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alright, hopefully you dont want to kill me after that cliffhanger on the last chapter. nevermind, you probably do....lol sorry

this chapter will hopefully be better, but not much...

oh for all of you wanting to punch me right now bc of the cliffhanger, dont worry. my friend emily actually punched me in the shoulder after reading my update. she covered it for you.


(btw the chapter will contain one or two swear words sorry but i cant control what the characters are thinking lol)


Draco's POV


How is the plan going? With the muggle girl?" Shit. I totally forgot about the whole plan with my father. "Have you lead her on yet? Does she believe you love her? Tell me everything. I expect a good report by next Monday. -Father." I run my hand through my already messy hair and exhale slowly. Why did I forget about the plan? My whole life is pretty much counting on this plan. If I fail, I'm a dead man. I need to convince her that I love her, which I already have, and then.....I don't even know. Probably get her to come home with me for a break, and then let my father do the rest. She'll hate me forever if she finds out. The complicated part is that she's Headgirl and I'm Headboy. I'll get expelled for sure if I carry this plan out. My breathing quickens, I drop the letter and run to the bathroom. There in the bathroom, I try to not to fall apart as the sinking feeling starts, and I say hopelessly,

"What am I going to do?"

I honestly have no clue. My mind is saying that I don't actually love her, that I was just leading her on, but my heart is tugging me in a different direction. The pain is spreading everywhere and my body is shaking with sobs. I lean over the sink, splashing my face with water, trying desperately to hold on to myself, but it doesn't work. The tears flow down my cheeks, landing on my robe. My wand falls out of my pocket, clattering on the ground. The sound resonates in my ears, ten times louder than what it really is. I drop to my knees, collapse on the ground and my eyes black out as my head hits the tile.


Hermione's POV

Trying to study in the common room is absolute torture. Sitting crammed in a corner doesn't help much either. I duck abruptly as a firework very nearly misses my face. I sigh expaseratedly and slam my book shut. Harry and Ron jump of fright and shoot a look my way.

"Aw, you scared the chess pieces, 'Mione! What was that for?" Ron whines. I roll my eyes as Harry commands his players back to order.

"I've had it, I can't study in here! I'm going to-"

"The library." Harry finishes for me. "Go on, then. See you later."

"Harry, you ought to come also. Ron, you too. I know very well that you both don't have Snape's essay on bezoars done."

"Give it a break, Hermione. Both you and I know you'll cave tomorrow morning and let us copy yours." Ron rolled his eyes at Harry.

"And if I don't? What will you do then?" It was a pathetic attempt, I knew he was right. I'm too nice of a person to let them fail. Harry gives me a look that very pointedly says, 'really?' I sigh, and Ron grins in triumph, knowing I've given in. "Alright, fine. I'll see you two later, then."

"Bye, 'Mione! Love you!" Ron shouts before turning back to his and Harry's chess game. I smile and my cheeks heat up. 'Awh, I love you Ron.' I think. My heart flutters as my brain registers a lie. I shake my head and hoist my bag further onto my shoulder. I absentmindedly wander down the corridors, lost in translation. I round the corner and I'm immediately confused. There is water leaking through the doorway of the boys lavatory, water that shouldn't be there. I know it's probably wrong to go in, considering its a boys bathroom, but as I'm next years Headgirl, I can't get in too much trouble, can I? I shove the door open and slosh through the water. It's just below my ankles, soaking the bottom of my robes. The water seems to be coming from a concealed sink in the corner of the room. It's a bit deeper here, at the base of the problem. I very nearly trip over something that is immersed underwater. I stifle a scream as I realize that it's a hand. Oh my god, oh my god! I stumble through the water and hurriedly turn the faucet off before turning back to the face down body. I don't care who it is, I just snatch their arms and begin dragging them out of the bathroom. I heave the door open and water spills into the hallway, though it spreads out and dries quickly. It's much harder to drag the person now, they glided easily in the water. Every part of my body is on fire, I've never had to do this before. It's always Harry or Ron that does the heavy tasks. I breathe heavily, my shoulders and back aching. I remind myself I have to work through the pain. I have to get this person, whomever they may be, to the Hospital Wing, to Madam Pomfrey. I stop for just a second, curosity burning my mind. I struggle to flip the person over, by now I can tell it's defintely a boy, and lean them against the wall. I gasp as both my brain and heart realize who this is. A boy with blonde hair, muscular arms and legs, and cheekbones like no other. I'd recognize him anywhere. Even with his hair soaked, and shoulder slumped, he's still handsome as ever. I lean over to brush some hair out of his face, when I feel that his skin is ice cold. I feel for a pulse, but nothing comes. And that's when I realize, he's not breathing.





oh and did any of you catch the taylor swift lyrics in there? 

if you did, comment please! 

i love you all so so much!

bye(please dont kill me)

megan xx

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