Part 05:Shipping Them

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Before Midoriya returns to the dorm,
Amaika Cake Shop...

Dabi's POV

Stupid boss. Giving me damn troublesome job.

I huff in annoyance, feeling dissatisfied with the job that Shigaraki gave to me. I can't believe now I have to do daily job; spying. I have to spy on that Midoriya kid, Shoto's friend.

Right now, I'm in the cake shop, watching that Midoriya kid buying cakes and sweets. He just finishes paying so he leaves the shop. I get up and leave the cake shop too, following him.

I sigh. I hate spying job the most. It's tiring and boring. I only have to pay my attention to the targeted person. And then tonight I have to get the drugs that Shigaraki has ordered along with that lunatic woman, meaning that I can't meet Shoto.

I already wrote the letter to inform her but how can I send this letter to her?

I stare at that small boy with a small grin. I pull up my hoodie to cover my face and silently walk to that greenette. I tap his shoulder and he suddenly lets out a squeak.

I lock my arm around his neck while holding still his chin so that he won't turn his head to face me. "N-No, I-I don'y have any m-money left. P-Please spare me." This boy begs for his life.

I smirk at him, amuse by his scaredy-cat attitude. "I'll spare you kid if you help me..." I whisper into his ear in husky voice. That boy fidgets and hesitatedly nods to me. "W-What can I help you with?" He asks me nervously.

I take the letter out of my pocket and hand it over to him. That kid looks hesitated to accept it so I forcefully shove it into his hand. "Give this to Shoto Todoroki." I ordered and then instantly let him go. I hurriedly walk away from him in quick pace, hoping that he won't follow me.

Midoriya's POV

I open my eyes wide again after that scary man finally lets me go. I swiftly turn my back to look at that man but he is gone!

Just who in the world is he?

I then notice a paper in my hand. I observe it in puzzle. Why does that man ask me to give it to Todoroki-san and doesn't do it by himself?

This is too suspicious...

This situation really put me in dilemma. I'm stucked between whether I should give it to Todoroki-san or not. I mean, that person is too suspicious and what if he is a villain?

I stare at the letter with worried look. I accidentally grip the letter firmly, causing it to wrinkle. I quickly try to fix it and thanks goodness, it still looks good.

I only ignore the negative thoughts in my mind and head back to the dorm.

~Flashback end~


Present time,
Second day of house arrest,

Common Area,

Todoroki's POV

I sigh long as I'm bored, not knowing what to do. There is only one thing I can do right now. Training.

Hmm... Sounds good.

I get up from my futon and walk to my closet. I take out my white tank top and a black sweatpants. I put them on and then leave the room to go training outside the dorm.



"Oh, hi Shoto-chan!" Asui greets me happily. "Hm? Where are you going?" Jiro asks me curiously while twirling her Earphone Jack with the tip of her finger. "Training." I answer shortly.

"As expected from the top in our class. You're working hard, Todoroki-san." Yaoyorozu smiles at me proudly.

"Oh yeah, speaking of trainings, Deku-kun is out there training too." Uraraka informs me and a small smile tugs on her lips. "By Deku you mean... Midoriya?" I ask her and she eagerly nods.

"Come on, Todoroki! How about you just call him Izuku?" Ashido elbows me with a mischievous grin plasters on her cherry blossom pink face.

"Why should I do that?" I ask bluntly. The girls stare at me in shock. "Because well, you know... You and Midoriya-kun are..." Hagakure suddenly starts fangirling.

"Me and Midoriya are...what?" I tilt my head in confusion. The girls' eyes twitch in disbelief, except Asui. "Seriously?" I hear them mumble in unison.

I sigh long, still confuse by their words. "Well, see you girls later. I'm gonna train now." I wave goodbye and then left the lounge.

Third Person's POV

"Hey, hey, is she serious just now?!" Ashido whispers yell at the girl in disbelief. The girls shrug.

"I never knew she is that oblivious..." Yaoyorozu won't stop nodding after finding the new trait in Todoroki. "Well, it's actually make sense she doesn't knew. I mean, she isn't the type that is interest in love relationship." Jiro states the concrete fact about Todoroki.

"Poor Deku-kun..." Uraraka sighs long. "Then, how about we tell Todoroki already?" Hagakure suggests and bounces slightly, excited with her own idea.

"That won't do, Toru-chan. We shouldn't get in the way of her relationship. I'm afraid it will only worsen the whole situation, ribbit." Asui disagress with the invisible girl's idea.

"I know but I just can't stop shipping them! I want them to be together quick!" Hagakure fangirls hard. The other girls agree with her this time. To them, Todoroki is really suitable for Midoriya.

But both of them are really oblivious of their own feelings.


Outside the building...

Todoroki's POV

I jog around the compound and after a few minutes, I stop to catch my breath. My eyes catch a green-haired boy with freckled cheeks.

"Midoriya." I call out the brocolli-haired boy while walking to him. Midoriya hears me and quickly turns his back to face me. "Todoroki-san! What are you doing here?" He greets me happily with a wide smile.

"Hey, wanna train together?" I invite him. It's not bad at all to practice with someone once in a while.

Midoriya's smile widens and he nods without hesitation. "Of course!" He happily agrees.

We both distance ourselves and get ready in battle stance. "The rule is simple. You just have to touch the opponent and you win." I state the rule and Midoriya nods in agreement.

"Ready...GO!" I announce. Without wasting any moment, I charge toward Midoriya swiftly. I can't use my Quirk till full power since we aren't in class so I have to fight in close-range battle with him.

I will grip his wrist and freeze it and victory will be mine.

As soon as I get closer to Midoriya, I reach out my hand to grip his wrist but he swiftly jumps high in the air using his Quirk. I grit my teeth, piss off after failing to do so.

Dammit! He is behind me!

As Midoriya almost falls on the ground again, he swings his right leg hard and tries to kick me but luckily, I manage to block his kick with both my arms. I hiss in pain after receiving the impact.

Midoriya lands on the ground. He looks at me in worry. "S-Sorry. Are you okay?" He asks in concern. I smile at him. "Yeah, I'm fine and I'm more excited now, Midoriya." I say with a smug look.

"Come to me with all you got!" I yell and Midoriya smiles at me too. For some reason, I feel more excited whenever I fight with him.

Midoriya dashes to me again so I get ready to block his kick. But it looks like he is aiming for other thing.

I thought he will jump in the air again to kick me but instead, he jumps right in front of me while reaching out his hand!

Dang it! So he was aiming for my hand!

What should I do?

I suddeny recall my conversation with the girls before. The secret technique to defeat Midoriya that only I can do it.

As Midoriya is getting closer to me, I gaze into his viridian eyes. He looks confused by my action.

"Izuku." I say his first name with my most gentle voice. Midoriya flusters and accidentally deactivates his Quirk, causing him to fall on the ground. I take this opportunity and swiftly grip his wrist tight and freeze it with my Ice Quirk.

I push him to the ground with his body facing it and pin his wrist on his back. I pant in exhaustion but satisfy with the fight.

"My victory." I announce with a smug look. I defreeze his wrist and then let him go. We both get up and brush off the dirt on our attire.

Midoriya is blushing madly for some reason. "Are you okay?" I ask him. Midoriya flusters again. "I-I-I-I-I'm okay! See you tomorrow, Todoroki-san!" He hurriedly excuses himself and leaves me alone here. I watch him as his figure entering the dorm in strange.

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