Part 12:Trustworthy

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Next day,

Todoroki's POV

I walk toward the park in puzzle and confusion. I'm not really sure of myself. I feel at loss. I feel like I'm missing something in my life, something very precious. It's all because of that dream I had last night.

Come on, Shoto. It's only a dream. It has nothing to do with reality.

Or it did...?

I don't really know myself too. What if it isn't only a "dream"?

Without I realizing, I already arrive at the park. A long sigh escapes my lips as I head toward the wooden bench, resting myself there while waiting for Dabi to come. I glance at my watch. It's already 11.13 p.m.

Usually, Dabi would have been here around this time... Or he has some unfinished business to do?

I rest my chin against my palm, ticking every second of the passing time while waiting for Dabi.

Hey, where are you? I miss you...

I start to get worried. I have a bad feeling about this. Where did my lover go off to? I quickly stand up but all of sudden someone hugs me from behind. His arm wrapping around my slender hips. "Guess who~?" A familiar voice cooes into my ear playfully. Heat rushes to my head when I realize Dabi is hugging me. In fact, the reason I'm nervous is because his hand is on my chest.

"D-Dabi." I let out a light moan as my body starts to heat up. "Princess, what's wrong? You sounded a bit... Weird." Dabi exclaims, his voice sounds a little bit husky. "Y-Your hand..." I try to tell him as my breathing hitch in nervousness. I raise up my head and look into his aquamarine eyes deeply.

S-Stop feeling like this, Shoto! Idiot! Idiot!

"Hm?" Dabi hums confusedly before darting his beautiful eyes to his hand. I notice his eyes widen and he quickly removes his hand from my chest. He slithers both his arms around my hips now. "Sorry." He whispers into my ear in apologetic tone. I rub his warm hand while smiling kindly. "It's okay. I know you never mean it, Dabi." I forgive him. I'm not really offended or scared by his action just now. It's just, I'm not ready yet since we just become couple for like three days.

"No wonder I feel something very soft in my hand..." Dabi teases me flirtiously. Dusts of pink spread across my cheeks when he utters those words. "H-Hey, stop telling dirty joke. What are you, a pervert?" I pretend to scold him while holding his hand with mine.

"Well, maybe. Only with you." Dabi's voice begins to sound very seductive. His words make me choke on my saliva. "D-Dabi, you are joking,right?" I want to deny his words so bad. He only chuckles while his arms tighten the embrace. "I've always had dirty thoughts about you, Shoto... I can't hold back anymore now..." Dabi utters in desperation before scooping me up in his arms bridal style.

"D-Dabi, what are yo--" Dabi quiets me with a passionate kiss, carrying me to the forest near the park. Sweats trickle on my temple when I think of the worst-case scenario that can happen to me.

We are at park at night with no one around... Completely isolate from the noisy neighbourhood nearby, and we're closed to the forest...

Oh my gosh, Dabi plans this all this time?

As soon as we are deep in the forest, isolated from the people that can see us, Dabi lays me on the ground gently while he climbs ontop of me, lustful hunger filling his eyes. "Please Dabi, not now... I-I'm not ready yet..." I plead in nervousness when I gaze into his lustful eyes.

Wh-What's wrong with him?! Is he drunk or something?!

Dabi never responds to me, instead he zips down the black hoodie I'm wearing, exposing my red camisole. "You look so sexy in red, Shoto." Dabi says seductively, his head getting closer to my face. "D-Dabi." I run my slender fingers in his hair to push him back but my body is against my mind.

Dabi merges his minty lips with my soft ones,exploring every single inch of my wet interior without leaving any spot untouch by his slick tongue. A moan of pleasure escapes my lips as I'm enjoying the kiss.

Dabi breaks apart from me, a string of saliva connects our lips together. "You are very sweet, Shoto. I want more of you..." He mutters, desiring for me. Dabi slowly moves to my neck now. He gently sucks on my smooth skin, marking me as his. But a second later, he starts to get rougher when I feel he bites my neck and collarbone roughly, causing me to whimper in pain yet it feels very good.

