Final Breath?

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(written before 1989 came out lol)

hey hey hey just think while you been getting down and out about the liars and the dirty dirty cheats of the world, you could've been getting down to THIS SICK BEAT.

lol sorry i am obsessed with that song!



anyways, enjoy this chapter!


Hermione's POV

He's not breathing. My heart skips a beat. I dig through my bag, snatch a piece of parchment, and mutter things quickly under my breath. I enchant the parchment to find Harry and Ron, then turn back to Draco.

"Oh please, no, no, no!" I breathe. I begin CPR, desperately wanting somebody, anybody, to come around the corner and help. Tears spill down my face, salting my lips, and my heart aches. I suck in a breath, wanting to try something, something I remember from watching a Muggle show. A kiss. It's a long shot, I know. But I have to try. I wipe away the tears and lean down to Draco. I gently press my lips against his, for only a second. I pull away, a glimmer of hope whispering in my soul. Silence. I close my eyes and slump back against the wall. He's gone, it's hopeless. And then there's movement.


Harry's POV

"Damn you, Ron!" I yell at my best friend as he wins the chess game for the fourth time in a row.

"Why are you damning my brother?" A voice I know all too well asks. I smile, hoping my cheeks aren't blushed.

"Hey, Gin. Wanna play?" Ron rolls his eyes at me.

"Nah, I just want to watch. You two get so intense, and one of you is rather cute flustered." Ginny winks at me.

"Thanks, sis. I know you totally meant me, right?" Ginny and I burst out laughing at Ron's attempt to stop us flirting. "Right?" Ron eyes Ginny seriously. Still laughing Ginny says,

"Totally. Because you have black hair and green eyes. Right." I cover my mouth to stop laughing.

"Alright, Ron. Let's have another go at it, then." The chess pieces set up as I plan my strategy.

"You go first. Maybe you'll win...." Ron laughs. I roll my eyes,

"I will. Just you watch." A piece of flying parchment hits Ron in the face as he's about to respond.

"What the bloody hell?!" Ginny looks me in the eyes, her worry mirroring mine. There's only one person we know that knows how to do such advanced magic. Hermione. I snatch the rough parchment off Ron's face and scan the page. I sigh as I realize it's Draco who's in trouble. Whatever. I go to throw the parchment away, when the word 'dead' catches my eye. I read the note in full, and realize it's not just trouble Draco is in, but he could be dead.

"Ron! Gin! Hermione's found Malfoy an--"

"I don't bloody care about Malfoy! Is there anything about Hermione?"

"Malfoy may be bloody dead, so you'd best care!"

"What?!" Ginny screeches.


Hermione's POV

My head whips around so fast my neck cracks.

"Ah, bloody hell!" I whisper, holding my neck.

"Gra--" Malfoy coughs, water spewing from his lungs. I freeze, my breath gone.

"Hermione!" I hear a voice shout. A flame of red hair rounds the corner, flying behind Ginny as she sprints to Malfoy and I. "Hermione, what the hell is going on?"

"G-Ginny, Mal-Malfoy was d-dead. He d-didn't have a h-heart beat." I choke out.

"It's alright now, 'Mione." She coos into my hair. "Harry and Ron will take him to the Hospital Wing." She holds my shaking figure against her body, supporting my fragile frame. 

"I...I saw him dead. He....he was dead, Ginny." I hold back tears. 

"I know, hun. I know..." She whispers. "Do you wanna follow Harry and Ron to the Hospital Wing?" She questions.

"Yes." I whisper. Ginny helps me stand up, and we walk drearly down the corridors in silence. We see no one moving about, strange for this time of year, so close to exams. That's when Ginny points out that the doors are all locked or closed. Strange. I almost collapse when the lights flicker and the happiness is sucked straight out of body, sucked from the world. My eyes widen in realization of what's coming, what's in Hogwarts. Dementors. 

"Shit!" I hear Ginny curse under her breath. 

