Part 04:Letter From Him

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Clas 1-A Dorm,
Todoroki's bedroom...

Todoroki's POV

I'm bored. Very bored. Alone in this high-rising building.

Maybe I should go training.

Good idea, Shoto Todoroki, because you just finished trainings for freaking three hours and you're all sweaty.

I sigh long while throwing myself in my futon. I keep rolling and rolling on my it, trying to get rid of the boredom.

I look through my phone for a while but quickly get bored of it because there is nothing interesting to see. Only gossips and stupid rumors about heroes, villains and idols.

I'm not that type of girl that like gossips like my classmates. Sometime I think, I'm an abnormal and a weird girl.

Well, even the boys in my class say that, except Midoriya. Speaking of him, I wonder what's he doing right now.

Idiot. Of course he is studying right now.

Why can't I stop thinking about Midoriya? I turn on my phone and click on the gallery icon. I click on the camera file and then Iook at the picture.

(Author-chan:My heart!!! He is too cute!!! *nosebleed*)

This is the picture that I secretly took while everyone is hanging out at the common area. Everyone is busy chatting and playing truth or dare that no one notices I'm taking picture of Midoriya.

He is so cute.

My face tints cherry pink but I don't get flustered. My expression remained emotionless though my internal voice is screaming how cute,adorable and innocent he is.

No wonder all girls in class amd the fangirls out there really treasure him and call him 'Cinnamon Roll'.

Wait, that's such a cute nickname. Perharps I should write 'Cinnamon Roll' instead of 'Midoriya' in the phonebook.

I look through my phone again and open phonebook. I search for Midoriya's number and change the name 'Midoriya' to 'Little Precious Cinnamon Roll'.

I may not look like it but I'm really fond of cute things.

That picture isn't the only Midoriya's picture that I have in my gallery. I have more but I think I want more...

Pervert girl.



Hours pass by and then I suddenly hear knocking on my door.

Wait, they are back?

"Todoroki! Come out! Don't you want to eat dinner?" Jiro calls me out. I get up and open the door widely. Before me,stand Jiro and Uraraka.

"What is it?" I ask them, feeling a bit bothered with their presence. I really want to be alone right now.

"Hey, it's dinnertime already! Don't you notice the time?" Jiro taps her watch,feeling a bit irritated by my density. I glance at my watch and wow, it's already 7.30 p.m.

"Sorry. I was too caught up playing my phone." I apologize to her in emotionless tone.

Staring at Midoriya's photos for like 4 hours and then stal-- no, watching his Instagram, Facebook, Twister, Tumblr and... I won't list all of them or the freaking readers will think I'm a maniac stalker or something.

"Just what are you doing in there that you lost track of time?" Jiro sighs long. Uraraka chuckles at Jiro who is acting like my mother.

"Reading fanfics at Wattpad." I tell her bluntly. It isn't a lie though. I really did reading fanfics at Wattpad but just for a few minutes.

The three of us left my room and go to the first floor where everyone is. "Oh, Todoroki! How is your day?" Kaminari grins at me in his usual happy-go-lucky tone.

"Fun." I answer shortly and a small smile tugs on my lips, the genuine smile that I ever have that I rarely show it to anyone.

Everyone looks at me with worry expression on their face. "Wait, are you okay,Todoroki?" Ashido approaches me and places her palm on my forehead. "You're not sick..." Ashido frowns her eyebrows.

Just what on earth is wrong with her?

I suddenly feel someone touches my shoulder. I turn around and see Hagakure placing her hands on my shoulder.

"Don't worry,Todoroki-chan! We're here for you! You're not alone anymore!" She cries out. She hugs me in surprise, startling me who is still confused. Ashido does the same thing too, follow by Jiro and Uraraka.

Just what's wrong with them actually?

Third Person's POV

Jiro,Uraraka,Hagakure and Ashido hug Todoroki affectionately. Todoroki is totally lost and doesn't know what is actually going on.

