EPILOGUE - Forbidden Love

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Six years later,
Shoto Hero Agency,

Todoroki's POV

"Shoto-san, where should I put this document?" My secratary asks me while I am still focus on my paperwork. "Ah, you can just put it there." I point toward the brown drawer near my table. "I got it." She nods in understanding before walking toward the drawer I mention just now. "Thank you for getting those documents for me, Saika." I thank her. She just smiles slightly and bows to me as a sign of respect. I just look at her and nod back.

My hair is very long now that it reach my waists. Maybe I should cut my hair shorter.

My eyes are still locked on the pile of papers on my work table, diligently working on them. My hands stop moving ad my eyes land on the photo that I neatly frames with turquoise frames, the one I take with my classmates on our graduation day. My past memories flash back in my mind.

Six years have passed ever since that unfortunate incident. The League of Villains was still on loose and became the fear and enemy of the world as their power drasticaly increasing after year and year passed.

After I graduated, as my father expected, I worked under him at his hero agency. Now, after working hard, I was one of the top 10 pro heroes. But three years later, I left my father's agency and started my own hero agency. In just a few weeks, I gained many trustworthy sidekicks.

Even up until now..  I still couldn't forget him. His words... Hurt my heart... Like I was stung with the most painful venom. It was hurt... Really hurt.

After that incident, I was never dare to be in relationship again. Midoriya confessed to me before but I rejected him. I still loved Dabi--Daisuke. No one could change my feelings.

Daisuke... For the past six years, he spent his time in the prison. His comrades never bothered to go and rescued him at all...

"Say, Saika. Have you investigated about the destryoyed park in the neughbourhood I told you before? Any new information?" I speak up after a long moment of silence. Saika turns to me and nods her head.

"Yes, Shoto-san. I have found the cause of the destruction." She humbly states, making my eyes go wide. I turn to look at her im disbelief. "Really?!" I gasp in shock. Before, I hire some private detective to investigate the reason behind the park's destruction but no one has ever accomplished it.

"Look like it was the doing of the League of Villains. The ringleader, Tomura Shigaraki was the one behind the scheme. That villain... Dabi you talked about before had nothing to do with Shigaraki's plan. He was a victim..." She hesitantly tells me. I look down in regret, clenching my palm into a full fist firmly.

Dabi... Has nothing to do with that incident?! And here I thought he was the one who destroyed that park! The place where we reunited. The place where I met my love back...

Of all my sidekicks, Saika ks the one I trust the most and it is no surprise she knows about my past relationship with Dabi.

I unconsciously drop on my knees, startling Saika. I stare at the floor with my teary eyes. "Shoto-san, are you alright?" She asks me in worry. I don't reply, instead, I sob quietly. My tears fall on the floor.

Why...? Why have I never thought of it? Dabi... I need to see you...

"Saika..." I call her out in low voice. "Y-Yes?" She replies in nervousness. "I have a mission for you..." I utter huskily as I stand up back, wiping off the tears on my face.

"What... Mission..?" She swallows her saliva. "Go to Tartarus... And help me relesase Dabi..."


Dabi's cell...

Dabi's POV

How... Long has it been...? I guess I really have lost the sense of time...

I don't even know how long have I been locked in here, trapped in eternal darkness...

I wonder how she is doing now...

When suddenly...

A guard comes to my cell, unlocking the metal door that can only be opened by the guards. I am really confused by his action. "Get out. You are being released." He tells me in seriousness as soon as he opens the door while I just stand there in shock, puzzle and clueless.

"I said get out. You are being released today." The guard sighs long. "O-Okay..." I hesitantly step out of my cell. He leads me to a quite spacious room with air conditioner and three cozy couches in it. This room is quite bright compares to my cell.

There, I see a woman in a formal clothes which surprise me. "Sho--" But I keep silent when I notice it is not her. It is just an unfamiliar woman I have never met before.

The mysterious woman gets up from the couch and approaches me. The guard nods at her and leaves us both alone. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Daisuke Taichiro-san." I choke on my saliva after I hear her saying my real name. MY REAL NAME.

"My name is Saika Kawajiri. I'm here in my boss' stead." She introduces herself, extending her arm to shake hand with me. I suspiciously shake her hand back.

In her boss' stead? Who the heck is her boss?

"From now on, you are under my boss' custody. Despite being released, you are still a former villain so you need to be watched. And I am the one who will be watching every single thing you will do in the future." She strictly declares while fixing her glasses.

I roll my eyes in annoyance. She is the type of person I hate the most. Cocky and bossy. "Now, come with me." Kawhachanot gestures her hand to the door that leads to outside the building.

"Where though?" I ask her in curiousity as we walk out of the building but she never answers. "You will see." She retorts. I heave a silent sigh, my eyes wildly observe my surrounding.

Had been a while since I last see sunlight...


A few minutes later,
At apartment building...

Dabi's POV

"What... What the..." My jaw drop at this spacious space. It is a quite... Fancy apartment. "From today onwards, this will be your home." Kawajiri informs, solving my problem.

"My... House...?" I look at her confusedly. Kawajiri suddenly throws keys at me. Luckily I manage to catch it. "This is where you live now." She sighs in irritation, perharps annoys by my cluelessness. "Now, my job is done for today. I will see you again, Taichiro-san. Enjoy your new house." Kawajiri is already putting on her high heels. "Well, I will take my leave now. I will visit you again next time." She excuses herself before leaving my new home.

I am still dumbfounded there. I look around this new house of mine again, gasping in awe. No matter how many times I look around, this apartment never ceases to amaze me.

Such a fancy one too... I wonder who is her boss actually...