"Ginny, pull out your god damn wand!" I mutter. She hears me, and takes out her wand at the same time I do. The soul-sucking monster flies down the corridor, and I yell, 

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" The silvery otter I know all too well escapes from the end of my wand, flying at the dementor, poised to attack. Ginny's patronus horse attacks the dementor also, both the otter and the horse chasing it down the hallway. Ginny and I break into a dead sprint, and rush into the Hospital Wing, locking the oak doors behind us. Panting, we make our way to a shocked Harry and Ron. 

"What the hell happened to you two?" Harry says exasperatedly. 

"We were attacked by a dementor." Ginny replies, wrapping her arms around Harry. 

"A dementor? How the bloody hell did that get in here?" Ron asks. 

"I've know idea, but we cast patronuses and it fled." I sigh, falling into Ron's open arms. I know that we were mad at each other, but I feel so safe in his arms, I really don't care. Ron holds me tightly and kisses my forehead. I smile slightly, but my eyes never leave Malfoy's peaceful, sleeping face. His face twitches, a small smile creeping onto his face. I wonder what he must be dreaming about, something peaceful and happy, probably. At least, I hope he is. He went through a rough time today. He died, and came back to life. Does Professor Snape know? He must, word travels fast in this school. If you try to keep something a secret, the whole school will naturally know. 

"Where is he? Where is Malfoy?" An icy voice snaps. I feel Ron pull me out of the way, and I look into Severus Snape's dangerously black eyes. Behind him follows Lucius Malfoy, Draco's father. He looks upon my face and snarls, a low sound, barely escaping his throat. 

"Did you have anything to do with my son almost dying, mudblood?" He glares into my eyes, piercing into my soul. 

"No. She was the one who found hime, who saved him." Harry defends me harshly. Lucius' mouth frowns. 

"And how exactly did you save him?" 

"Magic. I muttered spells. I tried so hard, and something finally worked. I don't even remember what spell it was, I was just casting spells. You should grateful I saved your son's arse, Mr. Malfoy, instead of being rude to me. You owe me. I saved his bloody life, stop complaining." I say confidently, looking him straight in the eye. 

"Now listen here, mudblood." He spits. He takes a step forward, raising his wand menacingly, when Snape places a hand on his shoulder. 

"Now, now, Lucius. Don't hurt the girl, think of how bad of an example that would set for the Ministry." Snape turns his gaze to Harry, Ron, Ginny and I. "I suggest you get out of here, before something can occur. Now." He says icicly. We obey him immediately, rushing out the Hospital Wing. Well, I guess we'll have to wait with the rest of the school for information. Sigh. 



IM SORRY FOR BEING GONE SO LONG!! at least its not a very bad cliffhanger this time lol 

so, i wanted to talk to about a new story you may have seen on my page. its not a fanfic, but an actual story that my friend and i came up with the other day. its called 'World Class Heartbreak', and it's about two best friends, Kam and May, Youtubers, going on a world tour with Kam's brother. Kam meets a mysterious guy, and May falls for Everett, Kam's brother. love heats up, and hearts get broken. Will Kam and May be world class heartbreaks? 

you'll have to find out! the first chapter is up now, and i'd really appreciate it if you'd go read it, or at least look at the description! we worked really hard on the first chapter, and it's the longest chapter i've written to date. so please give it a chance! (execpt maybe this one lol)

i love you all, and thanks for being avid and loyal readers! (you'll totally love what i have in store for you in the next chapters*wink wink*)

OMG I FORGOT TO TALK ABOUT 1989 AND FOUR!!! HOLY SHIT HEYRE SO AMAZING !!!! AND IM GOING TO BOTH CONCERTS!!! I LOVE MY PARENTS!! I LITERALLY CANT. my favorite songs off 1989 are (right now); i know places, blank space, i wish you would, this love, wildest dreams, new romatics, and wonderland. my favorite songs off FOUR (right now); where do broken hearts go, act my age, once in a lifetime, girl almighty, fool's gold, stockholm syndrome, and change your ticket. comment your fav songs please!! k bye!

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