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Draco's POV


My eyes widen with alarm as I realize how close I am to Hermione, and how this must look to Potter, Weaslette, and Weaselbee. I instinctively back away, my face hot. Potter is helping Weaslette off the ground, both staring at me intently, Harry confused, Ginny angry. Hermione is pure white, staring at me with a look of terror in her eyes. As my brain fumbles for an explanation, Weasley barrels at me. I barely have time to reach for my wand when my head smacks the cold, hard ground.

"Malfoy! Why was Hermione lying on top of you? Answer me, ferret!" And with that, he spat on my face. I hear a gasp from none other than Granger.


"Hermione, he attacked you! I saw it! He deserves it!"

"Ronald! He didn't attack me, we ran into each other when we rounded the corner! Stop making stuff up!" Hermione shouts defensively.

"Ron, it's true. Ginny and I saw it all." Harry says. Weasley's breathing slows, and he pushes himself off me. Hermione shoots him a sharp look, and he unwillingly sticks his hand out to help me up. I grip it tightly and say,

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must speak to McGonagall and then rinse the blood traitor germs off me." I turn on my heel and stalk down the hallway, the sound of Potter dragging Weasley back to stop him from attacking me loud and clear.

Five minutes later, I arrive at McGonagall's door and knock sharply on the wooden door. It opens as soon as my hand leaves the door.

"Come in." A voice calls. I enter the room silently.

"You wanted to see me, Professor." I say as politely as I can.

"Yes, Mr. Malfoy, I did. Sit." Professor McGonagall commands. I obey, sitting across from her in one of the plush chairs around the table.

"Mr. Malfoy, as the year is coming to a close, I must ask you something. You have displayed excellence in all your classes, and your attitude has improved greatly over the course of this year. I believe you have the strength to take this on. I have chosen you to be Headboy next year." Me? Headboy?

"Professor, I can't possibly...why me?"

"I have already explained to you why, Mr. Malfoy."

"Who's Headgirl?"

"I have appointed her already, but I still must tell her. When I do, I will call both her and you to my office to make sure you are comfortable with the arrangements."

"Alright, I'll do it." I feel a thrill run through my body as I realize what I just accepted. Head-freaking-boy. I wonder who Headgirl will be....


Hermione's POV 

"I still can't believe you defended Malfoy like that..." Ron complains for the hundreth time. 

"I didn't defend him, I told you the truth." I sigh. 

"Whatever." The door to the common room opens and Neville walks in. 

"Hermione, Professor McGonagall would like to speak to you in her office." He says confusedly. "She sounded strictly professional..." My heart speeds up as Neville says that. you should be alright." Oh, thank god. 

"Um...okay..." I say. I put down the book I was reading and say "I'll see you at dinner" to Harry and Ron. It takes less than two minutes to arrive at McGonagall's office, and I knock lightly on the door with the knocker. The door opens quietly, and McGonagall comes out from behind it. 

"You wanted to see me, Professor?" I ask. 

"Yes, Miss Granger, I indeed did. Please, take a seat." McGonagall motions to a fat, plush chair across the table from where she had sat. I sit down automatically, kicking McGonagall's desk in the process. Way to go, Hermione, I think. Professor McGonagall raises her eyebrows, the corners of her mouth upturned, almost like a smile.

"Miss Granger, I called you here today to talk to you about a position of utmost importance. I would like you to be Headgirl for next school year. You have showed intellect and have always been top of every class. What do you say?" Head. Girl. Head. Freaking. Girl.

"Of course, I accept, Professor! But, why didn't you send out a letter with the supply list like normal? And who is Headboy?"

"I told you in person because I want you and the Headboy to meet before the end of this year and make sure you are comfortable with the terms. And I will tell you who he is when the time has come. I will arrange a meeting for both you and him in the upcoming week. Thank you, Miss Granger. You may leave, dinner should be about to start." Leaving with a huge smile on my face, I skip to dinner and plop down beside Harry. 

"What'd McGonagall want?" Ron questions, shoving chicken into his mouth, as always. 

"I'm not sure I can tell you..." 

"Oh, come on Hermione! We wouldn't tell anyone, we're your best friends! Right, Harry?" Harry gives an enthusiastic nod I can't help but laughing at. 

"Oh, alright! McGonagall told me I'm next year's Headgirl!" I whisper to the both of them. 

"That's great, Hermione!" 

"I always knew you would be! Great!" Ron smiles at me, and I grin widely back. "So, who's Headboy?" 

"I actually don't know, but I should by next week. She's arranging a meeting for both of us." I furrow my eyebrows, wondering who it could be. Certainly not a Slytherin, they're all terrible. So...someone from Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff....or Gryffindor, I guess, but if it's not Harry, then who could it be?


Draco's POV

"So, what'd McGonagall want with you earlier? Not getting into trouble again without me, are you?" Blaise asks me as I tuck into my dinner. 

"I'm not exactly sure I'm supposed to tell you, but what the hell. She told me I'm next year's Headboy." I drop my voice low, so no one else can hear. 

"Really? That's great, mate! Think of all the punishments you can give out!" Blaise whisper back to me, his eyes glinting. "Who's Headgirl?" 

"I don't know, but McGonagall is arranging a meeting for both her and I to meet." I let my mind wander, wondering who it could be. Someone who is really intelligent, not a rule-breaker, and can be probably someone from Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, of Slytherin. I hope it's no one from Gryffindor...


HEY GUYS I FINALLY GOT A CHAPTER OUT YAYY! (sorry if its short, i wanted to get something out for you guys) 

anyways, if you guys are confused, they are in their sixth year going into their seventh

well my mom is telling me to get my butt off the computer, so that's all i have for you right now. 


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