~Timeskip two months later by Author-chan preparing their wedding~

Two months later,
Around Dabi's apartment neighbourhood area,

Dabi's POV

Two months have passed since I moved here, starting a new life. I hadn't started working yet and that mysterious lady, Kawajiri told me I will start working once I meet her 'boss'.
I keep wondering who was this kind person who helped me with... Everything. From helping me out of the prison and even prepared a place for me to live.

I walk around the neighbourhood area with my hood up, covering my stitched face from anyone. I then stop at the park where the children play.

I bring myself to the stone bench and sit on it, looking up to the starry sky silently. This really bring back my memories with her.

Maybe she is married already now... To that brocolli boy.

As the thought come across my mind, my heart starts aching. I grip my shirt firmly while gritting my teeth. It hurts... It hurts so much.

I can't forget her at all... Even though I try to.

"Shoto..." I mumble her name in sadness. "I miss you, princess..."

I keep whispering those words to myself for a few moments when suddenly, a beautiful woman with waists-length hair appears at the park, snapping me out of my thoughts.

My aquamarine eyes widen in shock as I eye the beautiful woman figure before me. Her dual hair coloured-locks sway gracefully by the gentle cold night breeze. She notices I am staring at her so she turns to me. My eyes meet her glimmering heterochromia ones.

She is wearing the same shock expression as me. "Da...  Daisuke...?" She utters in disbelief. My heart jump when she says my real name.

Wa... Wait... Did she remember me?!

"Sho... Shoto..." I utter while I step back as she gets closer to me. "How... Did you..." I stare at her in disbelief.  Shoto doesn't answer. Instead, she cups my cheeks with both her hot and cold hands. "You are... Daisuke, right, Dabi?" She smiles at me warmly.

She... Really did remember me...

Oh wait... Could it be she is Kawajiri's boss...?!

I smile back, holding her hand gently as I nod to Shoto. Tears in her eyes finally fall. She attacks me with a tight yet gentle hug. "I want to see you... I want to meet you so bad... I'm so sorry for forgetting you, for ignoring you... Daisuke, please don't leave me ever again..." She begs in desperation, burying her face in my broad chest.

My eyes tremble, trying to hold back the tears that threaten to spill out. I embrace Shoto back affectionately. "I won't leave you, Shoto. I told you before, right? Even if we are apart, I will always stay with you... In your heart." I assure her, patting her small back comfortingly. Shoto just responds with soft sobbings.

"And I wanna say... Thank you for helping me, princess. You are the one who released me from the prison, aren't you?" I chuckle awkwardly as I let Shoto go. She looks into my eyes deeply.

"Yeah..." She smiles again, warming my heart. I cup her plushy, soft cheeks and brush off her tears.



We say our names in unison, both of us getting closer to each other. Our lips finally merge again after being seperated for years. I miss the taste of her sweet lips. I miss placing my patched lips on her soft ones.

I slither my arm around her slender hips as I deepen the kiss. My tongue and hers battle for dominance and as expected, I win.

But I never want to break apart from her. I shove my tongue deeper into Shoto's interior, pushing her closer and closer to me. She places her palms on my solid chest, humming delightly between kisses.

As we feel the need for air, I break the kiss with a string of saliva connect us. We both gaze into each others' eyes.

"Daisuke, please... Stay by my side from now on. I don't want you to leave me again. Please live together with me." Shoto pleads to me, tugging my hoodie. "Shoto... Are you sure you want to be with me...? You are a hero you know. For you to be with a villain like me.... That's just... What will the society think of you if you--"

"That doesn't matter. Who cares about what people say about you or me." Shoto cuts me off. I feel like crying now. I can't believe she will do this much just to be with me. I immediately hug her.

"Shoto, I love to be with you of course... And I won't ever leave you again..." I whisper into her ear sweetly. Shoto smiles and hugs me back. "Thanks." Is her only reply yet I am happy with it.

Thanks to you too... For giving me this second chance, Shoto...

Our love... Our relationship may be a forbidden love...

People tend to say forbidden love relationship always end up miserably. But not in my case.

We went through hardships and overcome them... No matter how difficult things would be, we never ceased to love each other.

And I will say it again...

I love you, Shoto my princess...

-Forbideen Love-
-The End-


Bonus Ending!

Two years later...

Third Person's POV

Shoto rushes to the living room to get her beloved husband. The news she has is really shocking that she can not contain her excitement anymore.

"Daisuke!" She calls out for her love of life in hurry. Dabi, known as Daisuke now turns to his lovely wife. "Hm? What is it?" He asks worriedly.

Shoto suddenly takes out something from her pocket. It is a pregnancy test. Daisuke's eyes go wide. "Don't tell me..." He gasps while Shoto smiles widely.

"We will become parents... I  the next 9 months, dear..." She utters in happiness. He immediately hugs his wife. "Oh gosh... Thanks for bearing our child, Shoto..." He thanks him from the very bottom of his heart. Shoto chuckles and hugs him back.

"You are welcome, Daisuke..." She smiles peacefully in the arms of her love one.


AN- FORBIDDEN LOVE FINALLY COME TO AN END! Oh gosh... I can't believe it! Another book of mine has ended and I'm sad now ;-;.

I hope you all readers enjoy this requested fanfic! I really love this fanfic tbh! It is the only Fem!Todoroki fanfic I have. Have you guys found any Female Todoroki X Dabi fanfic before? If you guys have, pleade please please tell me! I wanna read it! (If there is none, then i'm the first one to write it! :D

Please don't be mad that this book end. I just wanna say I LOVE THIS FANFIC AND MY READERS SO MUCH!

See you guys in my other books! Adios! 😎

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