comes streaking down the stairs, jumping the last two. "Its...." She's pale, and her voice is very quiet.

"What is it, sis?" I push her to tell us what she has in her hand. It looks like a damp piece of parchment, but I can't be sure. Ginny is breathing heavy now, holding back tears.

"I can't....just read this." She hands me the piece of parchment(yes, I was right!), and Harry jumps over and sits next to me. I open the note and see Hermione's all too familiar handwriting scrawled across the page, some words smudged from what I'm guessing is tears. I read the letter, note, whatever you want to call it, and my heart lodges in my throat. I finish the letter, note, whatever, and tears well up in my eyes, so I grab a pillow and bury my face in it. Yeah, yeah, childish, I know, but what else can I do?

"Oh my God!" Harry yells. "We need to find her, now!" Um, duh, Harry! I leap off the couch yelling,

"Hospital Wing! Let's go!" Harry and Ginny follow suit as I sprint out of the common room and down twisting corridors. I skid to a halt as Filch walks past, ducking behind a knight statue. When he's gone, I take off yet again.

"Ronald Weasley! Wait up!" I hear Ginny yell from the top of the stairs I just flew down. I skid to a stop, panting. I wait for my best friend and my sister to catch up, and we rest for no more than two minutes, then sprint off to the hospital wing corridor. Ginny beats me to the doors and flings her hand out to stop Harry and I from running straight into them. We press our ears up to the beautiful wooden doors, listening. We hear McGonagall's voice, then Madam Pomfrey's, talking about a girl. Then we hear next, which comes as a total surprise, a drawling voice that is all too familiar. My eyes widen, but I blow it off, thinking I'm hearing things.

"Oh, will Miss Granger be okay?" We hear McGonagall's worried voice come through the humongous mahogany doors. That's it, I need to see her. I can't wait another minute. I shove the doors open, and rush through them, Harry and Ginny following suit. I make a beeline for Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey, both of which are standing around a hospital bed, Madam Pomfrey stirring something in her hands. McGonagall whips around as she hears my footsteps, and jumps out of the way. I kneel down next to Hermione's bed side, my brain completely shutting down. She looked absouletly terrible, her lips blue, her skin pale and freezing. Her hair was filled with icicles, sticking straight up all over her head. I buried my face in her shoulder, and wrapped my arms around her, Harry and Ginny pulling chairs up to sit next to her bedside.

"Mr. Weasley, I will have to ask you to move so I can give Miss Granger some medicine please." I hear Madam Pomfrey say from behind me. I get off my knees and walk around the bed to where Harry and Ginny are sitting holding hands. We watch as Madam Pomfrey pours something in Hermione's mouth, applies something to her hands and face, and then covers her in multiple blankets.

"Thank you for getting her here as quickly as possible and notifying me, Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall says to somebody standing in the shadows.

"Well, I couldn't let another student die. Even if they are Gryffindor. We're all equal, are we not?" The drawling voice of Malfoy comes from the doorway. His eyes are glistening, like they're full of tears. "I....I, I guess I should go." He nods his head towards the door, curtly nods to McGongall, and then briskly walks out of the hospital wing. Weird.


Draco's POV

"Thank you for getting her here as quickly as possible and notifying me, Mr. Malfoy." McGonagall speaks directly to me, even though I've been quiet as a mouse through the whole Weasley ordeal.

"Well, I couldn't let another student die. Even if they are Gryffindor. We're all equal, are we not?" I respond, tears making my icy blue eyes shine as I look at Hermione laying there unconscious. "I...I,I guess I should go." I mumble, nodding toward the door. I curtly nod at Professor McGonagall, then sheepishly walk towards the exit, just wanting nothing but to get out of there before I do something stupid. 

"Hey, Mr. Malfoy! I would stay here for a bit, she's about to wake up!" I hear Madam Pomfrey call after me. I slowly turn around, my heart racing. I do keep my distance, though, as being too close would be suspicious. Hermione mumbles something and Weasley grabs her hand. She shifts in her unconsciousness, then her eyes fly open. 

"Draco!" She screams. Five heads whip around to stare at me, some surprised, some angry. I realize I had stopped breathing, from the excitement of Hermione being alive, and the shock of her yelling my name. I meet her gorgeous brown eyes, and she flicks them toward the doors after five seconds, signaling me to go. Without a word, I rush out the doors and fly down the hallways toward the Slytherin common room. 

"Salazar!" I gasp, out of breath. The secret door to the Slytherin house opens eerily, showing the common room. A couple heads turn to face me, but I pay them no attention as I rush up the stairs to my room. I lock the doors and collapse on my green and silver comforter. I stare blankly at the ceiling, her voice screaming my name echoing through my head. I curl up in a ball, and there, on my bed, I drift asleep. 



anywho, who likes the band panic! at the disco? i recently started listening to them, and they're pretty good. 

OK I'VE HAD TAYLOR SWIFT'S ENCHANTED STUCK IN MY HEAD FOR THE PAST FOUR DAYS! not that i'm complaining, i love that song. 

anyways, bye

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