Part 11:A Fragment of Past

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League of Villains' Hideout...

Dabi's POV

I walk into the base after having a small birthday celebration with Shoto at the park just now. I see Shigaraki arguing with Kurogiri and he is wearing... The neck cone for dog? He looks slightly pissed off and keeps shouting forbidden words at his loyal servant.

"Yo, Toga. What's wrong with Handyman?" I ask this crazy woman who doesn't seem to stop giggling maniacally at all. She then turns to look at me with teary eyes. "Tomura-kun wouldn't stop scratching his neck so Mamagiri made him wear that neck cone!" She explains before bursting into laughter again.

(Imao, I laughed hard at this that my stomach hurt me 😂)

I chuckle mockingly at this so-called leader of League of Villains. "Where did you go just now, Dabi? Don't go out too much or heroes can track us." Kurogiri reminds me with slight warning at the end of his sentence. I shrug my shoulders, ignoring his words, in fact, I don't give a damn care about it.

"I've been going out a lot and not a single pro had caught me." I brag to him in cynical tone. Kurogiri sighs under his breath before walking away from that sickly-looking man who is cursing in anger. His blood red eyes suddenly lock at my figure, glaring dagger at me with death in his eyes. "You're not plotting something behind my back, do you, DABI?" Shigaraki stresses out my name in husky voice but heck no, I won't feel intimidated by it. I mean, I'm a villain after all.

"I thought you said you trust me, Shigaraki." I reply to him in emotionless tone, not really bother by his threat. "So you DO plotting something." Shigaraki stands up from his seat while his eyes give me a deadly glare. My brain quickly sends a warning signal, signing that he will attack me any second from now.

"Now, now. Shigaraki, calm down. There's no way Dabi will do that. You should trust him. He even trusts you, you know." Kurogiri stops him even before he can do anything to harm me. Shigaraki frowns in annoyance before giving a shot of glare at me again. I smirk victoriously at this pale man. I stuck out my tongue, mocking him who is still nagged by Kurogiri.

Happy chuckles escape my purpl lips, amuse to see this lively event in front of me. Well, being a villain is fun once in a while.

I stretch out my arms before leaving these kids to go sleep in my room. It is very tiring yet a happy day since I kiss Shoto much more often than before. Dang, how I love the taste of her sweet luscious lips. She doesn't even hesitate to let me kiss her. Guess maybe she knows about the part where man loves a kiss from a woman.

She is really a fine woman now... Unlike back then, she is only a crybaby, innocent girl.

Wait, she is still an innocent girl but extra clueless now. Heh, I really love my girl.

My body sink into this comfortable bad. My mind won't stop thinking about Shoto. Her beautiful smile, her adorable laughs, her glimmering dual colored-eyes, her minty lips, her cute clueless expression, her sweet fragrance... Everything about her lingers me...

Dang it, I wanna meet her again... I love her so much...

But I know it's impossible for me to meet her again since I can only see her during night, like almost midnight. And the only way to see her again is...

In dream, of course!

I slowly shut my eyes tight while my mind keeps remembering my sweet memories with her. I peacefully fall asleep with a smile tugs on my face.


Unknown place...

Third Person's POV

A certain dual-colored cries from the top of her lungs after she runs away from her abusive father. Purple bruises paint her fair smooth skin while tears flood her big gorgeous heterochromia eyes. She doesn't know where she is going. The only thing in her mind is to run away from this cruel fate that keeps tormenting her pure heart.

She is only a small 6 year-old girl, still learning about worlds but her father ruins her childhood days with intense trainings and abusing her.

The little girl only proceeds to walk in this quiet street alone, her mind is all blank and her eyes are lifeless like a doll. She doesn't feel anything anymore. She feels nothing;hollow heart.

As she walks through this deadly night, a mysterious boy with raven-haired runs past her and accidentally stumbles on her. Both children fall onto the ground helplessly. But the boy doesn't waste any time and immediately stands up. His breathings are much heavier. "I-I'm sorry! I-I really need to go n-now!" The boy frantically apologizes.

His voice concerns the innocent little girl because of the fear in his voice. She knows something bad has happened to him. His shirt is all torn off and he is slightly bleeding.

The girl doesn't want to ignore this older boy instead she wants to help. Because she promises herself to be a hero. She suddenly recalls a certain place that can be a strategic hiding spot. The girl quickly holds onto the boy's injured hand. "H-Hey, what are you doing?!" He asks in panic.

"Follow me!" She orders in dertermination. Without hearing his response, she drags the boy along with her, heading to hrr secret base.

The boy only follow this mysterious girl's pace. He can tell from her bruises that the girl is abused. He sympathizes her a lot. How can such a little girl is abused like this?

They both finally arrive at their secret destination. It is a small cottage in a thick jungle. "Why are you taking me here?" The boy asks the girl in confusion. The girl only give him a sad smile. "Because you're in trouble so I wanna help you. Heroes must help people in trouble, right?" She states in nervousness. She has never talk to any children her age since she is only cooped at home.

The boy gasps in awe when he hears that. "T-Thanks so much... If not because of you, m-maybe I won't be here anymore..." The boy stumbles upon his words. He is too happy to find someone who is finally willing to save him; his savior. If not because of her, his drunk father may have kill him by now.

The boy's aquamarine eyes are locked on the girl's purple bruises on her arms, shoulders and legs. "Those are some pretty serious bruises. Who did this to you?" The boy asks softly, concern filling his voice. The girl's nervous expression drastically changes to massive traumatic look, her painful memories flood her mind.

Tears seep from her big eyes. "D-Dad hit me... He bullied Mom because she protected me and now Mom is in hospital because of me... I-I'm a weak girl. I can't-- I can't be a hero..." She sobs uncontrolably. The boy looks at her in pity. He then puts on a warm smile on his face before ruffling her silky hair affectionately. The girl immediately stops crying when she feels warm sensation on her head. She raises her head up, only to witness a warm smile brightening in front of her. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. I know you can fight your father one day.You're strong. I bet you can be a good hero... Because of your kindness and strong determination... Will become your strength to be a true hero..." The boy whispers words of comfort into her ear.

The girl gasps in amazement when she hears that. This boy with her is such a warm-hearted person and very gentle... As gentle as her mother.

"Umm... Nii-san, what's your name...?" The girl asks curiously. The boy presents a big smile on his face. "I'm Daisuke! Nice to meet you, princess!" The boy who introduces himself as Daisuke states happily.

"P-Princess?" The girl says in cluelessness. "Well, I don't know your name so..." The boy giggles sheepishly. "Shoto..." The girl mumbles shyly.

"You have s beautiful name but I still want to call you Princess!" Daisuke replies along with giggles. "E-Eh?" Shoto looks confused. "So, start from now,now, I will call you Princess, okay?" Daisuke speaks up in happy tone. Shoto only smiles brightly. "Okay!"


Class 1-A Dorm,
Todoroki's room,

Todoroki's POV

My eyes flutter open after that dream ends. A tear seeps from my right eye. What's that dream...?

It is a beautiful dream, full of innocence and happiness. I know that girl is me but that boy... I don't really remember him. Who is he? Do I actually meet him in the past?

I sit up myself on my futon. Unknown tears won't stop rolling down my cheeks.

What's these feelings? It feels so nostalgic and sad... I feel like I'm missing something precious in my heart right now...

Is this a fragment of my past...?


AN- Woah, I still update even though I say I won't update today! I just can't resist myself. XD

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