Headboy & Headgirl

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2,000 reads. 2,000. you guys are freaking awesome. thank you so much! just for that, i'll update earlier than i normally do. i love you all so flipping much. 

here ya go..!


Hermione's POV 

Several days later, after I recieved the news of becoming next year's Headgirl, McGonagall told me to meet her in her office at 6 o'clock Tuesday night. So at ten to six on Tuesday evening, I bid goodbye to Harry, Ron, and Ginny in the common room, and set out to Professor McGonagall's office. The walk to her office was rather uneventful, other than Peeves trying to drop a wardrobe on me. And that was fifteen feet in front of McGonagall's door, so I didn't even have to knock, as she heard the commotion. 

"Come in, Miss Granger, come in. Have seat as we wait for the Headboy to arrive." Five minutes passed. Then ten. At five past six, the door flew open and someone with a familar voice and strikingly blonde hair wheezed, 

"Sorry I'm late, Professor. Peeves held me up."

"That's quite alright, the same happened to the Headgirl here, have a seat Mr. Malfoy." Mr. Malfoy. No way. No way is he Headboy. It's not possible. He's not responsible, I....I have no words for this. Dra--Malfoy seats himself in the plush chair next to mine, all the while not bothering to look and see who the Headgirl is. 

"Alright now that you are both here, we will discuss next year. Miss Granger, do you have anything you'd like to ask? You seem to be wanting to say something." Professor McGonagall looks at me with the ghost of a smile, her eyes piercing me. 

"Granger? She's Headgirl? Ugh." Malfoy sneers before I can say anything.

"You're Headboy? You're too stupid to tell the difference between Amortentia and a common love potion. You're not top of every class, you're not responsible like me, you're-"

"Need I remind you, Granger, you aren't top of every class. In fact, Saint Potter is better than you at Defense Against the Dark Arts, and he's an idiot if I've ever seen one." 

"You're just angry he showed your father up last year, and he's much braver than you are, because I don't see you saying Voldemort's name. You and your pathetic family-"

"Don't call my family pathetic, mudblood!" Malfoy roars at me, standing up. My lip quivers with rage as I stand up too. I can't believe he just called me that cruel word, again!

"Alright, that's enough!" McGonagall shouts. "Ten points from both Slytherin and Gryffindor. Yes, Granger, from my own house. I'd expect the new Headboy and Girl to behave better than this!" I bow my head, my face red from embarrasment. 

"Sorry Professor." I mumble, as does Malfoy, although he doesn't sound sincere. 

"Apologize to each other, this instant. I want you two to get along, to show unity. I have complete faith that you will both be able to. Apologize." Malfoy doesn't seem to want to apologize first, so I take the initiative. 

"I'm very, sincerly sorry, Draco Malfoy. For everything. For calling you stupid and calling your family pathetic, I'm sorry." I apologize sincerly, and very kindly. 

"I'm sorry Grang-"

"First names, Mr. Malfoy." Professor McGonagall interrupts. 

"I'm sorry H--Hermione Granger. For...for calling you that word, and saying you're not top of every class. I'm sorry." Draco Malfoy stutters, having difficulty, as he really never apologizes. 

"Alright. I accept your apology, Draco. And saying I'm not top of every class wasn't so bad, as it's true. Ugh. That was hard to admit. Thanks, cockroach." I laugh at that last part and smile a bit. 

"I accept yours as well, Hermione. And I don't think I really can tell the difference between Amortentia and a common love potion. Ew. That was hard to admit, if anything. Thanks, beaver." And he laughs, too, and even smiles. I laugh even more, and soon, both of us are taken over by a fit of giggles and can't stop laughing. McGonagall clears her throat after awhile, and we stop laughing abruptly, looking over at her. The corners of her mouth are turned upward into what seems like a smile. 

"Alright, you've had your fun, now let's talk business. Please sit back down, I'd like to discuss next year with you." Draco and I smirk at each other before sitting down, and even then, the smiles remain on both of our faces, and we sneak glances at each other. 

"Professor, what is there to talk about? I mean, we know that we have the ability to take away points and give detentions, but what else is there?" Draco drawls, his accent thick with authority, you could say. 

"I brought you both here to discuss a new regimen for next year. If you may wish to, we have set up a Headboy and Headgirl only common room on the third floor. It is fully equipped with two dormitories, a bathroom, and living room. It is a beautiful place, and it will allow you to study in peace, away from the noise of your house common rooms. You do not have to stay in there for the whole year, you may sleep in you house dormitories if you wish. It is your choice to come and go as you please. Do you have any questions?" A new common room, only for us? It is.....brillant, for studying in quiet, yes, but staying in there full time with Draco? I don't know...

"Yes, professor, is this new for next year? I mean, did you just add it this year?" Draco asks.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy. We just added it this year, we thought it to be more comfortable." McGonagall looks away for a second while she says that, which is most confusing. "Any more questions?" 

"Um...no. Thank you, Professor, for telling us all this, but I really have to go and study for a Arthimancy test." I say, as politely as I can. 

"I as well, Professor. But not Arthimancy, Charms. G'night." Draco nods his head and holds open the door for me. As I walk out, I hear Professor McGonagall say to no one in particular,

"You two are so cute together. I wish you'd admit you like each other." 


ahhhhh i couldnt stop giggling during this chapter this is the cutest!!!

i just love them together ajdlkfjlk;dsf l;kdsg

yayyyyy early update! 

you guys deserve it!!! 

i love you and keep reading! 


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