"A-Ah~ N-Not there~" I unwillingly moan. Dabi sits up himself on the ground, leaving me laying on the ground dumbfound alone. He stares at me, smirk presents on his handsome feature. "You enjoy it that much, princess?" He chuckles teasingly, earning a confused look from me.

I sit up myself too, my eyes look at him in curiousity. Dabi chuckles again. "Come on, I womn't take your purity unless you are ready, okay. It's all a joke." Dabi explains before he bursts out in laughter mess. My jaw drops to the floor at his unbelievable explaination.

"You meanie! I hate you!" I pout, standing up in anger and am about to walk away but Dabi grips my wrist, pulling me down and make me sit on his laps. My face brightens up with red shades at our current position. "Come on, baby. I'm sorry, okay. Will you forgive me?" Dabi apologizes, resting his chin on my head. I sigh long as I relax myself by leaning my back on his body, holding his stitched hand gently. There is a long moment of silence.

"Hey, Shoto... Why did you trust me?" Dabi asks me out of nowhere, breaking the silent atmosphere. I look up to him strangely. "Why? It's wrong for me to trust you?" I question him back in puzzle. Dabi lets out a heavy sigh. "I'm a villain yet you still accept me as your boyfriend... Don't you feel afraid... If I ever to betray you?" He asks me in concern, biting his lower purple lip while his strong arms wrap around my slender hips.

Why he is asking me such serious questions?

"Dabi... I told you, I trust you from the very bottom of my heart. Not a second my trust in you waver." I assure my lover, leaning my head on his muscular chest. "You're very kind, princess... This is why I love you." He confesses sincerely before giving me a peck on my plushy cheek. I chuckle at his loving action.

"Shoto." Dabi whispers my name softly into my ear. I hum in silent as a reply. "Are you free this Sunday?" He asks me in eager. I stay quiet for a while before nodding to him. "How about we go on our first date?" He suggests, a bright smile appears on his handsome feature. 

"H-Huh? I..." I can't answer his question since I feel unsure about this. I want to go on one but I wonder if Aizawa-sensei will let me out alone easily. "I'd love to..." I blurt out without thinking twice. Dabi smiles widely, happy to hear my answer before attacking me with tickles. I unwillingly burst out my laughters, happy tears fall from my dual coloured-eyes. "D-Dabi, not there-- Hahahahah!!!" I laugh out loudly. Dabi smirks victoriously before tickling at my weak spot; armpits.

"So this is your weak spot, huh? I'm gonna get you~" He cooes playfully, his hand won't stop tickling me. I immediately grip his wrists and push his body to the ground with me on top of him. I pin his hands to the ground to stop him from moving.

I'm sitting on his waists. A smirk plasters on my face. "I win." I brag, laughing at him who looks dumbfounded. I lean closer to his face, sealing his sweet lips with mine. I release his wrists from my grips, intertwining my slender fingers with his. Dabi kisses me back delightly. I break the kiss since we both are short on air.

But Dabi doesn't seem satisfied at all. He pushes my head back, forcefully pressing my lips on his. His tongue explores my wet cavern like an expert kisser. I only let him does what he want, giving in to his desire. I move my hips slightly to reposition my body to a much more comfortable position. I lean my body very close to Dabi's body that there is no space leave between us, my chest pressing on his muscular one.

Dabi suddenly lets out a low groan between kisses. He quickly grabs onto my shoulder and pushes me away from him, breaking the kiss without warning. "Dabi, what's wrong?" I ask him who is acting strangely. He is panting as if he is trying to fight something. "You should go back to dorm. See you tomorrow, Shoto." Dabi awkwardly gets up, brushing off the dirt on his white shirt, black cloak and his dark pants before walking away from me in hurry.

What's wrong with him actually?

A sigh of confusion leaves my mouth. I stand up back on my feet, heading back to the dorm in cluelessness.


Nearby the park...

Dabi's POV

Woah. That's crazy... I almost lose myself...

I sigh in relief, feeling grateful to be far away from Shoto. Oh gosh, her innocent movement just now really turn me on. I almost do something that will make her hates me.

That's a close one. If I didn't stop sooner...

I look up to the starry sky in relief. "You should be careful next time,Shoto... Or I won't be able to hold back anymore..." I mumble to myself.


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