Part 19:It's All Over

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A couple of moments later,
Class 1-A Dorm,
Common area...

Todoroki's POV

Midoriya keeps holding my hand firmly while Bakugou is on his guard all the time, watching our surroundings with cautious. I can only remain silent in despair, upset that now I can not see Dabi anymore. All of sudden, memories from my childhood days flash in my mind.

"No, don't leave me! Please!"

"I can't... If I stay with you, your father will--"

My head starts throbbing all of sudden after that boy's image disappears but keeps it silent from my male classmates. I look away, letting Midoriya leads me into the high-rising dorm building.

As soon as we enter the common area, all of our classmates are there, worry clouding their faces. "Todoroki!/ Todoroki-san!/ Todoroki-chan!/ Shoto-chan!" Everyone shouts my name before running toward our direction. Midoriya holds my hand tighter, telling me everything is fine.

"We are so glad you are safe!" Uraraka looks at me with teary eyes. I do not know what to say. I feel so guilty deep down in my heart for worrying them.

"Thank goodness that villain did not hurt her." Yaoyorozu sighs in relief. "That bastard... How dare he threatened you and used you as he wished! Such an unmanly action!" Kirishima punches his fist into his palm. I am slightly shocked by his words.

Dabi never did that! What kind of story Bakugo told them actually?!

"I..." I chew on my bottom lip, looking down in frustration. "But you don't have to worry about it anymore, Todoroki-chan. We are here to help you!" I can feel Hagakure's invisible hand pats my back reassuringly to give me emotional supports.

No... This is all lie...!

"Now, Iida-san..." Yaoyorozu suddenly turns to look at Iida in seriousness. He nods to her for as a sign of approval. "We must tell Sensei about this immediately. Before it is too late..." Iida declares, his eyes stare at me intently.

"Todoroki-kun, you must reflect on your behaviour. As your class rep, I can't tolerate any of your behavior that violate the school rules even though we are good friends. I am doing this for your sake too." Iida says in commanding voice. While I am here, still confused by his words. "What are you guys... Planning...?" I question them in suspense yet no one does not dare to answer.

"We will tell Sensei... About your recent actions and the villains that used you. But, I know Sensei will understand your situation. He won't go as far as expelling you." Midoriya assures, trying to calm me down.

My face darkens with anxiety, not because I am worried about expulsion, but Dabi. What if they report to police and he gets captured then?!

"Please--" I want to protest but Bakugou suddenly clamps my mouth with his sweaty palm. Everyone looks at us strangely but none of them even bother to talk about it.

I struggle from Bakugou's hand. Desperate to get out of this situation, I lick his palm which causes him to retract his hand in an instant. "Wait!" I shout loudly, gaining everyone's attention.

"Please let me tell Aizawa-sensei myself. This is all my fault after all." I beg to Iida in desperation. I can't let them inform the teachers. No... Not yet... Not until I meet him again for the last time...

Iida stares at me in silence. He heaves a long sigh before hesitantly nods to me. "Alright. I will trust you to tell Aizawa-sensei the whole truth." He says with high expectation. I just give him a light nod.

Thank God...

My head suddenly starts throbbing again which is really painful, much more painful than last time. I groan lowly, holding my head in agony. "Todoroki-san?!" Midoriya gasps in shock, calling me out but I can't reply. My body swings left and right before my vision blackout...


Next day,
Class 1-A Dorm,
Todoroki's room...

Todoroki's POV

"Please don't leave me..." I beg to him in sorrow.

"I'm sorry, Shoto..." He replied in guiltness.

"You promise you will love me and stay with me forever!" I exclaimed, reminding him of the oath we made.

"I know... I know I promise you that... I will always love you, Princess and by that, I really mean it... I will always stay with you, deep in your heart..." He said calmly, displaying a warm smile for me while holding my small hand in his bigger one firmly yet gently.

"No..." I wanted to deny the ugly truth that would come upon me.

"Even if we are apart for a long time, I know we will meet again in the distant future... So don't cry, okay? Smile, Shoto. Smile for me. Like you always do. Because you are the most beautiful when you smile..." He said in gentle voice as he smiled painfully at me, drops of tears seeped from his aquamarine eyes.

