Part 18:Leave Him!

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At the park...

Todoroki's POV

I turn to look at the voice's owner in shock. "Ba... Bakugou...?" I mutter that name in disbelief, half-believe this figure I am seeing. Surprisingly, it is Bakugou!

Bakugou looks very pissed off-- I mean, EXTREMELY pissed off. "I thought you are just friend with this scum... But never did I think you were freaking DATING HIM!" He yells at me in pure anger.

Bakugou suddenly grips my shoulder and yanks me away from Dabi, causing me to fall on the ground. "Ah!" A pain-filled hiss leaves my mouth. Bakugou grips my arm and then pull me up, bringing me closer to him.

My heterochromia eyes shift to Dabi who seems a bit irritated. This really gets me worried. What if this suddenly turn into a big fight?

Ba-Bakugou probably doesn't stand a chance against Dabi...!

"What? So it is just the loud kid I kidnapped before." Dabi smirks mockingly at Bakugou. This hothead suddenlu tightens his grip on my arm, making me let out a low groan of pain.

"Don't you ever dare to lay your dirty hand on her again." Bakugou threatens in creepy voice, slowly stepping backward in cautious pace. "Let my girl go before I burn you to ashes, Katsuki Bakugou." Dabi doesn't back down, instead, he seems more hostile toward Bakugou now.

"Bakugou, please let me go." I plead, not wanting to see my short-tempered classmate getting hurt because of me. Dabi is nice, but he is still a villain, a true villain. He will hurt and even kill anyone that pisses him off or tries to harm me.

This happens before when we were on date... He almost killed a guy who tried to hit on me... Luckily, I managed to calm him down and stopped him before it was too late...

Bakugou growls as a response, defying my order. "Please. He won't hurt you if you--"

"I rather get myself killed to save you... Rather than seeing you get heartbroken by this bastard! Can't you freaking see he is just manipulating you, TODOROKI?!" Bakugou yells at my face in fury. "Open your damn eyes already! There is no way a scum villain will love you, a freaking hero-in-training! This is not a disgusting love drama, idiot!" He shakes my body to make me realized it. I bite my bottom lip feeling unsure. Half of me accepts his words but the other half doubts it.

No, Dabi loves me! Even if he is a villain!

"Villain or not... Dabi is a human too. He is a human with feelings and heart, just like us! He can laugh, he can cry and he can LOVE someone! Don't describe him like he is some kind of monster!" I shove Bakugou away from myself.

"You are really corrupted now, Halfie..." Bakugou looks at me in disbelief. This is my first time seeing him showing a surprise expression on his usually all the time grumpy face.

My irises dart to Dabi who already reaches out his hand to Bakugou's head. My mismatched eyes go wide as I see s small blue flame lit in his palm.

O-Oh no, he is serious about killing him!

I quickly run toward Bakugou and tackle him to the ground and as I expect, Dabi blasts a quite large blue flame. "What the-- Shoto! Why did you save him?!" Dabi looks at me furiously.

"Dabi, I love you. But that does not mean I will let you hurt my friends! Please don't hurt Bakugou! He did not mean what he said just now--"

"I freaking mean it!" Bakugou cut me off mid-senstence.

Damn, Bakugou! I am trying to save you and you just worsen the situation!

"Oh, you are on his side now, Shoto? That really offended me you know." Dabi says, sounding pouty yet threatening. His aquamarine eyes are directing a very deadly glare at Bakugou. He has mo intention of letting him off hook!

Oh my... I never thought he will go this far... Dabi seriously doesn't want to let Bakugou alive!

I suddenly feel a strong grip on my wrist. I turn to look at Bakugou and his palm is letting out smokes. He suddenly blasts a very powerful explosion, creating smokescreen.

"What--?! Shoto!" I hear Dabi shouting my name in concern, causing me to be in dilemma. Bakugou pulls me along with him, running away from Dabi  leaving the park. We both run at the fastest pace we have until we arrive at somewhere unknown.

We stop there to catch our breath after running non stop for a few minutes. "Tch, that bastard is dangerous... I won't let that scum kills me." Bakugou snarls while panting heavily. I just look down in guiltness.

"What the hell are you sad about? You should leave that frankeinstein already." Bakugou states, not turning around facing me. "Easier said than done..." I mutter in dark tone.

"Why did you have to be this stubborn, Todoroki?! Can't you see with your own two eyes?! He is clearly using you to satisfy his crazy lustful desires!" Bakugou's words this time really trigger something in my heart.

W-What?!! No way! Dabi never used me for that! Even when we have our first... He felt guilty for taking my first...

But I nevee care about it! Because he is the man I love!

"Bakugou... Please stop..." I beg, not wanting to hear more trashy words about Dabi. It really hurts me inside.

"If you want me to stop then leave him." My eyes widen at his unbelievable statement. "What?! I won't ever--"

"LEAVE HIM!" Bakugou yells at me extremely loudly. I grit my teeth in frustration. "Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to leave him! I--"

"To... Todoroki-san..." A timid voice speaks up out of nowhere. My mouth immediately shut tightly upon hearing that voice.

I suspensely turn my back facing the greenette behind me. "Tch, you finally come, huh, Deku. You freaking late." Bakugou growls in anger.

"Mi... Midoriya..." I mutter that name in guilt. Tears suddenly form in my eyes and I quickly look away from him. Of all people, he is the last person I want to find out.

He probably hates me now...

"Todoroki-san, it is fine. I don't hate you." Midoriya says in gentle voice. I raise up my head a bit, only to see a kind smile greeting me. "Why...? Why did you even care so much about me...? Even after I hurt you..." I utter in sadness, recalling the time he cries after seeing me.

Even though I don't know the reason behind it...

Midoriya hesitantly rubs my back to calm me down. "It wasn't your fault, Todoroki-san. It is just me being such a crybaby." He chuckles sheepishly, trying to cheer me up. I just sob in his arms, my mind keeps thinking about Dabi.

I don't want to leave my love one... But for now, I can't see him for a while... I need to solve this problem first...

I love him... I know it is forbidden to love a villain...


I can't change this feeling... Anymore...


AN- Sorry for the short chapter! I'm kinda tired now and wanna go to sleep FOR REAL this time.

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