"Poor,Todoroki-san. She might feel so lonely that she has to force a smile." Yaoyorozu sobs while wiping off her tears with her handkerchief. "I agree, ribbit." Asui agrees with her. Todoroki hardly smiles on any occasion.

"Umm,has anyone seen Todoroki-san?" Midoriya suddenly speaks up among the boys' crowd. "I'" Todoroki replies in shaky voice, feeling a bit suffocated by the girls' hug.

The girls break the hug and stare at Midoriya. He is holding an envelope in his hands. "Deku-kun, are you giving love letter to Shoto-chan?!" Uraraka gasps in surprise. A happy smile tugs on her lips. She keeps hopping in excitement and her hairs bounce along.

The girls' eyes shine in excitement when they hear Uraraka's statement. Midoriya's face flushes bright red, as red as Kirishima's hair!

"N-N-N-N-No! This isn't from me!" Midoriya flustered in total surprise and embarrassment, not expecting that kind of question coming from his best friend's mouth. Uraraka chuckles at her easily-flustered best friend, amuses by his funny reaction.

"T-Todoroki-san, someone gave you this letter." Midoriya walks to Todoroki. He hands over the letter to her. "Letter...?" She tilts her head. There is only one person that will send letter to her and it is her mother.

Todoroki checks the letter but it has no address or the sender's name. There is only one thing that is written there; her name.

"Do you know who sends this?" Todoroki asks the greenette. Midoriya shrugs his shoulders, signing her he doesn't know the sender.

"I don't know. Just know, before heading back to the dorm, I went to a cake shop and there was this man in black hoodie suddenly approached me and gave me this letter and told me to give it to you." Midoriya explains fulls of details.

"Did you see his face?" Todoroki asks him eagerly. "Sadly, no. Sorry." Midoriya says, sounds a bit disappointed.

"No,it's okay." Todoroki assures,hoping that it will ease the cinnamon roll's heart. "Come on, Todoroki! It might be a letter from your fan!" Ashido elbows Todoroki's waists while grinning at her.

"Letter...from my fan...?" Todoroki mutters. Somehow, she looks a bit excited. She never receives any letter from anyone beside her mother.

Todoroki put the letter into her hoodie's pocket and tries to remain emotionless, not wanting her classmates notice her happy expression. "Oh, the food is here!!!" Ashido and Uraraka cheer in happiness and then swiftly rush to the dining table.

Todoroki follows them too with her mind keeps thinking about the letter she received...


After dinner...
Todoroki's room...

Todoroki's POV

"Good night,Shoto-chan!" Uraraka greets me before going into her room. "Good night." I reply before entering my room.

I walk to my futon and sit on it. I reach out the water bottle on my table. I open it and drink the water. I suddenly remember the letter that I revceived. I take it out of my pocket. I tear it apart and read the letter.

'Yo, tsundere princess.

You know who am I right? Just wanna said, don't come to the park tonight. I have a stupid mission to do and I can't come to see you.

PS: I'll leave my phone number down there. If you have problem, don't hesitate to call me.

Your hottest damn handsome villainous friend'

I almost choke on my water after finishing reading the letter.

Dabi sent this?!

I re-read it and there is no doubt, it is Dabi the one who sends it. I mean, he is the only one who calls me Tsundere Princess! And he refers himself 'hot' and 'handsome' ?!

I feel nauseous all of sudden. What a self-proclaim villain! I can't believe he calls himself that.

But it isn't like I deny it. He is quite hot and handsome actually.

All my blood rush up to my head, turning my fair skin color into bright red as that thougts appear in my mind.

I slap my cheeks hardly with powerful force. Again, now I believe that slapping my cheeks on my own is much more painful than being slapped by other.

I notice Dabi's phone number on the very bottom of the letter. I hurriedly take out my phone. I quickly type and save his number.

I stare at screen long and without I noticing, a small smile yet fulls of happiness tugs on my lips.

AN- Hello NanA Nation! Sorry for the late update!!! I'm very busy helping my mom that I always update late lately! Hope you guys love this chapter! XD

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