"No..! Please don't go!!!" I begged again with tears rolling down my red cheeks. He just smiled at me before slowly letting my hand go.

"Goodbye for now, Shoto... I hope we will meet again..." Daisuke uttered in sadness, running away from little me who was crying profusely.

"DAISUKE!!!!!" I cried out from the top of my lungs.

I immediately wake up from the dream, my breath hitch while my body is soaked wet with cold sweats. That dream really sends chills down to my spine. I hug myself while shaking in anxiety.

I-It wasn't a mistake anymore... I am not imagining it!

Dabi is definitely HIM!

My long lost childhood friend! My first and last love! My everything!

The one who gave me meaning to live...
The one who made me smiled...
The one who taught me to love...

Is him...


My phone suddenly buzzes, snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly grab it and see a message from Dabi.

A small smile tugs on my lips. My eyes then dart to my digital watch on my left wrist.

Tuesday, 10.33 p.m.

My jaw drops to the floor when I see that.

Tuesday?! Wait, today should be Monday! How long have I been sleeping?!

Oh gosh... I fainted all day...

I just shake my head and get up from my futon. I grab my hoodie that is scattered on the floor and hurriedly wear it while trying to leave the room.

I run through the hallway and run past my female friends. "Ah, Todoroki-san! You are finally-- Wait, where are you going?!" Uraraka shouts at me when she sees me running. "Sorry but I have something important to do!!" I yell at her back.


On the way to the park...

Dabi's POV

I walk down the pathway to the park like usual. Today is a bit odd though. The league is nicely quiet with no villain making fuss especially Handyman.

Seriously? Whe is he even a leader?

As soon as I arrive at the park where me and Shoto reunite, my heart stops beating.

At this heartbreaking view.

"What... The...?!" I gasp in shock. The whole park... Is destroyed!!!

What the hell happened here?! Who did this?!

I am too shock that I am frozen there. My eyes are still locked on the destroyed park. I suddenly feel someone gripping my neck. "Yo, Dabi... Whatcha doing here?" A husky familiar voice greets me. "Shigaraki...!" I gasp.

"This is such a nice place you know... But sadly, I need to destroy it. Why? Because of you, you utter bastard!" He growls in anger. "I can't believe you secretly meet Endeavor's daughter behind my back! I was right to send Toga to spy on you!" Shigaraki harshly lets me go. I cough a lot, gasping for air.

"You little..." I curse in irritation. "Dabi, I want you to dump her once she arrives here. Or say your last goodbye to your beloved girlfriend..." My eyes widen in fear at his statement.

"I have Toga hiding somewhere to kill that girl in case you are too stubborn to dump her. So make your choice carefully." Shigaraki says frankly. Purple mist appears and slowly consumes his body.

I am still on the ground, gritting my teeth out of frustration while clenching my palm into a full fist. I weakly stand up again, my face darkens with despair.

I can't believe he found out... Damn it! Damn it all!

Why do I have to leave her after I finally got the chance to see her again?! After all those years!

But if I don't so as he say, Shoto will...



walk to the center at the park, looking around this unsightly view in heartbreak. This place, the memorable place of me and Shoto is completely destroyed now.


Todoroki's POV

My heart drop when I see this shocking view in front of me. The park, the park I love so much... Is destroyed?!

Why is this happening...?

I slowly walk toward the park, my face clouds with shock. "No way..."

As I walk forward, I see Dabi standin in the center of the park. I immediately run toward him. "Dabi...?" I call him out. I notice he flinches slightly.

Dabi suspiciously turns aroun facing me. His usual glimmering sapphire blue eyes are... Dead. As if he is not alived anymore. "Dabi... What happened here...?" I ask him but no answer.

"Hey, answer me..." I utter as I approach him closer. I reach out my hand to cup his cheek but all of sudden, he slaps my hand harshly. "Ah!!" I hiss in pain.

"Dabi, what's wro--"

"DON'T TOUCH ME ANYMORE!" My heartbeat increase when I hear that. ""

"I'm so done with you... It is useless now that your friends found out about us. I don't need you anymore, Shoto Todoroki." Dabi huskily utters those cruel words.

"What... Are you talking about...?" I don't want to believe what he said just now.

No way...

"Isn't it obvious? I want to freaking break up with you, idiot. You are as dense as always, Shoto. I'm really sick of it." He looks at me disgustingly, causing tears to form in my heterochromia eyes.

It is just a lie...

"Da-Dabi, please... You are joking, aren't you? I mean, you said you love me..." I laugh awkwardly, trying to hold back my tears. Dabi suddenly smirks mockingly at me.

I know it is a lie... Right?

"Love? Ah, did I say that to you? Sadly, I don't even know what love is. I just want your body, you cheap woman. You easily give in to me by thinking that I love you. Such an idiot." Dabi laughs at me loudly. I stare at him im disbelief.

Why?! Why did this happen?!

"No... No! You are lying!" I holler at him to deny his statement. Bakugou's words suddenly ring in my mind.

"He is clearly using you to satisfy his crazy lustful desire!"

Bakugou... Bakugou is telling me the truth...?

A rush of realization hit me hard. My heart slowly shatters into million pieces. Tears finally fall from my eyes as I drop on my knees.

It's all... Over...

Why... Why everyone I loved... I treasure... Always end up leaving me...?

I clench my teeth firmly, trying to hold back my flaming anger toward Dabi. I feel so ashamed, so stupid... For not trusting my own classmate's words.

Bakugou is right... Dabi is just using me...

I glare at Dabi in hatred. I slowly stand up back on my two feet again. "You are right... I was so stupid to think that you love me... I'm not even sure if this feeling is actually called love..." I utter huskily.

"I should have not meet you back, Dabi... I wish you will just disappear from my life already! I'm sick of you! I don't want to see your face anymore, you faker!" I yell at Dabi in fury, tears keep leaking out of my eyes. Dabi seems really shocked by my words. I am shocked too anf my heart aches when I say that. I never mean it to be honest. And somehow, I notice he looks... Hurt and sad...?

Huh, probably my imagination...

"Wait, Shoto--"

"I HATE YOU, DABI! I HATE YOU!" I cry my heart out before running away from him with tears falling from my irises.

Dabi's POV

I stare at her figure slowly consumes by the darkness of night in heartbreak. I try to muster a small smile.

I do this for your sake too...

"I hope you are happy, Shoto, my princess... I... I will still love you even though you hate me now..." I utter painfully, looking down to my feet in grief.

All of sudden, I hear police car siren ringing loudly in the neighbourhood, making my heart jump in fear.

"YOU THERE, DON'T MOVE!" A fierce voice hollers at me.

Oh God... I'm done for...


Somewhere around the streets, a bit farther from the park,

Third Person's POV

Todoroki just keeps running  not knowing where she is heading. As she is sprinting  she runs into someone and accidentally hit the person, causing her to fall backward. "Ouch!" She hisses.

"S-Sorry, I was in hurry..." She apologizes in croaky voice. "Now you are sorry, Halfie?" An irritated voice replies. The dual hair coloured girl raises her head up in shock and sees her angry classmate.

"Ba... Bakugou...?"

Bakugou only growls while ignoring eye contact with her. She gets up and stares at him. Everything is quiet. "You... Are right..." She suddenly speaks out.

"I was too stupid to trust him... He just loved me because he wanted my body-- No, he was using me... Just for fun." She smiles at the firecracker painfully. Bakugou just remains silent

Her ears suddenly catch the sound of police car siren. She turns back and sees red and blue lights flashing from the park. "What...? Cops...?!" She gasps. "Bakugou, did you--"

With the swift chop of his hand, Bakugou instantly knocks Todoroki down, causing her to lose consciousness.

"Sorry, Todoroki..." He mutters before picking her up and carries her on his back, locking her arms around his shoulders and then walks back to their dorm...


Class 1-A Dorm, common area..

Todoroki's POV

My heart breaks into milion pieces again when I see today's news. The reporter just says the words I don't want to hear AT  ALL.

Dabi... Was caught last night and now was sent to Tartarus, the prisons for most dangerous criminals...

I drop on my knees, my tears won't stop leaking out of my eyes...

This is the end of everything...
This is what I get for involving myself in...

Forbidden love...



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